Tuesday, July 3, 2018

6/26/18 ex 1

2018/06/26 09:49:34:813 ===========================================================================
2018/06/26 09:49:34:814 Launching WordPress for iOS 10.2 (
2018/06/26 09:49:34:815 Crash count: 25
2018/06/26 09:49:34:815 Debug mode: Production
2018/06/26 09:49:34:815 Extra debug: YES
2018/06/26 09:49:34:817 Device model: iPhone10,4 (iPhone10,4)
2018/06/26 09:49:34:817 OS: iOS, 11.4
2018/06/26 09:49:34:817 Language: en-US
2018/06/26 09:49:34:817 UDID: 0176D1E6-118F-4FB0-BD37-19D8AE8E8686
2018/06/26 09:49:34:819 APN token: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/26 09:49:34:819 Launch options: [:]
2018/06/26 09:49:34:820 wp.com account: powersthatbeat (ID: 18647202) (verified)
2018/06/26 09:49:34:823 All blogs on device:
2018/06/26 09:49:34:827 <Blog Name: Just me, e... URL: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: ch1llyw1lly blogId: 108242590 plan: (null) ((null))>
2018/06/26 09:49:34:827 <Blog Name: PALM BITCH URL: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126298627 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/26 09:49:34:827 <Blog Name: Powers That Beat URL: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 18033618 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/26 09:49:34:827 <Blog Name: TOS Terms of Silence URL: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126146545 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/26 09:49:34:827 ===========================================================================
2018/06/26 09:49:34:837 Helpshift Enabled
2018/06/26 09:49:34:877 Zendesk Enabled: true
2018/06/26 09:49:34:941 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15F79 wp-iphone/10.2
2018/06/26 09:49:35:070 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/26 09:49:35:088 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/26 09:49:36:161 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/26 09:49:36:393 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: 1
2018/06/26 09:49:36:410 PingHub connecting
2018/06/26 09:49:36:454 Successfully registered Device ID 24755485 for Push Notifications
2018/06/26 09:49:36:529 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1d40dd5e0> applicationDidBecomeActive:
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2018/06/26 09:49:36:829 PingHub connected
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2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: A Portrait of Survival: This Week's People's Choice Winning Portrait
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: This app collection is a tune-up upgrade
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: How Fatphobia Impacted My Gender Identity
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: HO£IDA¥ GUID€$: May the Fourth – There's
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: Price Is Right Contestant Hits The Floor After Losing At The Big Wheel
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: Gaza's thriving tech scene is its lifeli
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: Featured Story – Rebecca
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: Windows 10 now has a powerful screenshot
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: Instagram will soon let you book restaur
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: The translation of my expression..
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: Twitter warns users to change passwords
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: Researchers are developing a brain editi
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: The incredible search for a 180 year-old
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: All About Custom Menus: Quick Tips for Organizing Your Content
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: Futures: A new platform for European talents
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: Janet Delaney's radical take on San Francisco
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: Photo London: 'Buy works that excite, interest or provoke thought'
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: Unlock the hidden secrets in numbers wit
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: Photo London Discovery
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: Listening to Lemon..
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: No day shall erase you from the memory of time
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: We're wasting AI geniuses on ridiculous
2018/06/26 09:49:39:095 Deleting ReaderPost: Colour pioneer Luigi Ghirri on show and in print
2018/06/26 09:49:39:108 Deleting ReaderPost: A Portrait of Survival: This Week's People's Choice Winning Portrait
2018/06/26 09:49:39:108 Deleting ReaderPost: This app collection is a tune-up upgrade
2018/06/26 09:49:39:108 Deleting ReaderPost: How Fatphobia Impacted My Gender Identity
2018/06/26 09:49:39:108 Deleting ReaderPost: HO£IDA¥ GUID€$: May the Fourth – There's
2018/06/26 09:49:39:108 Deleting ReaderPost: Price Is Right Contestant Hits The Floor After Losing At The Big Wheel
2018/06/26 09:49:39:108 Deleting ReaderPost: Gaza's thriving tech scene is its lifeli
2018/06/26 09:49:39:108 Deleting ReaderPost: Featured Story – Rebecca
2018/06/26 09:49:39:108 Deleting ReaderPost: Windows 10 now has a powerful screenshot
2018/06/26 09:49:39:108 Deleting ReaderPost: Instagram will soon let you book restaur
2018/06/26 09:49:39:108 Deleting ReaderPost: The translation of my expression..
