Sunday, July 29, 2018


[2011-03-19 15:23] -------------------------------------------------------

[2011-03-19 15:23] Starting sync with account ""...

[2011-03-19 15:23] Processing folders...

[2011-03-19 15:23] Adding folder with info: <GDFolder: 0x22478b00> (entity: Folder; id: 0x224f63b0 <x-coredata:///Folder/tBE72F84A-C84C-462B-BAC5-CB5CC51B9C573> ; data: {

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[2011-03-19 15:23] Processing documents...

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[2011-03-19 15:23] New file owner discovered: elyssa.durant {}

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[2011-03-19 15:23] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x22477f60> (entity: File; id: 0x28859d00 <x-coredata:///File/tBE72F84A-C84C-462B-BAC5-CB5CC51B9C578> ; data: {

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[2011-03-19 15:23] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x288d4150> (entity: File; id: 0x2244ff50 <x-coredata:///File/tBE72F84A-C84C-462B-BAC5-CB5CC51B9C5710> ; data: {

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[2011-03-19 15:23] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x224f32b0> (entity: File; id: 0x2880b0b0 <x-coredata:///File/tBE72F84A-C84C-462B-BAC5-CB5CC51B9C5711> ; data: {

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[2011-03-19 15:23] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x288d6850> (entity: File; id: 0x22475bb0 <x-coredata:///File/tBE72F84A-C84C-462B-BAC5-CB5CC51B9C5712> ; data: {

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[2011-03-19 15:23] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x288d4d00> (entity: File; id: 0x2887a510 <x-coredata:///File/tBE72F84A-C84C-462B-BAC5-CB5CC51B9C5713> ; data: {

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[2011-03-22 14:45] -------------------------------------------------------

[2011-03-22 14:45] Starting sync with account ""...

[2011-03-22 14:45] Sync for account "" finished with error:

[2011-03-22 14:45] Error: {Domain = NSURLErrorDomain,  Code = -1004} userInfo = {

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[2011-03-22 14:45] {Key = "NSErrorFailingURLKey", Value = ""}

[2011-03-22 14:45] {Key = "NSLocalizedDescription", Value = "Could not connect to the server."}

[2011-03-22 14:45] {Key = "NSUnderlyingError", Value = "Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1004 "Could not connect to the server." UserInfo=0x159c7ec0 {NSErrorFailingURLKey=, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSLocalizedDescription=Could not connect to the server.}"}

[2011-03-22 14:45] };

[2011-03-22 14:45] -------------------------------------------------------

[2011-03-22 14:45] Starting sync with account ""...

[2011-03-22 14:45] Sync for account "" finished with error:

[2011-03-22 14:45] Error: {Domain = NSURLErrorDomain,  Code = -1004} userInfo = {

[2011-03-22 14:45] {Key = "NSErrorFailingURLStringKey", Value = ""}

[2011-03-22 14:45] {Key = "NSErrorFailingURLKey", Value = ""}

[2011-03-22 14:45] {Key = "NSLocalizedDescription", Value = "Could not connect to the server."}

[2011-03-22 14:45] {Key = "NSUnderlyingError", Value = "Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1004 "Could not connect to the server." UserInfo=0x670ff0 {NSErrorFailingURLKey=, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSLocalizedDescription=Could not connect to the server.}"}

[2011-03-22 14:45] };

[2011-03-25 15:28] -------------------------------------------------------

[2011-03-25 15:28] Starting sync with account ""...

[2011-03-25 15:28] Processing folders...

[2011-03-25 15:28] Processing documents...

