Immunization Studies : Adverse Vaccine Reactions. Thinktwice!
Vaccine Studies
(Scientific Citations)
This site documents scientific links between vaccines and unexplained diseases, vaccines causing the "prevented" disease, vaccine failures, vaccines causing another vaccinal disease, vaccines and death, vaccines affecting metabolism, vaccines altering resistance to disease, kidney disorders, skin disorders, abscesses, shock, and other studies.
Vaccines and Unexplained Diseases:
- Hiner, E E, Frasch, C E, "Spectrum of Disease Due to Haemophilus Influenza Type B Occurring in Vaccinated Children", J Infect Disorder, 1988 Aug; 158(2): 343-348.
- Olin P, Romanus, V, Storsaeter, J, "Invasive Bacterial Infections During an Efficiacy Trial of Acellular Pertussis Vaccines --Implications For Future Surveilance In Pertussis Vaccine Programmes", Tokai J Exp Clin Med, 1988; 13 Suppl: 143-144.
- Storsaeter, J, et al, "Mortality and Morbidity From Invasive Bacterial Infections During a Clinical Trial of Acellular Pertussis Vaccines in Sweden", Pediatr Infect Disorder J, 1988 Sept; 7(9):637-645.
- Vadheim, CM, et al, "Effectiveness and Safety of an Haemophilus Influenzae type b Conjugate Vaccine (PRP-T) in Young Infants. Kaiser-UCLA Vaccine Study Group," Pediartics, 1993 Aug; 92(2):272-279. [The vaccines caused fevers, irritability, crying, and seizures, but were declared to be "safe and ... effective ... ".]
- Stickl, H, "Estimation of Vaccination Damage", Med Welt, Oct 14, 1972, 23:1495-1497.
- Waters, VV, et al, "Risk Factors for Measles in a Vaccinated Population", JAMA, Mar 27, 1991, 265(12): 1527.
- Stickl, H, "Iatrogenic Immuno-suppression as a Result of Vaccination", Fortschr Med, Mar 5, 1981, 99(9);289-292.
Vaccines Cause the "Prevented" Disease:
- Nkowane, et al, "Vaccine-Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis, US 1973 through 1984, JAMA, 1987, Vol 257:1335-1340.
- Quast, et al, "Vaccine Induced Mumps-like Diseases", nd, Int Symp on Immun, Development Bio Stand, Vol 43, p269-272.
- Green, C et al, "A Case of Hepatitis Related to Etretinate Therapy and Hepatitis B Vaccine", Dermatologica, 1991, 182(2):119-120.
- Shasby, DM, et al, "Epidemic Measles in Highly Vaccinated Population", NEJM, Mar 1977, 296(11): 585-589.
- Tesovic, G et al, "Aseptic Meningitis after Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine", Lancet, Jun 12, 1993, 341(8859):1541.
- Johnson, RH, et al, "Nosocomial Vaccinia Infection", West J Med, Oct 1976, 125(4):266-270.
- Malengreau, M, "Reappearance of Post-Vaccination Infection of Measles, Rubella, and Mumps. Should Adolescents be re-vaccinated?" Pedaitric, 1992;47(9):597-601 (25 ref)
- Basa, SN, "Paralytic Poliomyelitis Following Inoculation With Combined DTP Prophylactic. A review of Sixteen cases with Special Reference to Immunization Schedules in Infancy", J Indian Med Assoc, Feb 1, 1973, 60:97-99.
- Landrigan, PJ et al, "Measles in Previously Vaccinated Children in Illinois", Ill Med J, Arp 1974, 141:367-372.
- NA, "Vaccine-Associated Poliomyelitis", Med J Aust, Oct 1973, 2:795-796.
Vaccine Failures:
- Hardy, GE, Jr, et al, "The Failure of a School Immunization Campaign to Terminate an Urban Epidemic of Measles," Amer J Epidem, Mar 1970; 91:286-293.
- Cherry, JD, et al, "A Clinical and Serologic Study of 103 Children With Measles Vaccine Failure", J Pediatr, May 1973; 82:801-808.
- Jilg, W, et al, "Inoculation Failure Following Hepatitis B Vaccination", Dtsch Med wochenschr, 1990 Oct 12; 115(41):1514-1548.
- Plotkin, SA, "Failures of Protection by Measles Vaccine," J Pediatr, May 1973; 82:798-801.