2018/06/26 09:49:39:108 Deleting ReaderPost: Twitter warns users to change passwords
2018/06/26 09:49:39:109 Deleting ReaderPost: Researchers are developing a brain editi
2018/06/26 09:49:39:109 Deleting ReaderPost: The incredible search for a 180 year-old
2018/06/26 09:49:39:109 Deleting ReaderPost: All About Custom Menus: Quick Tips for Organizing Your Content
2018/06/26 09:49:39:109 Deleting ReaderPost: Futures: A new platform for European talents
2018/06/26 09:49:39:109 Deleting ReaderPost: Janet Delaney's radical take on San Francisco
2018/06/26 09:49:39:109 Deleting ReaderPost: Photo London: 'Buy works that excite, interest or provoke thought'
2018/06/26 09:49:39:109 Deleting ReaderPost: Unlock the hidden secrets in numbers wit
2018/06/26 09:49:39:109 Deleting ReaderPost: Photo London Discovery
2018/06/26 09:49:39:109 Deleting ReaderPost: Listening to Lemon..
2018/06/26 09:49:39:109 Deleting ReaderPost: No day shall erase you from the memory of time
2018/06/26 09:49:39:109 Deleting ReaderPost: We're wasting AI geniuses on ridiculous
2018/06/26 09:49:39:109 Deleting ReaderPost: Colour pioneer Luigi Ghirri on show and in print
2018/06/26 09:49:41:803 Creating media
2018/06/26 09:49:41:804 Creating media
2018/06/26 09:49:41:804 Creating media
2018/06/26 09:52:58:248 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1d40dd5e0> applicationWillResignActive:
2018/06/26 09:53:01:024 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1d40dd5e0> applicationDidBecomeActive:
2018/06/26 09:53:07:195 Pushing Notification Details for: [936374739]
2018/06/26 09:54:04:452 Deleting ReaderPost: <ReaderPost: 0x1d16890b0> (entity: ReaderPost; id: 0xd00000005ce40016 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/ReaderPost/p5945> ; data: {
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blogDescription = "Elyssa Durant \U00a9 2010-2018";
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2018/06/26 09:54:37:992 About Me changed: I don't always play nice but I always play fair. © 2018
2018/06/26 09:54:46:792 Pushing Notification Details for: [3436537739]
2018/06/26 09:54:53:941 Pushing Notification Details for: [3436039748]
2018/06/26 09:54:57:856 Pushing Notification Details for: [3436051152]
2018/06/26 09:55:02:195 Pushing Notification Details for: [3435168975]
2018/06/26 09:55:34:166 [Rest API] ! The specified path was not found. Please visit https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/ for valid paths.
2018/06/26 09:56:47:056 PingHub push, syncing note 3436593033
2018/06/26 09:57:04:021 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1d40dd5e0> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:
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2018/06/26 09:57:04:022 Current Application state: 0
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2018/06/26 09:58:28:042 PingHub disconnecting
2018/06/26 09:58:28:125 PingHub disconnected: WSError(type: Starscream.ErrorType.protocolError, message: "", code: 1000)
2018/06/26 10:26:23:787 ===========================================================================
2018/06/26 10:26:23:790 Launching WordPress for iOS 10.2 (
2018/06/26 10:26:23:793 Crash count: 25
2018/06/26 10:26:23:793 Debug mode: Production
2018/06/26 10:26:23:793 Extra debug: YES
2018/06/26 10:26:23:796 Device model: iPhone10,4 (iPhone10,4)
2018/06/26 10:26:23:796 OS: iOS, 11.4
2018/06/26 10:26:23:796 Language: en-US
2018/06/26 10:26:23:797 UDID: 0176D1E6-118F-4FB0-BD37-19D8AE8E8686
2018/06/26 10:26:23:800 APN token: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/26 10:26:23:804 Launch options: [__C.UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey(_rawValue: UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey): {
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2018/06/26 10:26:23:806 wp.com account: powersthatbeat (ID: 18647202) (verified)
2018/06/26 10:26:23:807 All blogs on device:
2018/06/26 10:26:23:815 <Blog Name: Just me, e... URL: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: ch1llyw1lly blogId: 108242590 plan: (null) ((null))>
2018/06/26 10:26:23:816 <Blog Name: PALM BITCH URL: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126298627 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/26 10:26:23:816 <Blog Name: Powers That Beat URL: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 18033618 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/26 10:26:23:817 <Blog Name: TOS Terms of Silence URL: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126146545 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/26 10:26:23:817 ===========================================================================
2018/06/26 10:26:23:832 Helpshift Enabled
2018/06/26 10:26:23:901 Zendesk Enabled: true
2018/06/26 10:26:23:983 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15F79 wp-iphone/10.2
2018/06/26 10:26:24:148 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/26 10:26:24:197 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/26 10:26:25:850 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/26 10:26:26:187 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: 2
2018/06/26 10:26:26:238 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1d00c8570> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:
2018/06/26 10:26:26:238 Received push notification:
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2018/06/26 10:26:26:238 Current Application state: 2
2018/06/26 10:26:26:246 Running Notifications Background Fetch...
