Wednesday, December 6, 2017

DailyDDoSe: Xfinity Outage Demonstrates the Need for Net Neutrality

10:38 PM December 6. Here she goes. 

Comcast could  have told six hours ago there was a system outage rather than wasting my precious time and money.  And saved me the inevitable rage I feel every time I have to deal with this horrible corporation. 

I expect a full credit for your downtime this month, last month and my loss of productivity and expense of activating a second internet and voip account so I could do meet my monthly quota and deadlines. 

That's includes legal fees which the courts recently ruled I can recover since my account was compromised by Russian Hackers and not to mention the horrific gaslighting and ridicule I received when I first reported Wikileaks and Anonymous and LulzSec to the FBI and Homeland Security when I was privy to information that resulted in several prison sentences and quite a fan club of haters who are still mad a technically retarded Aspie had the nerve to call the feds and get two of them deported. 

Not sorry. 

I'm crazy enough to know their interest in me went beyond a nice ass, access to a government database and fed for a daddy. 

I hope to find an attorney who realizes how these events literally shaped my life and left me blacklisted with everyone from Am Ex to Google and Bamk of America. 

If only Trump and his surrogates and coconspirators like Sean Hannity, Sarah Fuckabee Sanders and Fox and Friends could tell us the truth about what is really going on and treat us like the inforned and empathetic citizens we are, I would have to spend 6 hours on the phone with Comcast Xfinity, Amazon AWS and file reports with the police for hacking, theft, fraud and embezzlement. 

But most of all, you wouldn't have to read a manifesto like rant about my December 6, 2017. 

l have a digital record of XFinity's incompetence. And I have files (Dossiers) on approximately 90 Nazis. 

Hack me harder. I've just assigned an account executive to replace my dad so when I'm dead and buried, my words and the awful words many of you have said to me will remain on the Internet for all the world to see. 

James Johnson much? 

As a  former government and CyberSecurity intelligence analyst and policy adviser, advocate and activist who worked on net neutrality and closing the digital divide, spending countless hours each month dealing with inept, untrained, uninformed, rude. idiots at Comcast who feel they can treat us that way because we literally don't have any other choice. 

As a person with a physical disability who finds myself unable to interact with the physical world around me afraid someone may accidentally injure my spine after four surgeries, I became an online activist and icon of sorts. My websites have over 9 Million views. 

Obviously my experience is one that many others can relate to. 

I refuse to be treated this way by corporations who refuse to be honest about the level and status of services they offer people like me who should've covered and protected under the same legislation that made Lifeline available to the poor and disabled. 

The FBI has contacted me on several occasions asking for permission to wiretap my network since it is a hotbed for hackers since I first questioned the authenticity and motives of wikileaks. 

My building has a contract with Comcast Xfinity so I am literally left without any real choice. 

I can't believe the FCC and American Public is so ignorant of history they don't remember the reason behind the Anti-Trust legislation and Deregulation of the Media Monopoly as if Ben Bagdikian and George Orwell could literally see into the future. 

We are going backwards, my friends. Legal scholars and academics knew the free press and the fourth estate were the cornerstones of a Free and democratic society. 

They have consistently passed landmark legislation protecting journalists and the Free press as well as anti-trust legislation for Media Conglonerarates such as the Umbrella Monopoly, the Telecommunicatioms Act of 1996; the systemic deregulation of Mama bell and here we are again. 

Net Neutrality is the powers that best can continue to control the message and the medium just as Hitler did in Nazi Germany.  

The FCC has will be ruling in the very near future to reverse an Obama Era net neutrality bill.

I urge you to call the FCC and tell them how strongly you object to this latest attempt to control the internet, the message and ultimately our minds. 

And that's pretty much as good as it gets today. Comcast will be here in the morning. I'll try not to run my mouth and get myself killed. 

DailyDDoSe ©️ December 6, 2017

Elyssa Danielle Durant
Policy and Research Analyst 

Sent from Gmail Mobile

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