[2011-03-25 15:28] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x19a46ca0> (entity: File; id: 0x19a08310 <x-coredata:///File/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C2> ; data: {

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   title = "School Choice & Vouchers in Public Education";

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[2011-03-25 15:28] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x6addff0> (entity: File; id: 0x19a6b220 <x-coredata:///File/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C3> ; data: {

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[2011-03-25 15:28] Uploading file data for new file "Full History-1-22-11-5-24pm (02)" to feed URL (

[2011-03-25 15:28] Failed to upload file "Full History-1-22-11-5-24pm (02)", likely due to size limits

[2011-03-25 15:28] Error: {Domain =,  Code = 400} userInfo = {

[2011-03-25 15:28] {Key = "NSLocalizedFailureReason", Value = "(GData error InvalidEntryException: "Could not convert document.")"}

[2011-03-25 15:28] {Key = "serverErrors", Value = "GDataServerErrorGroup 0x19a44790: {errors: (

   "GDataServerError 0x19a5f7a0: {domain=\"GData\" code=\"InvalidEntryException\" reason=\"Could not convert document.\"}"


[2011-03-25 15:28] {Key = "error", Value = "GData error InvalidEntryException: "Could not convert document.""}

[2011-03-25 15:28] };

[2011-03-25 15:28] Uploading file data for new file "skypeSEC (01b) (01)" to feed URL (

[2011-03-25 15:28] Requesting feed for folder "GDataAtomTitle 0x19a68bb0: {content:Pending Publications}" to upload file "Vouchers"

[2011-03-25 15:29] Uploading file data for new file "Vouchers" to feed URL (

[2011-03-25 15:29] Processing batch download request for file "skypeSEC (01b) (01)"

[2011-03-25 15:29] Downloading file "skypeSEC (01b) (01)" with format "doc"

[2011-03-25 15:29] Processing batch download request for file "Vouchers"

[2011-03-25 15:29] Downloading file "Vouchers" with format "doc"

[2011-03-25 15:29] Sync for account "" finished successfully!

[2011-03-25 15:41] -------------------------------------------------------

[2011-03-25 15:41] Starting sync with account ""...

[2011-03-25 15:41] Processing folders...

[2011-03-25 15:41] Processing documents...

[2011-03-25 15:41] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x199e8b90> (entity: File; id: 0x1de98b50 <x-coredata:///File/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C6> ; data: {

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   title = "Full History-1-22-11-5-24pm (02)";

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[2011-03-25 15:41] Uploading file data for new file "Full History-1-22-11-5-24pm (03)" to feed URL (

[2011-03-25 15:42] Failed to upload file "Full History-1-22-11-5-24pm (03)", likely due to size limits

[2011-03-25 15:42] Error: {Domain =,  Code = 400} userInfo = {

[2011-03-25 15:42] {Key = "NSLocalizedFailureReason", Value = "(GData error InvalidEntryException: "Could not convert document.")"}

[2011-03-25 15:42] {Key = "serverErrors", Value = "GDataServerErrorGroup 0x1de81fd0: {errors: (

   "GDataServerError 0x1deaff90: {domain=\"GData\" code=\"InvalidEntryException\" reason=\"Could not convert document.\"}"


[2011-03-25 15:42] {Key = "error", Value = "GData error InvalidEntryException: "Could not convert document.""}

[2011-03-25 15:42] };

[2011-03-25 15:42] Requesting feed for folder "GDataAtomTitle 0x1f813100: {content:New Folder}" to upload file "Full History-1-22-11-5-24pm (03)"

[2011-03-25 15:42] Uploading file data for new file "Full History-1-22-11-5-24pm (03)" to feed URL (

[2011-03-25 15:42] Failed to upload file "Full History-1-22-11-5-24pm (03)", likely due to size limits

[2011-03-25 15:42] Error: {Domain =,  Code = 400} userInfo = {

[2011-03-25 15:42] {Key = "NSLocalizedFailureReason", Value = "(GData error InvalidEntryException: "Could not convert document.")"}

[2011-03-25 15:42] {Key = "serverErrors", Value = "GDataServerErrorGroup 0x1de7d640: {errors: (

   "GDataServerError 0x19a97330: {domain=\"GData\" code=\"InvalidEntryException\" reason=\"Could not convert document.\"}"


[2011-03-25 15:42] {Key = "error", Value = "GData error InvalidEntryException: "Could not convert document.""}

[2011-03-25 15:42] };

[2011-03-25 15:42] Sync for account "" finished successfully!