2018/06/26 10:26:26:478 Successfully registered Device ID 24755485 for Push Notifications
2018/06/26 10:26:38:609 Finished Notifications Background Fetch!
2018/06/26 12:56:41:014 ===========================================================================
2018/06/26 12:56:41:015 Launching WordPress for iOS 10.2 (
2018/06/26 12:56:41:016 Crash count: 25
2018/06/26 12:56:41:016 Debug mode: Production
2018/06/26 12:56:41:016 Extra debug: YES
2018/06/26 12:56:41:018 Device model: iPhone10,4 (iPhone10,4)
2018/06/26 12:56:41:018 OS: iOS, 11.4
2018/06/26 12:56:41:018 Language: en-US
2018/06/26 12:56:41:018 UDID: 0176D1E6-118F-4FB0-BD37-19D8AE8E8686
2018/06/26 12:56:41:020 APN token: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/26 12:56:41:021 Launch options: [:]
2018/06/26 12:56:41:022 wp.com account: powersthatbeat (ID: 18647202) (verified)
2018/06/26 12:56:41:023 All blogs on device:
2018/06/26 12:56:41:029 <Blog Name: Just me, e... URL: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: ch1llyw1lly blogId: 108242590 plan: (null) ((null))>
2018/06/26 12:56:41:030 <Blog Name: PALM BITCH URL: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126298627 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/26 12:56:41:030 <Blog Name: Powers That Beat URL: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 18033618 plan: Free (1)>
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2018/06/26 12:56:41:030 ===========================================================================
2018/06/26 12:56:41:043 Helpshift Enabled
2018/06/26 12:56:41:108 Zendesk Enabled: true
2018/06/26 12:56:41:190 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15F79 wp-iphone/10.2
2018/06/26 12:56:41:343 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/26 12:56:41:374 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/26 12:56:42:681 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/26 12:56:42:932 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: 2
2018/06/26 12:56:43:030 Successfully registered Device ID 24755485 for Push Notifications
2018/06/26 16:19:47:922 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1d00daa20> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:
2018/06/26 16:19:47:941 Received push notification:
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2018/06/26 16:19:48:010 Running Notifications Background Fetch...
2018/06/26 16:19:51:049 Finished Notifications Background Fetch!
2018/06/26 16:26:56:361 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1d00daa20> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:
2018/06/26 16:26:56:362 Received push notification:
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2018/06/26 16:26:57:381 Finished Notifications Background Fetch!
2018/06/26 16:29:04:356 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1d00daa20> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:
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2018/06/26 16:29:05:046 Finished Notifications Background Fetch!
