Is your child with #Autism a sensory seeker?
by Lost and Tired, lostandtired.comNovember 26th 2012
OMG, Emmett is all over the place. He needs more of a physical outlet because he’s literally climbing on me all day long.. We used to take him to park in the warmer weather.
With insurance refusing to cover OT, PT and speech anymore, this has become an even bigger problem.
I’m grateful for what he’s received but I’m angry and frustrated with their reasons for not paying anymore. Essentially, they are saying that he hasn’t reached the level of his typical peers and they don‘t believe he ever will. In other words, Emmett to them is a bad investment.
I don‘t agree with how insurance companies have been handling children and adults with #Autism.
Anyway, Emmett desperately needs that physical outlet and he’s made progress.
Right now, he’s sensory seeking and doing so by running into walls, bouncing off of everything he can and climbing on anything he can reach. It’s exhausting.
He’s very aggressive with his climbing and bouncing, to the point that he actually hurts me in the process. It’s unintentional but still painful and exhausting.
Are your kids sensory seekers? What sort of things do they do for sensory input? Do they ever hurt themselves in the process? Last week, Emmett busted his chin open while sensory seeking.
I was hoping that could share our experience.
Please forgive any typos. I know how to spell but auto-correct hates me. ;-)
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