[2011-03-25 15:47] -------------------------------------------------------

[2011-03-25 15:47] Starting sync with account ""...

[2011-03-25 15:47] Processing folders...

[2011-03-25 15:47] Processing documents...

[2011-03-25 15:47] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x1deb01c0> (entity: File; id: 0x1f8be1c0 <x-coredata:///File/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C8> ; data: {

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[2011-03-25 15:47] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x1de8b080> (entity: File; id: 0x1f8e3770 <x-coredata:///File/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C9> ; data: {

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[2011-03-25 15:47] Requesting feed for folder "GDataAtomTitle 0x1994e990: {content:New Folder}" to upload file "Iphunkt "

[2011-03-25 15:47] Uploading file data for new file "Iphunkt " to feed URL (

[2011-03-25 15:47] Processing batch download request for file "Iphunkt "

[2011-03-25 15:47] Downloading file "Iphunkt " with format "ppt"

[2011-03-25 15:47] Sync for account "" finished successfully!

[2011-03-25 15:50] -------------------------------------------------------

[2011-03-25 15:50] Starting sync with account ""...

[2011-03-25 15:50] Processing folders...

[2011-03-25 15:50] Adding folder with info: <GDFolder: 0x19aea5d0> (entity: Folder; id: 0x1996ca60 <x-coredata:///Folder/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C11> ; data: {

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   title = "New Folder";

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[2011-03-25 15:50] Adding folder with info: <GDFolder: 0x19aee590> (entity: Folder; id: 0x1de37ab0 <x-coredata:///Folder/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C12> ; data: {

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   starred = 0;

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   title = "Pending Publications";

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[2011-03-25 15:50] Processing documents...

[2011-03-25 15:50] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x19941400> (entity: File; id: 0x1ded85a0 <x-coredata:///File/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C13> ; data: {

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[2011-03-25 15:50] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x1de093b0> (entity: File; id: 0x1de878f0 <x-coredata:///File/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C14> ; data: {

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[2011-03-25 15:50] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x1994c2b0> (entity: File; id: 0x1ded2fd0 <x-coredata:///File/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C15> ; data: {

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   title = Vouchers;

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[2011-03-25 15:50] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x1de29150> (entity: File; id: 0x1de56330 <x-coredata:///File/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C16> ; data: {

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[2011-03-25 15:50] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x19963120> (entity: File; id: 0x1def4d90 <x-coredata:///File/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C17> ; data: {

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[2011-03-25 15:50] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x1f875630> (entity: File; id: 0x1de60ed0 <x-coredata:///File/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C18> ; data: {

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[2011-03-25 15:50] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x1f8614b0> (entity: File; id: 0x1f85c9c0 <x-coredata:///File/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C19> ; data: {

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[2011-03-25 15:50] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x1de073b0> (entity: File; id: 0x1deb7250 <x-coredata:///File/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C20> ; data: {

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[2011-03-25 15:50] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x199c3b40> (entity: File; id: 0x1deb0df0 <x-coredata:///File/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C21> ; data: {

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[2011-03-25 15:50] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x1f8fa9c0> (entity: File; id: 0x1dea0790 <x-coredata:///File/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C22> ; data: {

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[2011-03-25 15:50] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x1f83a1b0> (entity: File; id: 0x1de8b910 <x-coredata:///File/tAF1F8DAA-001D-4963-81CA-B373D1ED1A4C23> ; data: {

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[2011-03-25 15:50] Sync for account "" finished successfully!