- Bolotovskii, V, et al, "Measles Incidence Among Children Properly Vaccinated Against This Infection", ZH Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol, 1974; 00(5):32-35.
- Landrigan, PJ, et al, "Measles in Previously Vaccinated Children in Illinois", Ill Med J, Apr 1974; 141:367-372.
- Strebel, P et al, "An Outbreak of Whooping Cough in a Highly Vaccinated Urban Community", J Trop Pediatr, Mar 1991, 37(2): 71-76.
- Forrest, JM, et al, "Failure of Rubella Vaccination to Prevent Congenital Rubella,"Med J Aust, 1977 Jan 15; 1(3): 77.
- Jilg, W, "Unsuccessful Vaccination against Hepatitis B", Dtsch Med Wochenschr, Nov 16, 1990, 115(46):1773.
- Coles, FB, et al, "An Outbreak of Influenza A (H3N2) in a Well-Immunized Nursing home Population," J Am ger Sociologist, Jun 1992, 40(6):589-592.
- Jilg, W, et al, "Inoculation Failure following Hepatitis B Vaccination," Dtsch Med Wochenschr, Oct 12, 1990, 115(41):1545-1548.
- Hartmann, G et al, "Unsuccessful Inoculation against Hepatitis B," Dtsch Med Wochenschr, May 17, 1991, 116(20): 797.
- Buddle, BM et al, "Contagious Ecthyma Virus-Vaccination Failures", Am J Vet Research, Feb 1984, 45(2):263-266.
- Mathias, R G, "Whooping Cough In Spite of Immunization", Can J Pub Health, 1978 Mar/Apr; 69(2):130-132.
- Osterholm, MT, et al, "Lack of Efficacy of Haemophilus b Polysacharide Vaccine in Minnesota", JAMA, 1988 Sept 9; 260(10:1423-1428.
- Johnson, RH, et al, "Nosocomial Vaccinia Infection", West J Med, Oct 1976, 125(4):266-270.
Vaccines Causing Another Vaccinal Disease:
- Basa, SN, "Paralytic Poliomyelitis Following Inoculation With Combined DTP Prophylactic. A review of Sixteen cases with Special Reference to Immunization Schedules in Infancy", J Indian Med Assoc, Feb 1, 1973, 60:97-99.
- Pathel, JC, et al, "Tetanus Following Vaccination Against Small-pox", J Pediatr, Jul 1960; 27:251-263.
- Favez, G, "Tuberculous Superinfection Following a Smallpox Re-Vaccination", Praxis, July 21, 1960; 49:698-699.
- Quast, Ute, and Hennessen, "Vaccine-Induced Mumps-like Diseases", Intern Symp on Immunizations , Development Bio Stand, Vol 43, p 269-272.
- Forrest, J M, et al, "Clinical Rubella Eleven months after Vaccination," Lancet, Aug 26, 1972, 2:399-400.
- Dittman, S, "Atypical Measles after Vaccination", Beitr Hyg Epidemiol, 19891, 25:1-274 (939 ref)
- Sen S, et al, "Poliomyelitis in Vaccinated Children", Indian Pediatr, May 1989, 26(5): 423-429.
- Arya, SC, "Putative Failure of Recombinant DNA Hepatitis B Vaccines", Vaccine, Apr 1989, 7(2): 164-165.
- Lawrence, R et al, "The Risk of Zoster after Varicella Vaccination in Children with Leukemia", NEJM, Mar 3, 1988, 318(9): 543-548.
Vaccines and Death:
- Na, "DPT Vaccination and Sudden Infant Death - Tennessee, US Dept HEW, MMWR Report, Mar 23, 1979, vol 28(11): 132.
- Arevalo, "Vaccinia Necrosum. Report on a Fatal Case", Bol Ofoc Sanit Panamer, Aug 1967, 63:106-110.
- Connolly, J H, Dick, G W, Field, CM, "A Case of Fatal Progressive Vaccinia", Brit Med Jour, 12 May 1962; 5288:1315-1317.
- Aragona, F, "Fatal Acute Adrenal Insufficiency Caused by Bilateral Apoplexy of the Adrenal Glands (WFS) following Anti-poliomyelitis Vaccination", Minerva Medicolegale, Aug 1960; 80:167-173.
- Moblus, G et al, "Pathological-Anatomical Findings in Cases of Death Following Poliomyelitis and DPT Vaccination", Dtsch Gesundheitsw, Jul 20, 1972, 27:1382-1386.
