Saturday, August 12, 2017

WPA Analytics August 8

2017/08/08 01:45:41:498 WPAnalytics session started
2017/08/08 01:45:41:504 ===========================================================================
2017/08/08 01:45:41:504 Launching WordPress for iOS 7.9 (
2017/08/08 01:45:41:504 Crash count: 17
2017/08/08 01:45:41:504 Debug mode: Production
2017/08/08 01:45:41:504 Extra debug: YES
2017/08/08 01:45:41:505 Device model: iPhone9,1 (iPhone9,1)
2017/08/08 01:45:41:505 OS: iOS 10.3.3
2017/08/08 01:45:41:505 Language: en-US
2017/08/08 01:45:41:507 UDID: 97AF4A9C-5056-4367-BBFC-5C598FA6E5D5
2017/08/08 01:45:41:509 APN token: 4d5649ecd7a9acff32855f0fb6c70f7ec426b4e0efc84069d471291921dd93bf
2017/08/08 01:45:41:509 Launch options: {
UIApplicationLaunchOptionsSourceApplicationKey = "";
2017/08/08 01:45:41:509 account: powersthatbeat (ID: 18647202) (verified)
2017/08/08 01:45:41:509 All blogs on device:
2017/08/08 01:45:41:513 <Blog Name: Just me, e... URL: XML-RPC: account: ch1llyw1lly blogId: 108242590 plan: (null) ((null))>
2017/08/08 01:45:41:513 <Blog Name: PALM BITCH URL: XML-RPC: account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126298627 plan: Free (1)>
2017/08/08 01:45:41:513 <Blog Name: Powers That Beat URL: XML-RPC: account: powersthatbeat blogId: 18033618 plan: Free (1)>
2017/08/08 01:45:41:513 <Blog Name: TOS Terms of Silence URL: XML-RPC: account: powersthatbeat blogId: 126146545 plan: Free (1)>
2017/08/08 01:45:41:513 ===========================================================================
2017/08/08 01:45:41:522 Helpshift Enabled
2017/08/08 01:45:41:777 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.3.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14G60 wp-iphone/7.9
2017/08/08 01:45:42:059 Loading Stats for the following blog:
2017/08/08 01:45:42:075 Loading Stats for the following blog:
2017/08/08 01:45:42:714 Failed to load font: The operation couldn't be completed. Invalid argument
2017/08/08 01:45:42:889 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 4d5649ecd7a9acff32855f0fb6c70f7ec426b4e0efc84069d471291921dd93bf
2017/08/08 01:45:43:367 Successfully registered Device ID 18705179 for Push Notifications
2017/08/08 01:45:43:485 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: 1
2017/08/08 01:45:43:497 PingHub connecting
2017/08/08 01:45:43:506 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1740d86b0> applicationDidBecomeActive:
2017/08/08 01:45:43:883 PingHub connected
2017/08/08 01:46:40:630 URL: We have login credentials but no cookie, let's try login first
2017/08/08 01:46:40:711 WPWebViewController Should Start Loading []
2017/08/08 01:46:40:712 WPWebViewController Started Loading []
2017/08/08 01:46:41:586 WPWebViewController Should Start Loading []
2017/08/08 01:46:42:225 WPWebViewController Finished Loading []
2017/08/08 01:47:31:918 WPWebViewController Should Start Loading []
2017/08/08 01:47:31:918 WPWebViewController Started Loading []
2017/08/08 01:47:31:950 WPWebViewController Finished Loading []
2017/08/08 02:01:48:284 <PostPreviewViewController: 0x15fd74460> viewDidLoad
2017/08/08 02:01:51:465 <PostPreviewViewController: 0x15fd74460> webViewDidFinishLoad:
2017/08/08 02:01:51:568 <PostPreviewViewController: 0x15fd74460> webViewDidFinishLoad:
2017/08/08 02:01:52:036 <PostPreviewViewController: 0x15fd74460> webViewDidFinishLoad:
2017/08/08 02:01:53:130 <PostPreviewViewController: 0x15fd74460> webViewDidFinishLoad:
2017/08/08 02:01:54:494 <PostPreviewViewController: 0x15fd74460> webViewDidFinishLoad:
2017/08/08 02:01:55:915 <PostPreviewViewController: 0x15fd74460> webViewDidFinishLoad:
2017/08/08 02:01:55:916 <PostPreviewViewController: 0x15fd74460> webViewDidFinishLoad:
2017/08/08 02:02:04:916 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1740d86b0> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:
2017/08/08 02:02:04:916 Received push notification:
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2017/08/08 02:02:04:917 Current Application state: 0
2017/08/08 02:44:09:632 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1740d86b0> applicationWillResignActive:
2017/08/08 02:44:12:768 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1740d86b0> applicationDidBecomeActive:
2017/08/08 02:44:48:129 <BlogService: 0x17000e6d0> syncBlogsForAccount:success:failure:
2017/08/08 02:46:19:893 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1740d86b0> applicationWillResignActive:
2017/08/08 02:46:26:021 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1740d86b0> applicationDidEnterBackground:
2017/08/08 02:46:26:055 PingHub disconnecting
2017/08/08 02:46:26:240 PingHub disconnected
2017/08/08 03:09:54:072 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1740d86b0> applicationWillEnterForeground:
2017/08/08 03:09:54:116 PingHub connecting
2017/08/08 03:09:54:671 PingHub connected
2017/08/08 03:09:55:141 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1740d86b0> applicationDidBecomeActive:
2017/08/08 03:42:32:466 <PostPreviewViewController: 0x15fd74460> webViewDidFinishLoad:
2017/08/08 03:42:32:468 <PostPreviewViewController: 0x15fd74460> webViewDidFinishLoad:
2017/08/08 03:42:32:902 <PostPreviewViewController: 0x15fd74460> webView:didFailLoadWithError:Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-999 "(null)" UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=}
2017/08/08 03:42:32:903 <PostPreviewViewController: 0x15fd74460> webView:didFailLoadWithError:Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-999 "(null)" UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=}
2017/08/08 03:42:32:903 <BlogService: 0x170017780> syncBlogsForAccount:success:failure:
2017/08/08 03:42:32:956 <PostPreviewViewController: 0x15fd74460> webViewDidFinishLoad:
2017/08/08 03:42:35:884 <PostPreviewViewController: 0x15fd74460> webViewDidFinishLoad:
2017/08/08 03:42:35:886 <PostPreviewViewController: 0x15fd74460> webViewDidFinishLoad:
2017/08/08 03:42:55:537 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Should Start Loading []
2017/08/08 03:42:55:538 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Started Loading []
2017/08/08 03:42:56:347 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Should Start Loading []
2017/08/08 03:42:57:370 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Finished Loading []
2017/08/08 03:43:19:183 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Should Start Loading []
2017/08/08 03:43:19:187 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Started Loading []
2017/08/08 03:43:19:774 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Finished Loading []
2017/08/08 03:43:19:781 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Started Loading []
2017/08/08 03:43:56:624 <BlogService: 0x170201260> syncBlogsForAccount:success:failure:
2017/08/08 03:43:57:678 <BlogService: 0x174013640> syncBlogsForAccount:success:failure:
2017/08/08 03:44:24:082 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Should Start Loading []
2017/08/08 03:44:24:082 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Started Loading []
2017/08/08 03:44:24:812 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Should Start Loading []
2017/08/08 03:44:25:146 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Finished Loading []
2017/08/08 03:44:42:109 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Should Start Loading []
2017/08/08 03:44:42:110 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Started Loading []
2017/08/08 03:44:42:707 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Finished Loading []
2017/08/08 03:44:42:718 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Started Loading []
2017/08/08 03:44:56:564 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1740d86b0> applicationWillResignActive:
2017/08/08 03:44:57:702 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1740d86b0> applicationDidEnterBackground:
2017/08/08 03:44:57:780 PingHub disconnecting
2017/08/08 03:44:57:945 PingHub disconnected
2017/08/08 03:45:02:850 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1740d86b0> applicationWillEnterForeground:
2017/08/08 03:45:02:852 PingHub connecting
2017/08/08 03:45:03:093 PingHub connected
2017/08/08 03:45:03:980 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1740d86b0> applicationDidBecomeActive:
2017/08/08 03:45:22:283 <BlogService: 0x17001a770> syncBlogsForAccount:success:failure:
2017/08/08 03:45:23:674 <BlogService: 0x1700110a0> syncBlogsForAccount:success:failure:
2017/08/08 03:45:30:197 <BlogService: 0x170201fa0> syncBlogsForAccount:success:failure:
2017/08/08 03:45:32:088 Deleting Comment: <Comment: 0x170aa1a40> (entity: Comment; id: 0xd00000001a7c001e <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Comment/p1695> ; data: {
author = "Image from page 89 of "Date varieties and date culture in Tunis" (1906) | Commitment Questions:";
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blog = "0xd000000000540002 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Blog/p21>";
