2018-08-24 09:36:53:786 WPAnalytics session started
2018-08-24 09:36:53:798 ===========================================================================
2018-08-24 09:36:53:798 Launching WordPress for iOS 10.5.1 (
2018-08-24 09:36:53:799 Crash count: 7
2018-08-24 09:36:53:799 Debug mode: Production
2018-08-24 09:36:53:799 Extra debug: YES
2018-08-24 09:36:53:800 Device model: iPad7,6 (iPad7,6)
2018-08-24 09:36:53:800 OS: iOS, 11.4.1
2018-08-24 09:36:53:800 Language: en-US
2018-08-24 09:36:53:800 UDID: 91C0B200-DBE9-4530-A0B9-6B22D35093B5
2018-08-24 09:36:53:801 APN token: 96e23011a780715405b13f238d732e3fc3fd62eebfccf50dd509c42023bad172
2018-08-24 09:36:53:806 Launch options: [__C.UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey(_rawValue: UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey): {
aps = {
alert = "Ben Huberman posted Cool Hunting on Discover";
badge = 1;
"content-available" = 1;
sound = "n.caf";
"thread-id" = "new_post-34894";
blog = 53424024;
"blog_id" = 53424024;
"note_id" = 3515443106;
"post_id" = 34894;
type = "new_post";
2018-08-24 09:36:53:807 wp.com account: chillieh (ID: 137416115) (verified)
2018-08-24 09:36:53:808 All blogs on device:
2018-08-24 09:36:53:811 <Blog Name: Site Title URL: https://chillieh.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://chillieh.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: chillieh blogId: 144969131 plan: Free (1)>
2018-08-24 09:36:53:812 <Blog Name: Site Title URL: https://chilliehchannel.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://chilliehchannel.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: chillieh blogId: 144969539 plan: Free (1)>
2018-08-24 09:36:53:812 ===========================================================================
2018-08-24 09:36:53:858 Zendesk - read profile from User Defaults: ["name": Penguin, "email": elyssad@outlook.com]
2018-08-24 09:36:53:859 Zendesk Enabled: true
2018-08-24 09:36:53:902 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 11_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15G77 wp-iphone/10.5.1
2018-08-24 09:36:53:995 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://chillieh.wordpress.com
2018-08-24 09:36:54:009 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://chillieh.wordpress.com
2018-08-24 09:36:54:168 🔵 Tracked: notifications_notification_details_opened, properties: {
"notification_type" = comment;
2018-08-24 09:36:54:233 🔵 Tracked: my_site_tab_accessed
2018-08-24 09:36:54:278 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: 2
2018-08-24 09:36:54:306 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1c40d3be0> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:
2018-08-24 09:36:54:306 Received push notification:
Payload: {
aps = {
alert = "Ben Huberman posted Cool Hunting on Discover";
badge = 1;
"content-available" = 1;
sound = "n.caf";
"thread-id" = "new_post-34894";
blog = 53424024;
"blog_id" = 53424024;
"note_id" = 3515443106;
"post_id" = 34894;
type = "new_post";
2018-08-24 09:36:54:306 Current Application state: 2
2018-08-24 09:36:54:311 🔵 Tracked: push_notification_received, properties: {
"push_notification_note_id" = 3515443106;
"push_notification_token" = 96e23011a780715405b13f238d732e3fc3fd62eebfccf50dd509c42023bad172;
"push_notification_type" = "new_post";
2018-08-24 09:36:54:324 Running Notifications Background Fetch...
2018-08-24 09:36:54:506 Last stats period type: 3
2018-08-24 09:36:54:571 🔵 Tracked: stats_period_accessed, properties: {
"blog_id" = 144969131;
period = months;
2018-08-24 09:36:54:578 Last stats period type: 3
2018-08-24 09:36:54:578 Last stats period type: 3
2018-08-24 09:36:54:852 🔵 Tracked: stats_period_accessed, properties: {
"blog_id" = 144969131;
period = months;
2018-08-24 09:36:54:868 🔵 Tracked: stats_insights_accessed, properties: {
"blog_id" = 144969131;
2018-08-24 09:36:54:949 Media: removed 2 file(s) during cleanup.