- NA, "Immunizations and Cot Deaths", Lancet, Sept 25, 1982, np.
- Goetzeler, A, "Fatal Encephalitis after Poliomyelitis Vaccination", 22 Jun 1961, Muenchen Med Wschr, 102:1419-1422.
- Fulginiti, V, "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Diphtheria-Tetanus Toxoid-Pertussis Vaccination and Visits to the Doctor: Chance Association or Cause and Effect?", Pediatr Infect Disorder, Jan-Feb 1983, 2(1): 7-11.
- Baraff, LJ, et al, "Possible Temporal Association Between Diphtheria-tetanus toxoid-Pertussis Vaccination and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome", Pediatr Infect Disorder, Jan-Feb 1983, 2(1): 5-6.
- Reynolds, E, "Fatal Outcome of a Case of Eczema Vaccinatum", Lancet, 24 Sept 1960, 2:684-686.
- Apostolov. et al, "Death of an Infant in Hyperthermia After Vaccination", J Clin Path, Mar 1961, 14:196-197.
- Bouvier-Colle, MH, "Sex-Specific Differences in Mortality After High-Titre Measles Vaccination", Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique, 1995; 43(1): 97.
- Stewart GT, "Deaths of infants after triple vaccine.", Lancet 1979 Aug 18;2(8138):354-355.
- Flahault A, "Sudden infant death syndrome and diphtheria/tetanus toxoid/pertussis/poliomyelitis immunisation.", Lancet 1988 Mar 12;1(8585):582-583.
- Larbre, F et al, "Fatal Acute Myocarditis After Smallpox Vaccination", Pediatrie, Apr-May 1966, 21:345-350.
- Mortimer EA Jr, "DTP and SIDS: when data differ", Am J Public Health 1987 Aug; 77(8):925-926.
Vaccines and Metabolism:
- Deutsch J, " [Temperature changes after triple-immunization in infant age]," Padiatr Grenzgeb 1976;15(1):3-6. [Article in German]
- NA, "[Temperature changes after triple immunization in childhood]," Padiatr Grenzgeb 1976;15(1):7-10. [Article in German]
- [Considering that the thyroid controls our Basal Metabolism, it would appear that vaccines altered (depressed) thryoid activity.]
Vaccines Altering Resistance to Disease:
- Burmistrova AL, "[Change in the non-specific resistance of the body to influenza and acute respiratory diseases following immunization diphtheria-tetanus vaccine]," Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol 1976; (3):89-91. [Article in Russian]
Vaccines and Kidney Disorders:
- Jacquot, C et al, "Renal Risk in Vaccination", Nouv Presse Med, Nov 6, 1982, 11(44):3237-3238.
- Giudicelli, et al, "Renal Risk in Vaccination", Presse Med, Jun 11, 1982, 12(25):1587-1590.
- Tan, SY, et al, "Vaccine Related Glomerulonephritis", BMJ, Jan 23, 1993, 306(6872):248.
- Pillai, JJ, et al, "Renal Involvement in Association with Post-vaccination Varicella", Clin Infect Disorder, Dec 1993, 17(6): 1079-1080.
- Eisinger, AJ et al, "Acute Renal Failure after TAB and Cholera Vaccination", B Med J, Feb 10, 1979, 1(6160):381-382.
- Silina, ZM, et al, "Causes of Postvaccinal Complications in the Kidneys in Young Infants", Pediatria, Dec 1978, (12):59-61.
- Na, "Albuminurias", Concours Med, Mar 1964, 85:5095-5098. [vaccination adverse reactions]
- Oyrl, A, et al, "Can Vaccinations Harm the Kidney?", Clin Nephrol, 1975, 3(5):204-205.
- Mel'man Nia, "[Renal lesions after use of vaccines and sera]." Vrach Delo 1978 Oct;(10):67-9, [Article in Russian]
- Silina ZM, Galaktionova TIa, Shabunina NR, "[Causes of postvaccinal complications in the kidneys in young infants]." Pediatriia 1978 Dec;(12):59-61, [Article in Russian]
- Silina EM, et al, "[Some diseases of the kidneys in children during the 1st year of life, following primary smallpox vaccination and administration of pertusis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine]." Vopr Okhr Materin Det 1968 Mar; 13(3):79-80, [Article in Russian]
Vaccines and Skin Disorders:
- Illingsworth R, "Skin rashes after triple vaccine," Arch Dis Child 1987 Sep; 62(9):979.
