Tuesday, September 20, 2016

9/10/16 21:42:23:252 WPAnalytics

2016/09/10 21:42:23:252 WPAnalytics session started
2016/09/10 21:42:23:355 ===========================================================================
2016/09/10 21:42:23:356 Launching WordPress for iOS 6.4.1 (6.4.1)...
2016/09/10 21:42:23:356 Crash count: 8
2016/09/10 21:42:23:356 Debug mode: Production
2016/09/10 21:42:23:356 Extra debug: YES
2016/09/10 21:42:23:356 Device model: iPhone 6 (iPhone7,2)
2016/09/10 21:42:23:356 OS: iPhone OS 9.3.5
2016/09/10 21:42:23:356 Language: en-US
2016/09/10 21:42:23:357 UDID: 6D8880A6-36C1-4C32-8082-542012B63818
2016/09/10 21:42:23:374 APN token: be75931fdcbdeee91e59bf1093228ee8471fc733f69392681143bdb494ab23ad
2016/09/10 21:42:23:374 Launch options: (null)
2016/09/10 21:42:23:374 All blogs on device:
2016/09/10 21:42:23:381 <Blog Name: Ch1lleh URL: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: ch1llyw1lly blogId: 108242590>
2016/09/10 21:42:23:381 <Blog Name: The Powers That Beat URL: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 18033618>
2016/09/10 21:42:23:381 ===========================================================================
2016/09/10 21:42:23:432 Helpshift Enabled
2016/09/10 21:42:23:929 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_3_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/13G36 wp-iphone/6.4.1
2016/09/10 21:42:24:139 MediaService cleanUnusedMediaFileFromTmpDir
2016/09/10 21:42:24:833 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: 1
2016/09/10 21:42:24:852 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x14de40650> applicationDidBecomeActive:
2016/09/10 21:42:25:387 23 media items to check for cleanup
2016/09/10 21:42:30:583 <BlogService: 0x14f688640> syncBlogsForAccount:success:failure:
2016/09/10 21:42:52:198 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x14de40650> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:
2016/09/10 21:42:52:200 Received push notification:
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2016/09/10 21:42:52:200 Current Application state: 0
2016/09/10 21:42:54:474 Copying attribute author
2016/09/10 21:42:54:479 Copying attribute authorAvatarURL
2016/09/10 21:42:54:479 Copying attribute authorID
2016/09/10 21:42:54:479 Copying attribute content
2016/09/10 21:42:54:479 Copying attribute date_created_gmt
2016/09/10 21:42:54:480 Copying attribute mt_excerpt
2016/09/10 21:42:54:480 Copying attribute mt_text_more
2016/09/10 21:42:54:480 Copying attribute password
2016/09/10 21:42:54:480 Copying attribute pathForDisplayImage
2016/09/10 21:42:54:480 Copying attribute permaLink
2016/09/10 21:42:54:480 Copying attribute postID
2016/09/10 21:42:54:480 Copying attribute postTitle
2016/09/10 21:42:54:480 Copying attribute post_thumbnail
2016/09/10 21:42:54:480 Copying attribute remoteStatusNumber
2016/09/10 21:42:54:481 Copying attribute status
2016/09/10 21:42:54:481 Copying attribute wp_slug
2016/09/10 21:42:54:481 Copying attribute dateModified
2016/09/10 21:42:54:481 Copying attribute metaIsLocal
2016/09/10 21:42:54:481 Copying attribute metaPublishImmediately
2016/09/10 21:42:54:481 Copying attribute commentCount
2016/09/10 21:42:54:481 Copying attribute geolocation
2016/09/10 21:42:54:481 Copying attribute latitudeID
2016/09/10 21:42:54:481 Copying attribute likeCount
2016/09/10 21:42:54:481 Copying attribute longitudeID
2016/09/10 21:42:54:481 Copying attribute postFormat
2016/09/10 21:42:54:481 Copying attribute postType
2016/09/10 21:42:54:481 Copying attribute publicID
2016/09/10 21:42:54:481 Copying attribute tags
2016/09/10 21:42:54:481 Copying relationship blog
2016/09/10 21:42:54:482 Skipping relationship original
2016/09/10 21:42:54:482 Skipping relationship revision
2016/09/10 21:42:54:482 Copying relationship comments
2016/09/10 21:42:54:482 Copying relationship media
2016/09/10 21:42:54:483 Copying relationship categories
2016/09/10 21:42:55:227 !!! Attempted to create a revision of a revision
2016/09/10 21:43:24:384 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x14de40650> applicationWillResignActive:
2016/09/10 21:43:26:332 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x14de40650> applicationDidBecomeActive:
2016/09/10 21:44:16:142 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x14de40650> applicationWillResignActive:
2016/09/10 21:44:17:886 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x14de40650> applicationDidBecomeActive:
2016/09/10 21:45:09:032 <WPPostViewController: 0x14e443c00> savePost
2016/09/10 21:45:12:115 Deleting Post: <Post: 0x152411bd0> (entity: Post; id: 0xd00000001eb0001c <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Post/p1964> ; data: <fault>)
2016/09/10 21:45:12:116 Deleting Post: <Post: 0x15241a0e0> (entity: Post; id: 0xd00000001e48001c <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Post/p1938> ; data: {
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2016/09/10 21:45:12:118 Deleting Post: <Post: 0x14f9d0920> (entity: Post; id: 0xd00000001ec4001c <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Post/p1969> ; data: {
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2016/09/10 21:45:16:048 Copying attribute author
2016/09/10 21:45:16:049 Copying attribute authorAvatarURL