2018/06/26 22:01:43:082 ===========================================================================
2018/06/26 22:01:43:083 Launching WordPress for iOS 10.2 (
2018/06/26 22:01:43:084 Crash count: 25
2018/06/26 22:01:43:084 Debug mode: Production
2018/06/26 22:01:43:084 Extra debug: YES
2018/06/26 22:01:43:086 Device model: iPhone10,4 (iPhone10,4)
2018/06/26 22:01:43:086 OS: iOS, 11.4
2018/06/26 22:01:43:086 Language: en-US
2018/06/26 22:01:43:086 UDID: 0176D1E6-118F-4FB0-BD37-19D8AE8E8686
2018/06/26 22:01:43:088 APN token: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/26 22:01:43:089 Launch options: [:]
2018/06/26 22:01:43:090 wp.com account: powersthatbeat (ID: 18647202) (verified)
2018/06/26 22:01:43:091 All blogs on device:
2018/06/26 22:01:43:096 <Blog Name: Just me, e... URL: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: ch1llyw1lly blogId: 108242590 plan: (null) ((null))>
2018/06/26 22:01:43:096 <Blog Name: PALM BITCH URL: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126298627 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/26 22:01:43:098 <Blog Name: Powers That Beat URL: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 18033618 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/26 22:01:43:099 <Blog Name: TOS Terms of Silence URL: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126146545 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/26 22:01:43:099 ===========================================================================
2018/06/26 22:01:43:111 Helpshift Enabled
2018/06/26 22:01:43:162 Zendesk Enabled: true
2018/06/26 22:01:43:265 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15F79 wp-iphone/10.2
2018/06/26 22:01:43:434 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/26 22:01:43:483 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/26 22:01:44:861 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/26 22:01:45:155 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: 2
2018/06/26 22:01:45:259 Successfully registered Device ID 24755485 for Push Notifications
2018/06/27 00:18:26:004 ===========================================================================
2018/06/27 00:18:26:005 Launching WordPress for iOS 10.2 (
2018/06/27 00:18:26:006 Crash count: 25
2018/06/27 00:18:26:006 Debug mode: Production
2018/06/27 00:18:26:006 Extra debug: YES
2018/06/27 00:18:26:008 Device model: iPhone10,4 (iPhone10,4)
2018/06/27 00:18:26:008 OS: iOS, 11.4
2018/06/27 00:18:26:008 Language: en-US
2018/06/27 00:18:26:008 UDID: 0176D1E6-118F-4FB0-BD37-19D8AE8E8686
2018/06/27 00:18:26:010 APN token: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/27 00:18:26:010 Launch options: [:]
2018/06/27 00:18:26:012 wp.com account: powersthatbeat (ID: 18647202) (verified)
2018/06/27 00:18:26:014 All blogs on device:
2018/06/27 00:18:26:018 <Blog Name: Just me, e... URL: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: ch1llyw1lly blogId: 108242590 plan: (null) ((null))>
2018/06/27 00:18:26:018 <Blog Name: PALM BITCH URL: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126298627 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 00:18:26:018 <Blog Name: Powers That Beat URL: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 18033618 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 00:18:26:018 <Blog Name: TOS Terms of Silence URL: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126146545 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 00:18:26:018 ===========================================================================
2018/06/27 00:18:26:027 Helpshift Enabled
2018/06/27 00:18:26:066 Zendesk Enabled: true
2018/06/27 00:18:26:146 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15F79 wp-iphone/10.2
2018/06/27 00:18:26:264 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/27 00:18:26:303 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/27 00:18:27:652 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/27 00:18:27:934 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: 2
2018/06/27 00:32:08:622 Successfully registered Device ID 24755485 for Push Notifications
2018/06/27 02:04:30:879 ===========================================================================
2018/06/27 02:04:30:880 Launching WordPress for iOS 10.2 (
2018/06/27 02:04:30:881 Crash count: 25
2018/06/27 02:04:30:881 Debug mode: Production
2018/06/27 02:04:30:881 Extra debug: YES
2018/06/27 02:04:30:884 Device model: iPhone10,4 (iPhone10,4)
2018/06/27 02:04:30:884 OS: iOS, 11.4
2018/06/27 02:04:30:884 Language: en-US
2018/06/27 02:04:30:884 UDID: 0176D1E6-118F-4FB0-BD37-19D8AE8E8686
2018/06/27 02:04:30:886 APN token: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/27 02:04:30:886 Launch options: [:]
2018/06/27 02:04:30:887 wp.com account: powersthatbeat (ID: 18647202) (verified)
2018/06/27 02:04:30:889 All blogs on device:
2018/06/27 02:04:30:895 <Blog Name: Just me, e... URL: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: ch1llyw1lly blogId: 108242590 plan: (null) ((null))>
2018/06/27 02:04:30:895 <Blog Name: PALM BITCH URL: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126298627 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 02:04:30:895 <Blog Name: Powers That Beat URL: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 18033618 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 02:04:30:895 <Blog Name: TOS Terms of Silence URL: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126146545 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 02:04:30:895 ===========================================================================
2018/06/27 02:04:30:907 Helpshift Enabled
2018/06/27 02:04:30:975 Zendesk Enabled: true
2018/06/27 02:04:31:069 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15F79 wp-iphone/10.2
2018/06/27 02:04:31:250 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/27 02:04:31:304 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/27 02:04:32:792 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/27 02:04:33:036 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: 2
2018/06/27 02:12:09:738 Successfully registered Device ID 24755485 for Push Notifications
2018/06/27 05:07:10:182 ===========================================================================
2018/06/27 05:07:10:183 Launching WordPress for iOS 10.2 (
2018/06/27 05:07:10:184 Crash count: 25
2018/06/27 05:07:10:184 Debug mode: Production
2018/06/27 05:07:10:184 Extra debug: YES
2018/06/27 05:07:10:187 Device model: iPhone10,4 (iPhone10,4)
2018/06/27 05:07:10:187 OS: iOS, 11.4
2018/06/27 05:07:10:187 Language: en-US
2018/06/27 05:07:10:187 UDID: 0176D1E6-118F-4FB0-BD37-19D8AE8E8686
2018/06/27 05:07:10:189 APN token: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/27 05:07:10:189 Launch options: [:]
2018/06/27 05:07:10:190 wp.com account: powersthatbeat (ID: 18647202) (verified)
2018/06/27 05:07:10:191 All blogs on device:
2018/06/27 05:07:10:194 <Blog Name: Just me, e... URL: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: ch1llyw1lly blogId: 108242590 plan: (null) ((null))>
2018/06/27 05:07:10:194 <Blog Name: PALM BITCH URL: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126298627 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 05:07:10:194 <Blog Name: Powers That Beat URL: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 18033618 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 05:07:10:195 <Blog Name: TOS Terms of Silence URL: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126146545 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 05:07:10:195 ===========================================================================
2018/06/27 05:07:10:203 Helpshift Enabled
2018/06/27 05:07:10:251 Zendesk Enabled: true
2018/06/27 05:07:10:313 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15F79 wp-iphone/10.2
2018/06/27 05:07:10:422 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/27 05:07:10:437 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/27 05:07:11:681 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/27 05:07:11:913 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: 2
2018/06/27 05:16:25:789 ===========================================================================
2018/06/27 05:16:25:790 Launching WordPress for iOS 10.2 (
2018/06/27 05:16:25:792 Crash count: 25
2018/06/27 05:16:25:792 Debug mode: Production
2018/06/27 05:16:25:792 Extra debug: YES
2018/06/27 05:16:25:794 Device model: iPhone10,4 (iPhone10,4)
2018/06/27 05:16:25:794 OS: iOS, 11.4
2018/06/27 05:16:25:794 Language: en-US
2018/06/27 05:16:25:794 UDID: 0176D1E6-118F-4FB0-BD37-19D8AE8E8686
2018/06/27 05:16:25:796 APN token: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/27 05:16:25:797 Launch options: [:]
2018/06/27 05:16:25:798 wp.com account: powersthatbeat (ID: 18647202) (verified)
2018/06/27 05:16:25:800 All blogs on device:
2018/06/27 05:16:25:804 <Blog Name: Just me, e... URL: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: ch1llyw1lly blogId: 108242590 plan: (null) ((null))>
2018/06/27 05:16:25:804 <Blog Name: PALM BITCH URL: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126298627 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 05:16:25:804 <Blog Name: Powers That Beat URL: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 18033618 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 05:16:25:804 <Blog Name: TOS Terms of Silence URL: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126146545 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 05:16:25:804 ===========================================================================
2018/06/27 05:16:25:819 Helpshift Enabled
2018/06/27 05:16:25:918 Zendesk Enabled: true