- Lupton GP, "Discoid lupus erythematosus occurring in a smallpox vaccination scar," J Am Acad Dermatol, 1987 Oct; 17(4):688-690.
- Kompier, A J, "Some Skin Diseases caused by Vaccinia Virus [Smallpox]," Ned Milt Geneesk T, 15:149-157, May 1962.
- Weber, G et al, "Skin Lesions Following Vaccinations," Deutsch Med Wschr, 88:1878-1886, S7 Sept 1963.
- Copeman, P W, "Skin Complications of Smallpox Vaccination," Practitioner, 197:793-800, Dec 1966.
- Denning, DW, et al, "Skin Rashes After Triple Vaccine," Arch Disorder Child, May 1987, 62(5): 510-511.
Vaccines and Abcesses:
- Sterler, HC, et al, "Outbreaks of Group A Steptococcal Abcesses Following DTP Vaccination", Pediatrics, Feb 1985, 75(2):299-303.
- DiPiramo, D, et al, "Abcess Formation at the Site of Inoculation of Calmette-Guerin Bacillus (BCG)," Riv Med Aeronaut Spaz, Jul-Dec 1981, 46(3-4):190-199.
Vaccines and Shock:
- Caileba, A et al, "Shock associated with Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Syndrome following Injection of DT.TAB Vaccine, Prese Med, Sept 15, 1984, 13(3):1900.
Other Citations:
- Pathel, JC, et al, "Tetanus Following Vaccination Against Small-pox", J Pediatr, Jul 1960; 27:251-263.
- Favez, G, "Tuberculous Superinfection Following a Smallpox Re-Vaccination", Praxis, July 21, 1960; 49:698-699.
- Bonifacio, A et al, "Traffic Accidents as an expression of "Iatrogenic damage", Minerva Med, Feb 24, 1971, 62:735-740. [But officer I was just vaccinated!]
- Baker, J et al, "Accidental Vaccinia: Primary Inoculation of a Scrotum", Clin Pediatr (Phila), Apr 1972, 11:244-245.
- Edwards, K, "Danger of Sunburn Following Vaccination", Papua New Guinea Med J, Dec 1977, 20(4):203.
- Stroder, J, "Incorrect Therapy in Children", Folia Clin Int (Barc), Feb 1966, 16:82-90. [Agreed.]
- Wehrle PF, "Injury associated with the use of vaccines," Clin Ther 1985;7(3):282-284.
- Alberts ME, "When and where will it stop", Iowa Med 1986 Sep; 76(9):424. [When!]
- Breiman RF, Zanca JA, "Of floors and ceilings--defining, assuring, and communicating vaccine safety", Am J Public Health 1997 Dec;87(12):1919-1920.
- Stewart, AM, et al, "Aetiology of Childhood Leukaemia", Lancet, 16 Oct, 1965, 2:789-790.
- Nelson, ST, "John Hutchinson On Vaccination Syphilis (Hutchinson, J)", Arch Derm, (Chic), May 1969, 99:529-535.
- Mather, C, "Cotton Mather Anguishes Over the Consequences of His Son’s Inoculation Against Smallpox", Pediatrics, May 1974; 53:756.
- Thoman M, "The Toxic Shot Syndrome", Vet Hum Toxicol, Apr 1986, 28(2):163-166. [Animals are not exempt from vaccination damage either!]
- Johnson, RH, et al, "Nosocomial Vaccinia Infection", West J Med, Oct 1976, 125(4):266-270. [Nosocomial means a disease acquired in a doctor’s office or hospital.]
- Heed, JR, "Human Immunization With Rabies Vaccine in Suckling Mice Brain," Salud Publica, May-Jun 1974, 16(3): 469-480.
- Tesovic, G et al, "Aseptic Meningitis after Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine", Lancet, Jun 12, 1993, 341(8859):1541. [AM has same symptoms as poliomyelitis!]
- Buddle, BM et al, "Contagious Ecthyma Virus-Vaccination Failures", Am J Vet Research, Feb 1984, 45(2):263-266.
- Freter, R et al, "Oral Immunization And Production of Coproantibody in Human Volunteers", J Immunol, Dec 1963, 91:724-729. [copro = Feces]
- NA, "Vaccination, For and Against", 1964, Belg T Geneesk, 20:125-130. [Is it for or against?]