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[2011-03-25 15:50] Successfully downloaded file " Shortener Spreadsheet Public Example" with format "xls"

[2011-03-25 15:52] Downloading single file " Shortener Spreadsheet Public Example" with format "xls"

[2011-03-25 15:52] Successfully downloaded file " Shortener Spreadsheet Public Example" with format "xls"

[2011-03-25 15:54] Downloading single file "HCAN Print Ad.pdf" with format "pdf"

[2011-03-25 15:54] Successfully downloaded file "HCAN Print Ad.pdf" with format "pdf"

[2011-03-25 15:55] Downloading single file "Independence Day: March 15, 2009" with format "doc"

[2011-03-25 15:55] Successfully downloaded file "Independence Day: March 15, 2009" with format "doc"

[2011-03-25 15:56] Downloading single file "Backup of EDurant2008-2009-2" with format "doc"

[2011-03-25 15:56] Successfully downloaded file "Backup of EDurant2008-2009-2" with format "doc"

[2011-03-25 15:57] Downloading single file "1629_Order_setting_aside_Daniels[1].pdf" with format "pdf"

[2011-03-25 15:57] Successfully downloaded file "1629_Order_setting_aside_Daniels[1].pdf" with format "pdf"

[2011-04-06 22:50] -------------------------------------------------------

[2011-04-06 22:50] Starting sync with account ""...

[2011-04-06 22:50] Sync for account "" finished with error:

[2011-04-06 22:50] Error: {Domain = NSURLErrorDomain,  Code = -1009} userInfo = {

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[2011-04-17 21:08] -------------------------------------------------------

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[2011-04-17 21:08] Processing folders...

[2011-04-17 21:08] Processing documents...

[2011-04-17 21:08] Sync for account "" finished successfully!

[2011-04-17 21:14] -------------------------------------------------------

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[2011-04-17 21:14] Sync for account "" finished with error:

[2011-04-17 21:14] Error: {Domain = NSURLErrorDomain,  Code = -1009} userInfo = {

[2011-04-17 21:14] {Key = "NSErrorFailingURLStringKey", Value = ""}

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[2011-04-17 21:14] {Key = "NSUnderlyingError", Value = "Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1009 "The Internet connection appears to be offline." UserInfo=0x1e08b3d0 {NSErrorFailingURLKey=, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSLocalizedDescription=The Internet connection appears to be offline.}"}

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[2011-04-17 21:14] -------------------------------------------------------

[2011-04-17 21:14] Starting sync with account ""...

[2011-04-17 21:14] Sync for account "" finished with error:

[2011-04-17 21:14] Error: {Domain = NSURLErrorDomain,  Code = -1009} userInfo = {

[2011-04-17 21:14] {Key = "NSErrorFailingURLStringKey", Value = ""}

[2011-04-17 21:14] {Key = "NSErrorFailingURLKey", Value = ""}

[2011-04-17 21:14] {Key = "NSLocalizedDescription", Value = "The Internet connection appears to be offline."}

[2011-04-17 21:14] {Key = "NSUnderlyingError", Value = "Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1009 "The Internet connection appears to be offline." UserInfo=0x1e08b3d0 {NSErrorFailingURLKey=, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSLocalizedDescription=The Internet connection appears to be offline.}"}

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[2011-04-21 08:13] -------------------------------------------------------

[2011-04-21 08:13] Starting sync with account ""...

[2011-04-21 08:13] Sync for account "" finished with error:

[2011-04-21 08:13] Error: {Domain =,  Code = 403} userInfo = {

[2011-04-21 08:13] {Key = "Error", Value = "BadAuthentication"}

[2011-04-21 08:13] {Key = "error", Value = "BadAuthentication"}

[2011-04-21 08:13] };

[2011-04-21 08:18] -------------------------------------------------------

[2011-04-21 08:18] Starting sync with account ""...