2016/09/10 21:45:16:049 Copying attribute authorID
2016/09/10 21:45:16:049 Copying attribute content
2016/09/10 21:45:16:049 Copying attribute date_created_gmt
2016/09/10 21:45:16:049 Copying attribute mt_excerpt
2016/09/10 21:45:16:049 Copying attribute mt_text_more
2016/09/10 21:45:16:049 Copying attribute password
2016/09/10 21:45:16:050 Copying attribute pathForDisplayImage
2016/09/10 21:45:16:050 Copying attribute permaLink
2016/09/10 21:45:16:050 Copying attribute postID
2016/09/10 21:45:16:050 Copying attribute postTitle
2016/09/10 21:45:16:050 Copying attribute post_thumbnail
2016/09/10 21:45:16:050 Copying attribute remoteStatusNumber
2016/09/10 21:45:16:050 Copying attribute status
2016/09/10 21:45:16:050 Copying attribute wp_slug
2016/09/10 21:45:16:051 Copying attribute dateModified
2016/09/10 21:45:16:051 Copying attribute metaIsLocal
2016/09/10 21:45:16:051 Copying attribute metaPublishImmediately
2016/09/10 21:45:16:051 Copying attribute commentCount
2016/09/10 21:45:16:051 Copying attribute geolocation
2016/09/10 21:45:16:051 Copying attribute latitudeID
2016/09/10 21:45:16:051 Copying attribute likeCount
2016/09/10 21:45:16:051 Copying attribute longitudeID
2016/09/10 21:45:16:051 Copying attribute postFormat
2016/09/10 21:45:16:052 Copying attribute postType
2016/09/10 21:45:16:052 Copying attribute publicID
2016/09/10 21:45:16:052 Copying attribute tags
2016/09/10 21:45:16:052 Copying relationship blog
2016/09/10 21:45:16:052 Skipping relationship original
2016/09/10 21:45:16:052 Skipping relationship revision
2016/09/10 21:45:16:052 Copying relationship comments
2016/09/10 21:45:16:053 Copying relationship media
2016/09/10 21:45:16:053 Copying relationship categories
2016/09/10 21:45:16:054 post uploaded: I'm a Digger
2016/09/10 21:45:17:874 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x14de40650> applicationWillResignActive:
2016/09/10 21:45:19:868 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x14de40650> applicationDidBecomeActive:
2016/09/10 21:45:21:227 Detected unbalanced register/unregister private site protocol.
2016/09/10 21:45:22:733 Deleting Post: <Post: 0x14f1d4030> (entity: Post; id: 0xd000000022e8001c <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Post/p2234> ; data: {
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content = "Too old to start over, too young to give up. I often wonder why other people can uncover more information about my life than I can... Medical, Financial, Employment,,, even my next door neighbors are ";
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"date_created_gmt" = "2016-09-11 01:45:09 +0000";
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2016/09/10 21:45:40:116 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x14de40650> applicationWillResignActive:
2016/09/10 21:45:42:120 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x14de40650> applicationDidBecomeActive:
2016/09/10 21:45:59:886 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x14de40650> applicationWillResignActive:
2016/09/10 21:46:01:140 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x14de40650> applicationDidEnterBackground:
2016/09/11 04:50:11:371 WPAnalytics session started
2016/09/11 04:50:11:769 ===========================================================================
2016/09/11 04:50:11:772 Launching WordPress for iOS 6.4.1 (6.4.1)...
2016/09/11 04:50:11:772 Crash count: 8
2016/09/11 04:50:11:772 Debug mode: Production
2016/09/11 04:50:11:772 Extra debug: YES
2016/09/11 04:50:11:774 Device model: iPhone 6 (iPhone7,2)
2016/09/11 04:50:11:774 OS: iPhone OS 9.3.5
2016/09/11 04:50:11:774 Language: en-US
2016/09/11 04:50:11:774 UDID: 6D8880A6-36C1-4C32-8082-542012B63818
2016/09/11 04:50:11:790 APN token: be75931fdcbdeee91e59bf1093228ee8471fc733f69392681143bdb494ab23ad
2016/09/11 04:50:11:790 Launch options: {
UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey = {
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2016/09/11 04:50:11:790 All blogs on device:
2016/09/11 04:50:11:798 <Blog Name: Ch1lleh URL: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://elyssadblog.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: ch1llyw1lly blogId: 108242590>
2016/09/11 04:50:11:798 <Blog Name: The Powers That Beat URL: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://powersthatbeat.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: powersthatbeat blogId: 18033618>
2016/09/11 04:50:11:798 ===========================================================================
2016/09/11 04:50:11:854 Helpshift Enabled
2016/09/11 04:50:12:395 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_3_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/13G36 wp-iphone/6.4.1
2016/09/11 04:50:12:521 MediaService cleanUnusedMediaFileFromTmpDir
2016/09/11 04:50:13:516 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: 2
2016/09/11 04:50:13:574 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x134584060> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:
2016/09/11 04:50:13:702 Received push notification:
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2016/09/11 04:50:13:887 Current Application state: 2


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