- Sahadevan, MG et al, "Post-vaccinal Myelitis", J Indian Med Ass, Feb 16, 1966, 46:205-206.
- Castan, P et al, "Coma Revealing an acute Leukosis in a child, 15 days after an Oral Anti-poliomyelitis Vaccination," Acta Neurol Bekg, May 1965, 65:349-367. [Coma from vaccines!]
- Stickl, H, et al, "Purulent [pus] meningitides Following Smallpox Vaccination. On the Problem of Post-Vaccinal Decrease of Resistance", Deutsch Med Wschr, Jul 22, 1966, 91:1307-1310.
- Haas, R, et al, "Studies on the Occurrence of Viremia Following Oral Poliomyelitis Vaccination with Sabin Type I Strain LSC2ab", Deutsch Med Wschr, Mar 4, 1968, 91:385-389.
- Converse, J L, et al, "Control of Tissue Reactions in monkeys vaccinated with Viable Coccidioides immitis by prevaccination with killed Coccidioides immitis", J Bact, Sept 1965, 90:783-788.
- Motelunas, LI et al, "The Potential Epidemiological Hazard of Parental Transmission of Epidemic Hepatitis as the Result of Vaccination," Zh Mikrobiol, Nov 1965, 42:105-108.
- Krudusz, J, "Effect of Vaccinotherapy on the Sedimentation Rate and On the Hematocrit", Klin Oczna, 1967, 37:191-195.
- Pop, A, "Production of Laboratory Animals for the Production of Serums and Vaccines," Arch Roum Path Exp Mocrobiol, 1967, 23:423-430. [Animal research for vaccine production!]
- Espmark, A, "The Composition of Vaccines With Reference to Potentially Injurious Allergens", Lakartidningen, Nov 3, 1965, 62:3662-3667.
- DeRenzi, S, et al, "Damage Caused by Vaccine Therapy and Serotherapy", Clin Ter, Sept 30, 1966, 38:497-500.
- Lewis, J, "Iatrogenic Malaria," New Zeal Med J, Feb 1970, 71:88-89. [Malaria caused by the doctor!]
- Prakken, JR, "Syphilization", Nederl T Geneesk, Jun 13, 1970, 114:1019-1023.
- Damert, C et al, "Hygenical and Bacteriological Inspection of the Execution of Vaccination," Z Gesamite Hyg, Jul 1974, 20(7):439-442.
- Na, "Sibling Accidentally Vaccinates other Following Inoculation", Can Med Assoc J, Aug 4, 1973, 109:237.
- Opitz, B et al, "Prevention of Iatrogenic Infections Following Vaccination", Dtsch Gesundheltsw, Jun 15, 1972, 27:1131-1136.
- Raff, MJ, "Progressive Vaccinia (Vaccinia Gangrenosum)", J Ky Med Assoc, Feb 1973, 71:92-95.
- Hanissian, AS et al, "Vasculitis and Myositis Secondary to Rubella Vaccination", Arch Neurol, Mar 1973, 28:202-204.
- Cho, CT, et al, "Panencephalitis Following Measles Vaccination", JAMA, May 28, 1973, 224:1299.
- Rubin, R H, et al, "Adverse Reactions to Duck Embryo Rabies Vaccine. Range and Incidence," Ann Intern Med, May 1973, 78:643-649.
- Gunderman, JR, "Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Occurrence Following Combined Mumps-Rubella Vaccine", Am J Disorder Child, Jun 1973, 125:834-835. [GBS is paralysis!]
- Hale, MS et al, "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Associated With Rubella Immunization", Am J Phys Med, Aug 1973, 52:189-194.
- Provost, A et al, "Inopportune Cattle Mucosal Diseases Associated With Rinderpest Vaccine", Bull Epizoot Afr, Dec 1972, 20:265-267.
- Budal, J, "Hazards of Prophylactic Vaccination," Orv Hetil, Sept 10, 1972, 113:2237-2240.
- Levenbuk, IS, et al, "A Morphological Study of the Harmlessness of Live Dysentery Vaccines From Streptomycin Dependent Mutants of Sh. Flexnert", ZH Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol, Feb 1972, 49:18-22.
- Arnold, H, "Our Vaccination Service is Sick", Oeff Egsundheitswes, Feb 1974, 36:133-134.