[2011-04-21 08:18] Sync for account "" finished with error:

[2011-04-21 08:18] Error: {Domain =,  Code = 403} userInfo = {

[2011-04-21 08:18] {Key = "Error", Value = "BadAuthentication"}

[2011-04-21 08:18] {Key = "error", Value = "BadAuthentication"}

[2011-04-21 08:18] };

[2011-04-21 08:18] -------------------------------------------------------

[2011-04-21 08:18] Starting sync with account ""...

[2011-04-21 08:18] Sync for account "" finished with error:

[2011-04-21 08:18] Error: {Domain =,  Code = 403} userInfo = {

[2011-04-21 08:18] {Key = "Error", Value = "BadAuthentication"}

[2011-04-21 08:18] {Key = "error", Value = "BadAuthentication"}

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[2011-04-21 08:57] -------------------------------------------------------

[2011-04-21 08:57] Starting sync with account ""...

[2011-04-21 08:57] Processing folders...

[2011-04-21 08:57] Processing documents...

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[2011-04-21 08:57] Requesting feed for folder "GDataAtomTitle 0x27d6aed0: {content:New Folder}" to upload file "GoogleDocsLog (03)"

[2011-04-21 08:58] Uploading file data for new file "GoogleDocsLog (03)" to feed URL (

[2011-04-21 08:58] Uploading file data for new file "Backup of EDurant2008-2009-2 (01)" to feed URL (

[2011-04-21 08:58] Requesting feed for folder "GDataAtomTitle 0x27d6aed0: {content:New Folder}" to upload file "GoogleDocsLog (02)"

[2011-04-21 08:58] Uploading file data for new file "GoogleDocsLog (02)" to feed URL (

[2011-04-21 08:59] Uploading file data for new file "GoogleDocsLog (01)" to feed URL (

[2011-04-21 08:59] Requesting feed for folder "GDataAtomTitle 0x27d6aed0: {content:New Folder}" to upload file "GoogleDocsLog (01)"

[2011-04-21 08:59] Uploading file data for new file "GoogleDocsLog (01)" to feed URL (

[2011-04-21 09:00] Processing batch download request for file "GoogleDocsLog (03)"

[2011-04-21 09:00] Downloading file "GoogleDocsLog (03)" with format "doc"

[2011-04-21 09:01] Processing batch download request for file "Backup of EDurant2008-2009-2 (01)"

[2011-04-21 09:01] Downloading file "Backup of EDurant2008-2009-2 (01)" with format "doc"

[2011-04-21 09:02] Processing batch download request for file "GoogleDocsLog (02)"

[2011-04-21 09:02] Downloading file "GoogleDocsLog (02)" with format "doc"

[2011-04-21 09:03] Processing batch download request for file "GoogleDocsLog (01)"

[2011-04-21 09:03] Downloading file "GoogleDocsLog (01)" with format "doc"

[2011-04-21 09:05] Processing batch download request for file "GoogleDocsLog (01)"

[2011-04-21 09:05] Downloading file "GoogleDocsLog (01)" with format "doc"

[2011-04-21 09:08] Sync for account "" finished successfully!

[2011-04-23 06:50] -------------------------------------------------------

[2011-04-23 06:50] Starting sync with account ""...

[2011-04-23 06:50] Processing folders...

[2011-04-23 06:50] Processing documents...

[2011-04-23 06:50] Sync for account "" finished successfully!

[2011-06-20 19:20] -------------------------------------------------------

[2011-06-20 19:20] Starting sync with account ""...

[2011-06-20 19:20] Sync for account "" finished with error:

[2011-06-20 19:20] Error: {Domain =,  Code = 403} userInfo = {

[2011-06-20 19:20] {Key = "Error", Value = "BadAuthentication"}

[2011-06-20 19:20] {Key = "error", Value = "BadAuthentication"}

[2011-06-20 19:20] };

[2011-06-20 19:22] -------------------------------------------------------

[2011-06-20 19:22] Starting sync with account ""...