commentID = 10982;
content = "[…] to write a feature that connects." And it was published in a Dec 3, 2012 blog titled "Do I Really Need to Worry About Security When I\U2019m Using Public Wi-Fi?" It was also publis";
dateCreated = "2015-03-14 22:11:04 +0000";
depth = 0;
hierarchy = nil;
isLiked = 0;
likeCount = 0;
link = "";
parentID = nil;
post = nil;
postID = 21106;
postTitle = "Security Through Obscurity Is No Security At All";
status = hold;
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2017/08/08 03:45:32:088 Deleting Comment: <Comment: 0x170aa0060> (entity: Comment; id: 0xd00000001a34001e <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Comment/p1677> ; data: {
author = "Buy Life Insurance Online - Insurance City - All About Insurance";
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blog = "0xd000000000540002 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Blog/p21>";
commentID = 10985;
content = "[…] Moving into 2012, the photo was published in an undated (early Jan 2012) blog titled "Going to be going on vacation and thought about using expedia for discounted hotel rates – ar";
dateCreated = "2015-03-18 00:24:00 +0000";
depth = 0;
hierarchy = nil;
isLiked = 0;
likeCount = 0;
link = "";
parentID = nil;
post = nil;
postID = 21106;
postTitle = "Security Through Obscurity Is No Security At All";
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2017/08/08 03:45:32:088 Deleting Comment: <Comment: 0x170aa0780> (entity: Comment; id: 0xd00000001a78001e <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Comment/p1694> ; data: {
author = "Nice Top 10 Health Insurance photos | Health Care Not Wealth Care";
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blog = "0xd000000000540002 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Blog/p21>";
commentID = 10962;
content = "[…] to write a feature that connects." And it was published in a Dec 3, 2012 blog titled "Do I Really Need to Worry About Security When I\U2019m Using Public Wi-Fi?" It was also publis";
dateCreated = "2015-03-04 09:30:23 +0000";
depth = 0;
hierarchy = nil;
isLiked = 0;
likeCount = 0;
link = "";
parentID = nil;
post = nil;
postID = 21106;
postTitle = "Security Through Obscurity Is No Security At All";
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2017/08/08 03:45:34:919 Deleting Post: <Post: 0x1702d7a70> (entity: Post; id: 0xd000000074c80020 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Post/p7474> ; data: <fault>)
2017/08/08 03:45:34:919 Deleting Post: <Post: 0x1702dcd90> (entity: Post; id: 0xd000000074d40020 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Post/p7477> ; data: <fault>)
2017/08/08 03:45:34:919 Deleting Post: <Post: 0x1706ca8e0> (entity: Post; id: 0xd000000074c00020 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Post/p7472> ; data: <fault>)
2017/08/08 03:45:34:920 Deleting Post: <Post: 0x1702dedf0> (entity: Post; id: 0xd000000074b80020 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Post/p7470> ; data: <fault>)
2017/08/08 03:45:34:921 Deleting Post: <Post: 0x1704d40b0> (entity: Post; id: 0xd000000074c40020 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Post/p7473> ; data: <fault>)
2017/08/08 03:45:34:921 Deleting Post: <Post: 0x1700ddff0> (entity: Post; id: 0xd000000074ac0020 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Post/p7467> ; data: <fault>)
2017/08/08 03:45:34:921 Deleting Post: <Post: 0x1704c3bf0> (entity: Post; id: 0xd000000074d80020 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Post/p7478> ; data: <fault>)
2017/08/08 03:45:34:921 Deleting Post: <Post: 0x1702d5700> (entity: Post; id: 0xd000000074bc0020 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Post/p7471> ; data: <fault>)
2017/08/08 03:45:34:921 Deleting Post: <Post: 0x1706ca870> (entity: Post; id: 0xd000000074b40020 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Post/p7469> ; data: <fault>)
2017/08/08 03:45:34:925 Deleting Post: <Post: 0x1702dcd20> (entity: Post; id: 0xd000000074cc0020 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Post/p7475> ; data: <fault>)
2017/08/08 03:45:34:925 Deleting Post: <Post: 0x1702d52a0> (entity: Post; id: 0xd000000074b00020 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Post/p7468> ; data: <fault>)
2017/08/08 03:45:34:925 Deleting Post: <Post: 0x1702dff00> (entity: Post; id: 0xd000000074d00020 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/Post/p7476> ; data: <fault>)