- Spless, H, "Sterility of Vaccination Guns", Dtsch Med Wochenschr, Jun 27, 1975, 100(26):1445-1446. [Make sure the gun is sterile, because what is inside it isn’t.]
- Redey, B, "Self-Experiments with the Ingestion of Various Bacteria", Acta Microbiol Acad Sci Hung, 1974, 21(1-2):45-62.
- Webster, AC, "The Adverse Effect of Environment on the Response to Distemper Vaccination", Aust Vet J, Oct 1975, 51(10): 488-490.
- NA, "Vaccines Made From House-Dust Mites", Drug Ther Bull, Apr 23, 1976, 14(9):35-36. [Sic!]
- Levaditi, JC et al, "Local Tolerance of Vaccines Adsorbed on Immuno-Stimulating Substances", Sem Hop Ther, Feb 1975, 51(2):117-118.
- Miller, Ta, "The Possibilities for Application of the Canine Hookworm Vaccine Technology to the Prevention and Control of Hookworm Infection and Disease in Man", In: Nuclear Techniques in Helminthology Research, Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, 1973.
- Borsche, A, "What are the Hazards of Vaccinations in Childhood?" ZFA, May 10, 1976, 52(13):666-674.
- Starke, G, et al, "Requirements for the Control of a Dog Kidney Cell-adapted Live Mumps Virus Vaccine", J Biol Stand, Apr 1974, 2(2):143-150. [DKC = Dog Kidney Cells]
- Garlick, P et al, "Stimulation of Protein Synthesis and Breakdown By Vaccination", Br Med J, Jul 26, 1980, 281(6235):263-265.
- Weissmann, G, "In Quest of Fleck: Science From the Holocaust", Hosp Pract, Oct 1980, 15(10):48-49.52, 54-55 passim.
- Williams, Go, "Vaccines in Older Patients: Combating the Risk of Mortality", Geriatrics, Nov 1980, 35(11):55-57, 63-64.
- Sun, M, "Compensation for Victims of Vaccines", np, Feb 27, 1981, 211(4485):906-908.
- Hillary, IB, et al, "Persistence of antibody 10 years after Vaccination with Wistar RA 27/3 Strain of Live Attenuated Rubella Vaccine", Br Med J, Jun 28, 1980, 280(6231):1580-1581. [RA 27/3 refers to an aborted fetus.]
- Frerichs, GN et al, "Estimation of Residual Free Formaldehyde in Biological Products", J Biol Stand 1980; 8(2):139-144. [Formaldehyde is a carcinogen.]
- Ambs, E et al, "Tuberculous Abcess of the Upper Arm With Regional Lymphadenitis as a Consequence of Injection in Two Siblings", Med Klin, July 7, 1967, 62:1050-1054.
- Davis, LE, "Communicating Hydrocephalus in New born Hamsters and Cats Following Vaccinia Virus infection", J Neurosurg, Jun 1981, 54(6):767-772. [Hydrocephalus is similar to brain swelling.]
- Simon, J et al, "A new Model of Multiple Sclerosis. Experimental Vaccinia Infection in the Monkey", Forschr Med, Nov 6, 1980, 98(41):1607-1611. [Links between vaccines and MS.]
- Barrie, H, "Campaign of Terror", AM J Disorder Child, Sept 1983, 137(9):922-923. [Qui tu - Vaccination - Et Brutus?]
- Stickl, H, "Discussion on the Most Favorable Age For Primary Smallpox Vaccination of Children", Monatsschr Kinderheilkd, Sept 1970, 118:541-544. [Answer - none!]
- Daugaard, J, "Adverse Effects of Vaccination. The Liability of Physicians and The objective Liability," Nord Med, Jun 1972, 87:183-184.
- Conteras Poza L, et al, "An Unusual Accident During Smallpox Vaccination: Intramuscular Injection of the Lymph Vaccine", Rev Sanid hig Publica (Madr) Oct 1971, 45:1017-1022. [I thought that vaccines were supposed to be given IM.]
- Nosov, SD, et al, "Systematization of Reactions Developing After Prophylactic Vaccination", Pediatria, Feb 1972, 51:10-15.
- Remsey, "Iatrogenic [Doctor -caused] Disease Caused by Vaccination", Orv Hetil, Sept 1971, 112:2245.