2018-08-24 09:36:55:028 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 96e23011a780715405b13f238d732e3fc3fd62eebfccf50dd509c42023bad172
2018-08-24 09:36:56:297 Successfully registered Device ID 25240742 for Push Notifications
2018-08-24 09:36:57:301 Finished Notifications Background Fetch!
2018-08-24 13:16:13:039 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1c40d3be0> applicationWillEnterForeground:
2018-08-24 13:16:13:109 PingHub connecting
2018-08-24 13:16:13:503 TracksService sendQueuedEvents completed. Sent 14 events.
2018-08-24 13:16:13:516 PingHub connected
2018-08-24 13:16:13:561 🔵 Tracked: my_site_tab_accessed
2018-08-24 13:16:13:573 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://chilliehchannel.wordpress.com
2018-08-24 13:16:13:628 🔵 Tracked: site_menu_opened, properties: {
"blog_id" = 144969539;
"menu_item" = posts;
2018-08-24 13:16:13:891 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1c40d3be0> applicationDidBecomeActive:
2018-08-24 13:16:13:895 🔵 Tracked: application_opened
2018-08-24 13:16:14:523 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1c40d3be0> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:
2018-08-24 13:16:14:523 Received push notification:
Payload: {
aps = {
alert = "You've made your first post on Site Title.";
badge = 2;
"content-available" = 1;
sound = "n.caf";
blog = 144969539;
"blog_id" = 144969539;
"note_id" = 3515697054;
type = "post_milestone_achievement";
2018-08-24 13:16:14:524 Current Application state: 0
2018-08-24 13:16:14:532 🔵 Tracked: push_notification_alert_tapped, properties: {
"push_notification_note_id" = 3515697054;
"push_notification_token" = 96e23011a780715405b13f238d732e3fc3fd62eebfccf50dd509c42023bad172;
"push_notification_type" = "post_milestone_achievement";
2018-08-24 13:16:15:058 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1c40d3be0> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:
2018-08-24 13:16:15:059 Received push notification:
Payload: {
aps = {
alert = "Chillieh posted Test on Site Title";
badge = 3;
"content-available" = 1;
sound = "n.caf";
"thread-id" = "new_post-11";
blog = 144969539;
"blog_id" = 144969539;
"note_id" = 3515697058;
"post_id" = 11;
type = "new_post";
2018-08-24 13:16:15:059 Current Application state: 0
2018-08-24 13:16:15:064 🔵 Tracked: push_notification_alert_tapped, properties: {
"push_notification_note_id" = 3515697058;
"push_notification_token" = 96e23011a780715405b13f238d732e3fc3fd62eebfccf50dd509c42023bad172;
"push_notification_type" = "new_post";
2018-08-24 13:16:24:968 🔵 Tracked: post_list_status_filter_changed, properties: {
"blog_id" = 144969539;
filter = Scheduled;
type = post;
2018-08-24 13:16:26:066 🔵 Tracked: post_list_status_filter_changed, properties: {
"blog_id" = 144969539;
filter = Trashed;
type = post;
2018-08-24 13:16:27:574 🔵 Tracked: post_list_status_filter_changed, properties: {
"blog_id" = 144969539;
filter = Published;
type = post;
2018-08-24 13:16:28:996 TracksService sendQueuedEvents completed. Sent 8 events.
2018-08-24 13:16:31:197 🔵 Tracked: notifications_accessed
2018-08-24 13:16:31:513 [Rest API] ! The specified path was not found. Please visit https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/ for valid paths.
2018-08-24 13:16:44:123 TracksService sendQueuedEvents completed. Sent 1 events.