2017/08/08 03:45:54:820 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Should Start Loading []
2017/08/08 03:45:54:820 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Started Loading []
2017/08/08 03:45:55:530 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Should Start Loading []
2017/08/08 03:45:55:870 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Finished Loading []
2017/08/08 03:46:15:157 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Should Start Loading []
2017/08/08 03:46:15:160 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Started Loading []
2017/08/08 03:46:15:664 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Finished Loading []
2017/08/08 03:46:15:677 SharingAuthorizationWebViewController Started Loading []
2017/08/08 03:48:06:146 !!! Attempted to create a revision of a revision
2017/08/08 03:48:10:380 Deleting ReaderPost: <ReaderPost: 0x170c89330> (entity: ReaderPost; id: 0xd000000078c00014 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/ReaderPost/p7728> ; data: {
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authorAvatarURL = "";
authorDisplayName = "We Are All ElyssaD";
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blogName = "TOS Terms of Silence";
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2017/08/08 03:48:10:380 Deleting ReaderPost: <ReaderPost: 0x170495090> (entity: ReaderPost; id: 0xd000000078bc0014 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/ReaderPost/p7727> ; data: {
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blogName = "TOS Terms of Silence";
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2017/08/08 03:48:10:380 Deleting ReaderPost: <ReaderPost: 0x170e82cb0> (entity: ReaderPost; id: 0xd000000078b40014 <x-coredata://DBD28BC7-0976-4A60-89CF-8FF0CF11355F/ReaderPost/p7725> ; data: {
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content = "<p>Last Updated July 29, 2016</p><p>PRIVACY PRACTICES FOR THIS APPLICATION</p><p>En Espa\U00f1ol</p><p>This privacy policy governs our data practices in connection with your use of the My Sprint Mobile app";
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2017/08/08 03:51:19:744 <BlogService: 0x1742089d0> syncBlogsForAccount:success:failure:
2017/08/08 03:51:29:705 <WPPostViewController: 0x162c58200> savePostAndDismiss:
2017/08/08 03:52:30:815 post failed: The request timed out.
2017/08/08 03:58:12:521 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1740d86b0> applicationWillResignActive:
2017/08/08 03:58:13:319 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1740d86b0> applicationDidEnterBackground:
2017/08/08 03:58:13:371 PingHub disconnecting
2017/08/08 03:58:13:719 PingHub disconnected
2017/08/08 06:22:22:968 WPAnalytics session started
2017/08/08 06:22:22:979 Helpshift Enabled
2017/08/08 06:22:23:310 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.3.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14G60 wp-iphone/8.1.1
2017/08/08 06:22:23:848 PingHub connecting
2017/08/08 06:22:24:149 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 4d5649ecd7a9acff32855f0fb6c70f7ec426b4e0efc84069d471291921dd93bf
2017/08/08 06:22:24:175 PingHub connected
2017/08/08 06:22:24:563 Successfully registered Device ID 18705179 for Push Notifications
2017/08/08 06:23:09:683 PingHub disconnecting
2017/08/08 06:23:10:258 PingHub disconnected
2017/08/08 07:32:40:641 WPAnalytics session started
2017/08/08 07:32:40:654 Helpshift Enabled
2017/08/08 07:32:40:971 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.3.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14G60 wp-iphone/8.1.1
2017/08/08 07:34:18:643 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 4d5649ecd7a9acff32855f0fb6c70f7ec426b4e0efc84069d471291921dd93bf
2017/08/08 07:38:07:284 Unable to register Device for Push Notifications: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x17464cb40 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1001 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4}}, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out.}
2017/08/08 08:37:14:679 WPAnalytics session started
2017/08/08 08:37:14:698 Helpshift Enabled
2017/08/08 08:37:14:992 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.3.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14G60 wp-iphone/8.1.1
2017/08/08 08:37:39:798 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 4d5649ecd7a9acff32855f0fb6c70f7ec426b4e0efc84069d471291921dd93bf