[2011-06-20 19:22] Sync for account "" finished with error:

[2011-06-20 19:22] Error: {Domain =,  Code = 403} userInfo = {

[2011-06-20 19:22] {Key = "Error", Value = "BadAuthentication"}

[2011-06-20 19:22] {Key = "error", Value = "BadAuthentication"}

[2011-06-20 19:22] };

[7/31/13 11:05 PM] -------------------------------------------------------

[7/31/13 11:05 PM] Starting sync with account ""...

[7/31/13 11:05 PM] Processing folders...

[7/31/13 11:05 PM] Processing documents...

[7/31/13 11:05 PM] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x74b0ee0> (entity: File; id: 0x7537a40 <x-coredata:///File/tBC02CE57-3A72-42F7-88D1-4B3B1595A8ED2> ; data: {

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[7/31/13 11:06 PM] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x7c1fd80> (entity: File; id: 0x75ba8f0 <x-coredata:///File/tBC02CE57-3A72-42F7-88D1-4B3B1595A8ED3> ; data: {

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[7/31/13 11:06 PM] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x682b3a0> (entity: File; id: 0x75ba8f0 <x-coredata:///File/tBC02CE57-3A72-42F7-88D1-4B3B1595A8ED4> ; data: {

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[7/31/13 11:06 PM] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x68c6a70> (entity: File; id: 0x7598100 <x-coredata:///File/tBC02CE57-3A72-42F7-88D1-4B3B1595A8ED5> ; data: {

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[7/31/13 11:06 PM] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x6852ac0> (entity: File; id: 0x75957b0 <x-coredata:///File/tBC02CE57-3A72-42F7-88D1-4B3B1595A8ED6> ; data: {

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[7/31/13 11:06 PM] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x68056c0> (entity: File; id: 0x75ddb60 <x-coredata:///File/tBC02CE57-3A72-42F7-88D1-4B3B1595A8ED7> ; data: {

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[7/31/13 11:06 PM] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x682dbb0> (entity: File; id: 0x75b3680 <x-coredata:///File/tBC02CE57-3A72-42F7-88D1-4B3B1595A8ED8> ; data: {

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[7/31/13 11:06 PM] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x68ca3d0> (entity: File; id: 0x755edf0 <x-coredata:///File/tBC02CE57-3A72-42F7-88D1-4B3B1595A8ED9> ; data: {

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[7/31/13 11:06 PM] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x68307e0> (entity: File; id: 0x685af00 <x-coredata:///File/tBC02CE57-3A72-42F7-88D1-4B3B1595A8ED10> ; data: {

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[7/31/13 11:06 PM] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x68c96f0> (entity: File; id: 0x683bd40 <x-coredata:///File/tBC02CE57-3A72-42F7-88D1-4B3B1595A8ED11> ; data: {

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[7/31/13 11:06 PM] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x631b20> (entity: File; id: 0x74d6cd0 <x-coredata:///File/tBC02CE57-3A72-42F7-88D1-4B3B1595A8ED12> ; data: {

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[7/31/13 11:06 PM] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x7c249e0> (entity: File; id: 0x74ed5b0 <x-coredata:///File/tBC02CE57-3A72-42F7-88D1-4B3B1595A8ED13> ; data: {

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[7/31/13 11:06 PM] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x7c27000> (entity: File; id: 0x750f8d0 <x-coredata:///File/tBC02CE57-3A72-42F7-88D1-4B3B1595A8ED14> ; data: {

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[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "please mom..."

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Untitled Presentation"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "nedit draft"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Iphunkt"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Pass it around... Kinda speaks to Cop..."

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "WHO letter to BHO re: Bredesen"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "TFHC Release of Info"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Deadline for Appeal 9.11.08"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Harry and Louise: Adding Insult to In..."

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "reality bytes"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "There are a lot of things in the fina..."

