December 8, 2012
Typing with my thumbs, so don't expect much. It's been a long week!
From: Zidlow Marx <>
Date: November 27, 2012, 8:07:32 PM EST
To: ElyssaD
Subject: Re:
On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Zidlow Marx
<> wrote:
ok if you know an easier way to make money let me know i'll be ur partner;))On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 5:16 PM, ElyssaD wrote:
Oh. Never mind. I see the affiliate link now.
if you put that badge on ur blogs and link it to ur affliate link I got for you when someone clicks the link it brings them to AFB website and if they join it tracks the 50% commision to you. also if you shorten the link and tweet it same thing.So whoever you want to be an AFB if they click your link and then sign up you get 50% so lowest join fee is 90 you would get 45 whenever you get a sale i get an email whcih I will forward to you money is documented by codes and paid through pay pal or I can get the commission and get it to you without paypal :)) good luck see the why join now page for easy sales script Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 12:26 PM, ElyssaD wrote:
Zidlow Marx
Creative Director/Autism Aid
Zidlow Marx
Creative Director/Autism Aid
Zidlow Marx
Creative Director/Autism Aid
SpoiledBrat™ is owned by Steve Hechtman, Tampa Florida. He sells T-Shirts or gives them away for donations .
Cheri is Tim's wife. Her floral shop is an AutismFriendlyBusiness.
Indiegogo requires 501c3 status. Tim claims in one email that he was granted 501c3 status on 9/11/12 in Illinois. Yet claims that he needs $4,000 to file with Attorney General.
Subsequent email claims that AFB was created to pay for and this far the only donation that has been made to is from AFB and the sale of merchandise.
Indiegogo collected approximately $430 from suckers like me who thought we were donating to a charity. Of the $430 a bank account was opened with $120 and an EIN from the state of Illinois.
Tim had his account suspended for soliciting "urgent donations" from everyone and their mother, including but not limited to Obama, Donald Trump, Justin Bieber Oprah and other celebrities.
The campaign was an abismal failure and generated donations under $500z
The total "donation" to (the non profit beneficiary named on the Indiegogo site received a total of $120 after expenses (T-shirts and maybe postage)
The money was channeled through a novelty business, SpoiledBrat™ in Tampa Florida and deposited into a bank account in Illinois. $120. Less than 25% of the amount collected and clearly not the intended or NAMED recipient on the Indiegogo website.
A second account was started for AFB an LLC that was formed to generate quick income FOR so they can afford to pay the fees required to satisfy the Attorney General.
You can see the push around November 20-22 so they could appeal to "Holiday" charitable contributions.
All other things aside, I have yet to be reimbursed for donations made by my friends and family (including my own $25 donation that I paid out my own pocket)
None of my expenses were taken into consideration, and my publications are being used to by these morons to generate more income without my knowledge.
Once it came to my attention, I immediately confronted Tim and was told not to over-think it, "just a publicity stunt" and Tim promised not to engage in this behavior and forced to sign an agreement with Twitter for violating TOS.
He did not abide by that agreement and his behavior became more outrageous, reckless and offensive with the help of a few social media "experts" and bullies.
His response to my resignation, "money is coming" pushed me over the edge and that is when I went off on my PRIVATE account, yet did not identify the fucktards until I got several calls and DMs on my private number from T, Steve, and others AFB affiliates.
Very nice.
Let's see how far bullying gets you in court.
As to the claims that he is desperate for money, I dug a little deeper and what I found made me sick.
What money?
They claim to have 18 AFB affiliates before they even had a manual or bylaws.
They promise commission and use fancy marketing terms like ROI but they clearly do not have enough for a decent attorney to file paperwork or advise them after I expressed grave concerns about her competence.
They have enough to bankroll donations to and sell gift cards and coupons on FaceBook and they are using MY work to get donations for T's birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas donations.
I would love to see how that money has been spent since the only recipient I can see is Tim and his wife along with Steve and his ridiculous get rich quick scam.
People like myself who are being bullied and harassed for refusing to participate or worse, pointing out the legal and ethical violations are publicly and privately humiliated by troll accounts and their online "gang" of social media experts.
Either way,
You can suck my left tit!
I know what I saw and I know I want absolutely no part of that dog and pony show.
Had they reformed behavior, apologized or reimbursed me for my donation and direct expenses I would have shut the fuck up.
Now, it's too late.
They need to be held accountable for their behavior.
And that is all I have to say about that.
Elyssa Durant, Ed.M.
Former Policy Liaison & Advisory Board
AutismAid dot org
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