2018/06/27 05:16:25:990 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15F79 wp-iphone/10.2
2018/06/27 05:16:26:250 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/27 05:16:26:270 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/27 05:16:27:599 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/27 05:16:27:921 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: 2
2018/06/27 05:16:28:122 Successfully registered Device ID 24755485 for Push Notifications
2018/06/27 07:29:10:425 ===========================================================================
2018/06/27 07:29:10:429 Launching WordPress for iOS 10.2 (
2018/06/27 07:29:10:430 Crash count: 25
2018/06/27 07:29:10:430 Debug mode: Production
2018/06/27 07:29:10:430 Extra debug: YES
2018/06/27 07:29:10:434 Device model: iPhone10,4 (iPhone10,4)
2018/06/27 07:29:10:434 OS: iOS, 11.4
2018/06/27 07:29:10:434 Language: en-US
2018/06/27 07:29:10:434 UDID: 0176D1E6-118F-4FB0-BD37-19D8AE8E8686
2018/06/27 07:29:10:437 APN token: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/27 07:29:10:437 Launch options: [:]
2018/06/27 07:29:10:439 wp.com account: powersthatbeat (ID: 18647202) (verified)
2018/06/27 07:29:10:443 All blogs on device:
2018/06/27 07:29:10:448 <Blog Name: Just me, e... URL: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: ch1llyw1lly blogId: 108242590 plan: (null) ((null))>
2018/06/27 07:29:10:449 <Blog Name: PALM BITCH URL: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126298627 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 07:29:10:449 <Blog Name: Powers That Beat URL: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 18033618 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 07:29:10:449 <Blog Name: TOS Terms of Silence URL: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126146545 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 07:29:10:449 ===========================================================================
2018/06/27 07:29:10:472 Helpshift Enabled
2018/06/27 07:29:10:528 Zendesk Enabled: true
2018/06/27 07:29:10:616 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15F79 wp-iphone/10.2
2018/06/27 07:29:10:775 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/27 07:29:10:815 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/27 07:29:12:149 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/27 07:29:12:408 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: 2
2018/06/27 08:54:19:146 Successfully registered Device ID 24755485 for Push Notifications
2018/06/27 09:40:09:773 ===========================================================================
2018/06/27 09:40:09:774 Launching WordPress for iOS 10.2 (
2018/06/27 09:40:09:775 Crash count: 25
2018/06/27 09:40:09:775 Debug mode: Production
2018/06/27 09:40:09:775 Extra debug: YES
2018/06/27 09:40:09:778 Device model: iPhone10,4 (iPhone10,4)
2018/06/27 09:40:09:778 OS: iOS, 11.4
2018/06/27 09:40:09:778 Language: en-US
2018/06/27 09:40:09:778 UDID: 0176D1E6-118F-4FB0-BD37-19D8AE8E8686
2018/06/27 09:40:09:780 APN token: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/27 09:40:09:780 Launch options: [:]
2018/06/27 09:40:09:781 wp.com account: powersthatbeat (ID: 18647202) (verified)
2018/06/27 09:40:09:783 All blogs on device:
2018/06/27 09:40:09:789 <Blog Name: Just me, e... URL: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: ch1llyw1lly blogId: 108242590 plan: (null) ((null))>
2018/06/27 09:40:09:789 <Blog Name: PALM BITCH URL: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://palmbitchresist.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126298627 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 09:40:09:789 <Blog Name: Powers That Beat URL: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 18033618 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 09:40:09:789 <Blog Name: TOS Terms of Silence URL: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://tosthegoodthebadtheugly.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126146545 plan: Free (1)>
2018/06/27 09:40:09:789 ===========================================================================
2018/06/27 09:40:09:816 Helpshift Enabled
2018/06/27 09:40:09:860 Zendesk Enabled: true
2018/06/27 09:40:09:957 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15F79 wp-iphone/10.2
2018/06/27 09:40:10:132 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/27 09:40:10:148 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com
2018/06/27 09:40:11:375 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 15f3d27c7cc5263f03c747921ca12a49e4116833e5cf8b0e94dacfeb3518dca3
2018/06/27 09:40:11:652 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: 2
2018/06/27 09:48:39:869 Successfully registered Device ID 24755485 for Push Notifications

Elyssa D. Durant
Research & Policy Analyst
Columbia University, New York

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