- Stickl, H, "Estimation of Vaccination Damage", Med Welt, Oct 14, 1972, 23:1495-1497.
- Millichap JG, et al, "Etiology and treatment of infantile spasms: current concepts, including the role of DPT immunization," Acta Paediatr Jpn 1987 Feb; 29(1):54-60.
- Mason, MM et al, "Toxicology and Carcinogenesis of Various Chemicals Used in the Preparation of Vaccines", np, Jun 1971, 4:185-204.
- Michiels, J, "Harmful Effects of Common Drugs on the Vital Apparatus. Agents of Immunity." Bull Sociologist Beige Ophtalmol, 1972, 160:467-483.
- Knudsen, Rc, et al, "Difference in the Protective Immunity of the tongue and feet of Guinea Pigs Vaccinated with Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Type A12 Following intradermolingual and Footpad [foot and mouth]Challenge", Vet Microbiol, May 1982, 7(2):97-107.
- Elliman, D, "Vaccination and Professional Confusion", Br Med J, Sept 15, 1990, 301(675):551.
- NA, "Risk Language Preferred By Mothers in Considering a Hypothetical New Vaccine For Their Children", 1991, np.
- Levine, MM, "Non-target Effects of Live Vaccines: Myth, Reality and Demagoguery," Development Biol Stand, 1995, 84:33-38.
- Stickl, H, "No Negligence in Preventive Vaccinations", Fortschr Med, July 20, 1989, 107(21):14-15.
- Donaldson, AI, et al, "Transmission of Foot-and-mouth Disease by Vaccinated Cattle Following Natural Challenge", Research Vet Sci, Jan 1989, 46(1):9-14.
- Spier, RE, "Democratic Governments and Vaccines", Vaccine, Nov 1994, 12(15):1363.
- Cichutek, K, Nucleic Acid Immunizations", Vaccine, Dec 1994, 12(16):1520-1525 (23 ref). [Gene therapy could make autoimmune diseases increase.]
- Alexander, NJ, et al, "Contraceptive Vaccine Development", Reprod Fertil Development, 1994, 6(3):273-280.
- Allen, JM, "Over-the-counter Sale of Drugs and Vaccines, J AM Vet Med Assoc, Feb 1, 1995, 206(3):286.
- Harte, PG et al, "Failure of Malaria Vaccine in Mice Born to Immune Mothers", Clin Exp Immunol, Sept 1982 49(3):509-516.
- Editorial, "Are We Vaccinating without Reason?", Lakartidningen, Nov 27, 1974, 71(48):4915.
- Na, "The Hen’s Egg versus the Horse’s Brain: ..." 1988, np,
- Bonard, EC, "Is Vaccination Still Necessary?" , Rev Med Suisse Romande, Oct 1987, 107(10):781-782.
- Forrester, HL, et al, "Inefficacy of Pneumococcal vaccine in a High Risk Population," Am J Med, Sept 1987, 83(3): 425-430.
- NA, "Protection for AIDS Vaccine Suits", NJMed, May 1989, 86(5):338.
- NA, "AIDS Vaccines: Is Optimism Justified? Fortschr Med, Jul 20, 1989, 107(21):13.
- Perez Diaz R, et al, "[Post-vaccinal Pericarditis. Report of 2 Cases]", Rev Cuba Med, 1:49-54, Jul-Aug 1962.
- Larbre, F et al, "Fatal Acute Myocarditis After Smallpox Vaccination", Pediatrie, Apr-May 1966, 21:345-350.
Chudwin, DS, et al, "Lung Involvement in Progressive Vaccinia", West J Med, May 1981, 134(5):446-448.
Lilic, D, et al, "Liver Dysfunction and DNA Antibodies after Hepatitis B Vaccination", Lancet, Nov 5, 1994, 344(8932):1292-1293.
Goldman, A, "Occular Vaccinia: A Case Report and Review of Treatment," Med J Aust, Nov 30, 1968, 2:921-922.
Rennie, AG et al, "Occular Vaccinia," Lancet, Aug 3, 1974, 2:273-275.
Vaccinations Don’t Work:
Gilchrist, A, "To Vaccinate is Not Always to Immunize", Med J Aust, May 6, 1991, 154(9):638.
Daniel, J C, "The Polio Paradox, One of the Two Polio Vaccines Has Been Largely Abandoned in the US; The other is the Leading Cause of the Disease", Science, April 1986, p 37-39.
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