Saturday, August 25, 2012

Who is Neal Rauhauser | Washington Times

Who is Neal Rauhauser | Washington Times Communities | Jul 2nd 2012

“People engaged in provocative online conduct feel insulated; they’re in the comfort of their own home, if they’ve engaged in a little bit of caution they may feel completely anonymous, and this emboldens them. Specifying the strategy we’ll use to break their anonymity won’t permit any mitigation on their part without adjusting their behavior, which counts as a win for us. We’re dealing with people who have likely had no interaction with the court system beyond a traffic ticket; the potential for a pro se litigant to force them into expensive, long distance, lengthy, discovery laden litigation doesn’t seem to cross their minds. The reality of travel, or frightful expenses, or summary judgments needs to be made real. We probably need to make a very visible example of at least one of them before the rest understand.” (Neal Rauhauser) 

CHICAGO, June 28, 2012— Earlier this week I wrote about criminal terrorist (Speedway Bomber), convicted felon, and pseudo left wing activist Brett Kimberlin. I mentioned some of the people he is affiliated with. One is Democratic operative Neal Rauhauser. 

I received emails about Rauhauser. After doing a little research, Neal Rauhauser became a story unto himself. Rauhauser is a technological idiot savant, especially in the field of cyber technology. He is a self-admitted hacker. From available information and sources it is hard to determine if he is a black hat hacker (criminal) or a gray hat hacker (line between criminality and legitimacy). 

Actually, it is hard to determine anything about Neal Rauhauser. Facts are sparse. Rumors, legends, myths, and his own braggadocio are plentiful. What is known is deeply disturbing. He is described as maniacal, diabolical, and extremely vengeful. 

Depending on who you talk to or what you find on the Internet, Rauhauser is either a very disturbed individual, domestic and political super spy, agent provocateur and federal informant, federal cyber security contractor or consultant; is usually armed with a hand gun on his person or in his car, lives somewhere in America, lives in Montgomery County, Maryland, works on Capitol Hill, is an expert on wind technology, started and busted out several businesses, cannot hold a responsible job, the list just goes on and on and on. 

Rauhauser’s life reads like James Bond or Inspector Jacques Clouseau.

What is known for sure is that a family in Iowa adopted him as a child. He married, sired two children, his wife divorced him, he rarely had or has contact with his children, he owes between thirty and thirty five thousand dollars in back child support (a federal and state criminal offense), and is involved with Speedway Bomber, Brett Kimberlin. 

Rauhauser is a master of black operations and political dirty tricks, especially political cyber warfare. Like Kimberlin, he uses lawfare, abusing the legal system to get revenge on his perceived enemies. Like Brett Kimberlin, Rauhauser’s enemies are people who try to expose him, have an opposing political point of view, or disagree with him. 

Political writers and political workers, especially ideological ones, engage in provocative online conduct. Kimberlin and Rauhauser only want their side, the extreme left wing, to provocatively express them selves. All others must be suppressed, repressed, stifled, stopped, and shut down by any and all means necessary. 

There will only be one story, one narrative, and one message, theirs. 

Neal Rauhauser operates in the realm of the cyber world where the extreme left and right meet. It’s a world of myth, rumor, and conspiracy. It is a world where fact is fiction and fiction is fact. It is a world composed of extremists. 

Anyone who criticizes, crosses, or dares to tell the truth about Rauhauser or Kimberlin are terrorized through emails, Twitter wars, lawfare, and conveniently and coincidently, SWATting.  Other forms of harassment such as physical and cyber stalking are employed.

Bloggers Patterico(Patrick Frey), Aaron Worthing (Walker), and Erick Erickson (RedState) were victims of SWATting after writing stories exposing Kimberlin and Rauhauser or winning legal cases against them. 

Worthing, an attorney, was under a ridiculous and convoluted court order not to write about Kimberlin. He was arrested for violating the order. On Monday he was vindicated in court. Unlike the judge who issued the original order, a different judge Monday actually had knowledge of the First Amendment. Hours after his vindication Worthing was SWATted. 

Rauhauser and Kimberlin have no qualms about destroying reputations, costing people time and money fighting malicious and frivolous legal actions, and accusing people of pseudo-crimes. There have been accusations of perjury, though for some strange reason Maryland prosecutors have taken no action or even conducted investigations. 

In my research I came across the name of an acquaintance. This person related that she was “horribly” harassed and “terrorized” by Rauhauser and his minions on and off line. She even caught a man from out of state, affiliated with Rauhauser, photographing her home. 

She was relentlessly cyber stalked on the Internet. Her crimes? Rauhauser considered her a domestic extremist- whatever that is- and she interviewed one of his enemies on her Internet radio show. She was even harassed and cyber stalked the day her son died. Horrendous emails were sent and terrible online comments were made about his death. 

These people have no fear, morals, or boundaries. They will attack and terrorize anyone, including attorneys. They appear ro be above the law. 

In the case of Rauhauser, he can and should be arrested for the crime of failure to pay child support. His wife, an educated, professional, and competent woman, raised two wonderful children on her own. While doing so she survived two bouts of cancer. 

Locating Rauhauser is difficult. He hides in plain sight. He can be found all over the place, even Zucotti Park and Netroots conventions, but no one knows when or where he will show up. 

If, as he claims, he works on Capitol Hill he should not be hard to locate or arrest. 

Neal Rauhauser, Brett Kimberlin, and others like them are cyber and legal terrorists. They are willingly and knowingly trying to suppress and repress free speech, which is a federal offense. They are diabolical political extremists of the worst sort. 

They are allowed to get away with their egregious conduct with no repercussions. There have been few, if any, media reports inquiring about or exposing their extreme egregious behavior. 

The question is why? 

Peter V. Bella is a retired Chicago Police Officer, freelance journalist and photojournalist, cook, and raconteur.  He likes to be the irreverent sharp stick that pokes, prods, and annoys.  His opinions are his and his alone. Mr. Bella is a member of the National Press Photographers Association and the Society for Professional Journalists. 

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