2017/08/08 08:38:54:600 Unable to register Device for Push Notifications: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x170445bb0 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1001 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4}}, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out.}
2017/08/08 08:38:54:602 TracksService Error while remote calling: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x170445ac0 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1001 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4}}, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out.}
2017/08/08 09:06:37:360 TracksService Error while remote calling: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x174648460 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1001 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4}}, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out.}
2017/08/08 09:06:37:386 PingHub connecting
2017/08/08 09:06:37:703 PingHub connected
2017/08/08 09:07:03:519 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 4d5649ecd7a9acff32855f0fb6c70f7ec426b4e0efc84069d471291921dd93bf
2017/08/08 09:07:03:980 Successfully registered Device ID 18705179 for Push Notifications
2017/08/08 09:11:50:698 PingHub disconnecting
2017/08/08 09:11:50:819 PingHub disconnected
2017/08/08 09:11:52:178 PingHub connecting
2017/08/08 09:11:52:533 PingHub connected
2017/08/08 09:13:48:131 Created person <WordPress.ManagedPerson: 0x17449bd00> (entity: Person; id: 0x17442c780 <x-coredata:///Person/t02831EDC-E469-49A4-AB98-2019590E250472> ; data: {
avatarURL = "";
creationDate = "2017-08-08 13:13:48 +0000";
displayName = "We Are All ElyssaD";
firstName = Chilllieh;
isSuperAdmin = 0;
kind = 0;
lastName = Penguin;
linkedUserID = 18647202;
role = administrator;
siteID = 18033618;
userID = 18647202;
username = powersthatbeat;
2017/08/08 09:14:32:061 Updated person <WordPress.ManagedPerson: 0x17449bd00> (entity: Person; id: 0x17442c780 <x-coredata:///Person/t02831EDC-E469-49A4-AB98-2019590E250472> ; data: {
avatarURL = "";
creationDate = "2017-08-08 13:13:48 +0000";
displayName = "We Are All ElyssaD";
firstName = Chilllieh;
isSuperAdmin = 0;
kind = 0;
lastName = Penguin;
linkedUserID = 18647202;
role = administrator;
siteID = 18033618;
userID = 18647202;
username = powersthatbeat;
2017/08/08 09:15:59:772 Received push notification:
Payload: {
aps = {
badge = 0;
sound = "<null>";
type = "badge-reset";
2017/08/08 09:15:59:773 Current Application state: 0
2017/08/08 09:16:00:756 Received push notification:
Payload: {
aps = {
badge = 0;
sound = "<null>";
type = "badge-reset";
2017/08/08 09:16:00:756 Current Application state: 0
2017/08/08 09:18:00:533 Pushing Notification Details for: [2852254252]
2017/08/08 10:25:41:163 PingHub disconnecting
2017/08/08 10:25:41:211 PingHub disconnected
2017/08/08 14:47:33:971 WPAnalytics session started
2017/08/08 14:47:33:985 Helpshift Enabled
2017/08/08 14:47:34:269 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.3.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14G60 wp-iphone/8.1.1
2017/08/08 14:57:50:387 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 4d5649ecd7a9acff32855f0fb6c70f7ec426b4e0efc84069d471291921dd93bf
2017/08/08 15:44:45:629 WPAnalytics session started
2017/08/08 15:44:45:647 Helpshift Enabled
2017/08/08 15:44:45:891 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.3.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14G60 wp-iphone/8.1.1
2017/08/08 15:46:06:183 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 4d5649ecd7a9acff32855f0fb6c70f7ec426b4e0efc84069d471291921dd93bf
2017/08/08 15:54:42:987 Unable to register Device for Push Notifications: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x170c43840 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1001 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4}}, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out.}
2017/08/08 15:54:42:990 TracksService Error while remote calling: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x174651310 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1001 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4}}, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out.}
2017/08/08 18:30:46:213 PingHub connecting
2017/08/08 18:30:46:518 PingHub connected
2017/08/08 18:32:07:605 PingHub disconnecting
2017/08/08 18:32:07:702 PingHub disconnected


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