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Untitled Presentation"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Education"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE INFORMATION  [HIPAA]"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Copy of Scientific Article"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Health Care Finance & Bredesen"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Copy of Avery Business Cards, wide"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Untitled"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Homeless At Home"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Move On Bredesen"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "cordray is still an asshole"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Messengers of Peace"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Bye-Bye Spotty (content warning)"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "#one cop15"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Untitled"

[7/31/13 11:08 PM] Removing deleted file "Untitled Presentation"

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Removing deleted file "Please TYPE your name and date at bot..."

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Removing deleted file "NO Bredesen"

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Removing deleted file "SSA Form attached"

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Removing deleted file "Investigate this 2009"

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Removing deleted file "Copy of WHO letter to BHO re: Bredesen"

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Removing deleted file "I am a resident in the state of Tenne..."

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Removing deleted file "reverification_Process_for_Daniels'_Class_Members[1]"

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Removing deleted file "PRESS RELEASE: EDUCATORS SIGN ON TO S..."

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Removing deleted file "Copy of Avery Business Cards, wide"

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Requesting feed for folder "GDataAtomTitle 0x74f1470: {content:New Folder}" to upload file "GoogleDocsLog (01)"

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Uploading file data for new file "GoogleDocsLog (01)" to feed URL (

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Uploading file data for new file "Full History-1-22-11-5-24pm (04)" to feed URL (

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Uploading file data for new file "GoogleDocsLog (02)" to feed URL (

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Uploading file data for new file "GoogleDocsLog (01)" to feed URL (

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Requesting feed for folder "GDataAtomTitle 0x74f1470: {content:New Folder}" to upload file "GoogleDocsLog sync2"

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Uploading file data for new file "GoogleDocsLog sync2" to feed URL (

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[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Processing batch download request for file "Full History-1-22-11-5-24pm (04)"

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[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Processing batch download request for file "GoogleDocsLog (02)"

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Downloading file "GoogleDocsLog (02)" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Processing batch download request for file "GoogleDocsLog (01)"

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Downloading file "GoogleDocsLog (01)" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:09 PM] Processing batch download request for file "GoogleDocsLog sync2"

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[7/31/13 11:10 PM] -------------------------------------------------------

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[7/31/13 11:10 PM] Processing folders...

[7/31/13 11:10 PM] Processing documents...

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[7/31/13 11:10 PM] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x7532390> (entity: File; id: 0x744aa20 <x-coredata:///File/tBC02CE57-3A72-42F7-88D1-4B3B1595A8ED74> ; data: {

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[7/31/13 11:11 PM] File added with info: <GDFile: 0x7c63ef0> (entity: File; id: 0x68ebd90 <x-coredata:///File/tBC02CE57-3A72-42F7-88D1-4B3B1595A8ED77> ; data: {

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[7/31/13 11:13 PM] Removing deleted file "Please TYPE your name and date at bot..."

[7/31/13 11:13 PM] Removing deleted file "Health Care Finance & Bredesen"

[7/31/13 11:13 PM] Removing deleted file "Monday, July 27, 2009"

[7/31/13 11:13 PM] Removing deleted file "Copy of Project Report"

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[7/31/13 11:13 PM] Removing deleted file "Homeless At Home"

[7/31/13 11:13 PM] Removing deleted file "please mom..."

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[7/31/13 11:13 PM] Removing deleted file "0910_educators-release_final"

[7/31/13 11:13 PM] Removing deleted file "nedit draft"

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[7/31/13 11:13 PM] Removing deleted file "TFHC Release of Info"

[7/31/13 11:13 PM] Removing deleted file "Deadline for Appeal 9.11.08"

[7/31/13 11:13 PM] Removing deleted file "WHO letter to BHO re: Bredesen"

[7/31/13 11:13 PM] Removing deleted file "SAVE THE INTERNET 915"

[7/31/13 11:13 PM] Removing deleted file "cordray is still an asshole"

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[7/31/13 11:13 PM] Removing deleted file "Singapore"

[7/31/13 11:13 PM] Removing deleted file "Copy of Avery Business Cards, wide"

[7/31/13 11:13 PM] Removing deleted file "Pass it around... Kinda speaks to Cop..."