2018-08-24 13:16:44:180 Pushing Notification Details for: [3515443106]
2018-08-24 13:16:44:195 🔵 Tracked: notifications_notification_details_opened, properties: {
"notification_type" = "new_post";
2018-08-24 13:16:44:565 🔵 Tracked: reader_article_opened, properties: {
"blog_id" = 53424024;
"is_jetpack" = 0;
"offline_view" = no;
"post_detail_type" = normal;
"post_id" = 34894;
2018-08-24 13:16:52:252 🔵 Tracked: me_tab_accessed
2018-08-24 13:16:57:128 🔵 Tracked: support_opened
2018-08-24 13:16:57:141 Zendesk - read profile from U
2018-08-24 09:36:53:798 ===========================================================================
2018-08-24 09:36:53:798 Launching WordPress for iOS 10.5.1 (
2018-08-24 09:36:53:799 Crash count: 7
2018-08-24 09:36:53:799 Debug mode: Production
2018-08-24 09:36:53:799 Extra debug: YES
2018-08-24 09:36:53:800 Device model: iPad7,6 (iPad7,6)
2018-08-24 09:36:53:800 OS: iOS, 11.4.1
2018-08-24 09:36:53:800 Language: en-US
2018-08-24 09:36:53:800 UDID: 91C0B200-DBE9-4530-A0B9-6B22D35093B5
2018-08-24 09:36:53:801 APN token: 96e23011a780715405b13f238d732e3fc3fd62eebfccf50dd509c42023bad172
2018-08-24 09:36:53:806 Launch options: [__C.UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey(_rawValue: UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey): {
aps = {
alert = "Ben Huberman posted Cool Hunting on Discover";
badge = 1;
"content-available" = 1;
sound = "n.caf";
"thread-id" = "new_post-34894";
blog = 53424024;
"blog_id" = 53424024;
"note_id" = 3515443106;
"post_id" = 34894;
type = "new_post";
2018-08-24 09:36:53:807 wp.com account: chillieh (ID: 137416115) (verified)
2018-08-24 09:36:53:808 All blogs on device:
2018-08-24 09:36:53:811 <Blog Name: Site Title URL: https://chillieh.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://chillieh.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: chillieh blogId: 144969131 plan: Free (1)>
2018-08-24 09:36:53:812 <Blog Name: Site Title URL: https://chilliehchannel.wordpress.com XML-RPC: https://chilliehchannel.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php wp.com account: chillieh blogId: 144969539 plan: Free (1)>
2018-08-24 09:36:53:812 ===========================================================================
2018-08-24 09:36:53:858 Zendesk - read profile from User Defaults: ["name": Penguin, "email": elyssad@outlook.com]
2018-08-24 09:36:53:859 Zendesk Enabled: true
2018-08-24 09:36:53:902 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 11_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15G77 wp-iphone/10.5.1
2018-08-24 09:36:53:995 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://chillieh.wordpress.com
2018-08-24 09:36:54:009 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://chillieh.wordpress.com
2018-08-24 09:36:54:168 🔵 Tracked: notifications_notification_details_opened, properties: {
"notification_type" = comment;
2018-08-24 09:36:54:233 🔵 Tracked: my_site_tab_accessed
2018-08-24 09:36:54:278 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: 2
2018-08-24 09:36:54:306 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1c40d3be0> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:
2018-08-24 09:36:54:306 Received push notification:
Payload: {
aps = {
alert = "Ben Huberman posted Cool Hunting on Discover";
badge = 1;
"content-available" = 1;
sound = "n.caf";
"thread-id" = "new_post-34894";
blog = 53424024;
"blog_id" = 53424024;
"note_id" = 3515443106;
"post_id" = 34894;
type = "new_post";
2018-08-24 09:36:54:306 Current Application state: 2
2018-08-24 09:36:54:311 🔵 Tracked: push_notification_received, properties: {
"push_notification_note_id" = 3515443106;
"push_notification_token" = 96e23011a780715405b13f238d732e3fc3fd62eebfccf50dd509c42023bad172;
"push_notification_type" = "new_post";
2018-08-24 09:36:54:324 Running Notifications Background Fetch...
