Monday, April 2, 2018

Hey ho, forgive me bro!!

April 2, 2018

Dear David:

I can't tell you how awesome it was to see you and reconnect! Sent dad a really long letter (I may have sent you a copy or posted it on my blog) telling him how proud I was of you and how well you are doing!

Feel terrible I was so brutal to you when I was in high school and sad that I was in such a bad place for so long that I wasn't able to celebrate holidays or participate in family vacays while I was battling demons inside my own head.

I'm happy to say that I'm in a much better place now (tho still doing a lot of work on myself) and hoping that it's not too late to rebuild relationships and get to know you and Alex despite all the years I missed.

Being so critically ill and in the hospital for FOUR months has really been a life altering experience and put quite a few things into perspective for me.

Now that I've had my mental health under control (for the most part lol) for a few years I see things very differently now and feel like I'm in a place where I can build relationships with the people I love without subjecting them to the pain and burden of being a batshit crazy lunatic trapped inside my own head in a self imposed prison of isolation and darkness.

It's tragic that it took so long and such a serious illness to realize I have a wonderful family that loves me and cares about me despite all the time, distance and silence for so many years but I am committed to continue working on myself and learning to how to love myself as well as others.

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