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "Iphunkt"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "Untitled Presentation"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "Copy of Bye-Bye Spotty (content warning)"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "PRESS RELEASE: EDUCATORS SIGN ON TO S..."

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "#one cop15"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "AC Brewer1.23.2008"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "Untitled Presentation"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "NO Bredesen"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "Copy of Classic Resume"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "February 12, 2009"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "Education"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "Education"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "0910_educators-release_final"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "Independence Day: March 15, 2009"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "reality bytes"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "Harry and Louise: Adding Insult to In..."

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "Bye-Bye Spotty (content warning)"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "Copy of WHO letter to BHO re: Bredesen"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "I am a resident in the state of Tenne..."

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "Copy of Scientific Article"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "reverification_Process_for_Daniels'_Class_Members[1]"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "SSA Form attached"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "Education"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "Investigate this 2009"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "There are a lot of things in the fina..."

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "Career Crisis"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "54"

[7/31/13 11:14 PM] Removing deleted file "Copy of Avery Business Cards, wide"

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[7/31/13 11:16 PM] Successfully downloaded file "0910_educators-release_final" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:16 PM] -------------------------------------------------------

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[7/31/13 11:16 PM] Processing folders...

[7/31/13 11:16 PM] Processing documents...

[7/31/13 11:16 PM] File "Backup of EDurant2008-2009-2 (07-31-2013 1113 PM)" has an outdated local version, queueing file for download...

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[7/31/13 11:17 PM] Processing batch download request for file "Backup of EDurant2008-2009-2 (07-31-2013 1113 PM)"

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[7/31/13 11:17 PM] Sync for account "" finished successfully!

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[7/31/13 11:17 PM] Successfully downloaded file "#one cop15" with format "doc"

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[7/31/13 11:18 PM] Successfully downloaded file "null" with format "xls"

[7/31/13 11:18 PM] Downloading single file "please mom..." with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:18 PM] Successfully downloaded file "please mom..." with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:19 PM] Downloading single file "reality bytes" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:19 PM] Successfully downloaded file "reality bytes" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:20 PM] Downloading single file "WHO letter to BHO re: Bredesen" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:20 PM] Successfully downloaded file "WHO letter to BHO re: Bredesen" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:21 PM] Downloading single file "Vouchers.doc" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:21 PM] Successfully downloaded file "Vouchers.doc" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:21 PM] Downloading single file "NO Bredesen" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:21 PM] Successfully downloaded file "NO Bredesen" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:22 PM] Downloading single file "nedit draft" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:22 PM] Successfully downloaded file "nedit draft" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:23 PM] Downloading single file "Investigate this 2009" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:23 PM] Successfully downloaded file "Investigate this 2009" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:23 PM] Downloading single file "Independence Day: March 15, 2009" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:23 PM] Successfully downloaded file "Independence Day: March 15, 2009" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:25 PM] Downloading single file "Homeless At Home" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:25 PM] Successfully downloaded file "Homeless At Home" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:25 PM] Downloading single file "cybercrimejpg.pdf" with format "pdf"

[7/31/13 11:25 PM] Successfully downloaded file "cybercrimejpg.pdf" with format "pdf"

[7/31/13 11:25 PM] Downloading single file "cordray is still an asshole" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:25 PM] Successfully downloaded file "cordray is still an asshole" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:26 PM] Downloading single file "Copy of Bye-Bye Spotty (content warning)" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:26 PM] Successfully downloaded file "Copy of Bye-Bye Spotty (content warning)" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:27 PM] Downloading single file "AC Brewer1.23.2008" with format "doc"

[7/31/13 11:27 PM] Successfully downloaded file "AC Brewer1.23.2008" with format "doc"

Elyssa D. Durant 
Research & Policy Analyst
Columbia University, New York

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