The funds were then paid to Tim's wife and notice date is 11/30. See post script where Tim claims Illinois recognized 501c3 on 9/11. Indiegogo campaign was for Charity donations based on previous email (see post text) claiming AutismAid was recognized as 501c3 on 9/11 - 9/15.
Begin forwarded message:
Date: September 30, 2012, 7:14:37 AM EDT
To: PowersThatBeat
Subject: AutismAid Board update
Dear Board,
With the establishment as a State of Illinois non profit corporation I was able to obtain an EIN Number, Open a bank account and Pay Pal Account. The Donation page will be up on Monday on our website. I was able to get the bank to give us a Fee free account and donate the first order of checks so our first deposit of $120.00 is intact.
The funds for the $120.00 came from a Steven Hechtman ( Zidlow Marx) Indiegogo online campaign as an individual that grossed $460 Dollars. After fees and thank you prizes this online fundraiser will have netted about half the funds needed for our 501(c)3.
Our highest priority must be finishing up the state paperwork for the attorney general and proceeding with our fundraising for the establishment of AutismAid as a 501(c)3. I appreciate any suggestions or recommendations for title or minority sponsors. Both individuals as spokespeople or corporations.
Steven Hechtman (Zidlow Marx), Stu Carter and I have formed a For profit company that will compliment AutismAid called Autism Friendly Business. This Company modeled loosely on the Better Business Bureau will set standards and teach business how to treat those on the spectrum both internally and externally. It's sole charity focus is supporting AutismAid. We have a beta test website up at We have approximately 18 businesses enrolled to date. Please call me if you have any questions or if you (or someone you know ) are interested in approaching businesses in your area.
Finally, our social media impact and presence continues to grow with individuals reaching out to us. Just this week we have had interactions with Lara Spencer ABC GMA Sam Champion ABC GMA Weatherman Nephew on the spectrum Soledad Obrien CNN Nephew on the spectrum and Wolf Blitzer CNN Senior Anchor.
Tim Welsh
Founder President/Secretary AutismAid
217 260 3098
Sent from my iPad
To: Tannersdad Tim <>
Cc: PowersThatBeat
Subject: Re: AutismAid Official Status recognition
Happy Birthday to the Zid-man & huge congrats on the GREAT news!
Dear Board,Today is Zidlow Marx Birthday. I am happy to announce I just Received a letter from the Illinois Secretary of State as of September 11th 2012 AutismAid is an official incorporated State of Illinois Non Profit entity.
I would like to thank all of you for sticking it out. I know it has been a rough and bumpy ride. I know our work has just begun, the odds are insurmountable and the foes many. I am thankful that friends new and old have faith in the dream.
Next steps Bylaws and 501(c)3.
Once again Thank You and Congratulations!
TannersDad Tim Welsh
Founder of the Official State of Illinois Recognized Autism Service Non Profit AutismAid
P.S. Party todaySent from my iPad
Sent from my iPad
On Sep 14, 2012, at 6:45 AM, PowersThatBeat wrote:
> Left comment with typo but cannot edit because I can't prove I'm human. How did they know?
> Damn captcha.
> אל
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