Saturday, April 20, 2019

This is disturbing. Mar-a-Lago is less than a mile from me.

This is disturbing. Mar-a-Lago is less than a mile from me.

Bad enough he launches missiles from Mar-a-Lago and that I had 8 machine guns pointed at my head, Russian Oligarchs (Abramovich) complete with two helicopters and a submarine outside my condo when they filmed me for the Documentary on December 21, 2017 and that I now live in proximity to a HIGH RISK CRITICAL ASSET TARGET FOR TERRORISM and now I see 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

I'm banned at Mar-a-Lago because I reported them to ICE and Homeland Security but Secret Service and the Sheriff let me right in. They kind of have to. My ID grants me access and the only weapon I carry is camera and a recording device. Both prohibited at Mar-a-Lago. As are guns ironically enough.

Of course they know me. James Johnson made a bomb threat on Memorial Day and posted it right here on Facebook along with my photo. It didn't take long for law enforcement to get here and take a report.

And if you're still reading this, google me before you @ me.

I'm only a minor threat. Have a nice day.

Elyssa D. Durant
Policy & Research Analyst