2018-08-24 09:36:54:506 Last stats period type: 3
2018-08-24 09:36:54:571 🔵 Tracked: stats_period_accessed, properties: {
"blog_id" = 144969131;
period = months;
2018-08-24 09:36:54:578 Last stats period type: 3
2018-08-24 09:36:54:578 Last stats period type: 3
2018-08-24 09:36:54:852 🔵 Tracked: stats_period_accessed, properties: {
"blog_id" = 144969131;
period = months;
2018-08-24 09:36:54:868 🔵 Tracked: stats_insights_accessed, properties: {
"blog_id" = 144969131;
2018-08-24 09:36:54:949 Media: removed 2 file(s) during cleanup.
2018-08-24 09:36:55:028 Device Token received in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: 96e23011a780715405b13f238d732e3fc3fd62eebfccf50dd509c42023bad172
2018-08-24 09:36:56:297 Successfully registered Device ID 25240742 for Push Notifications
2018-08-24 09:36:57:301 Finished Notifications Background Fetch!
2018-08-24 13:16:13:039 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1c40d3be0> applicationWillEnterForeground:
2018-08-24 13:16:13:109 PingHub connecting
2018-08-24 13:16:13:503 TracksService sendQueuedEvents completed. Sent 14 events.
2018-08-24 13:16:13:516 PingHub connected
2018-08-24 13:16:13:561 🔵 Tracked: my_site_tab_accessed
2018-08-24 13:16:13:573 Loading Stats for the following blog: https://chilliehchannel.wordpress.com
2018-08-24 13:16:13:628 🔵 Tracked: site_menu_opened, properties: {
"blog_id" = 144969539;
"menu_item" = posts;
2018-08-24 13:16:13:891 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1c40d3be0> applicationDidBecomeActive:
2018-08-24 13:16:13:895 🔵 Tracked: application_opened
2018-08-24 13:16:14:523 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1c40d3be0> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:
2018-08-24 13:16:14:523 Received push notification:
Payload: {
aps = {
alert = "You've made your first post on Site Title.";
badge = 2;
"content-available" = 1;
sound = "n.caf";
blog = 144969539;
"blog_id" = 144969539;
"note_id" = 3515697054;
type = "post_milestone_achievement";
2018-08-24 13:16:14:524 Current Application state: 0
2018-08-24 13:16:14:532 🔵 Tracked: push_notification_alert_tapped, properties: {
"push_notification_note_id" = 3515697054;
"push_notification_token" = 96e23011a780715405b13f238d732e3fc3fd62eebfccf50dd509c42023bad172;
"push_notification_type" = "post_milestone_achievement";
2018-08-24 13:16:15:058 <WordPressAppDelegate: 0x1c40d3be0> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:
2018-08-24 13:16:15:059 Received push notification:
Payload: {
aps = {
alert = "Chillieh posted Test on Site Title";
badge = 3;
"content-available" = 1;
sound = "n.caf";
"thread-id" = "new_post-11";
blog = 144969539;
"blog_id" = 144969539;
"note_id" = 3515697058;
"post_id" = 11;
type = "new_post";
2018-08-24 13:16:15:059 Current Application state: 0
2018-08-24 13:16:15:064 🔵 Tracked: push_notification_alert_tapped, properties: {
"push_notification_note_id" = 3515697058;
"push_notification_token" = 96e23011a780715405b13f238d732e3fc3fd62eebfccf50dd509c42023bad172;
"push_notification_type" = "new_post";
2018-08-24 13:16:24:968 🔵 Tracked: post_list_status_filter_changed, properties: {
"blog_id" = 144969539;
filter = Scheduled;
type = post;
2018-08-24 13:16:26:066 🔵 Tracked: post_list_status_filter_changed, properties: {
"blog_id" = 144969539;
filter = Trashed;
type = post;
2018-08-24 13:16:27:574 🔵 Tracked: post_list_status_filter_changed, properties: {
"blog_id" = 144969539;
filter = Published;
type = post;
2018-08-24 13:16:28:996 TracksService sendQueuedEvents completed. Sent 8 events.
2018-08-24 13:16:31:197 🔵 Tracked: notifications_accessed
2018-08-24 13:16:31:513 [Rest API] ! The specified path was not found. Please visit https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/ for valid paths.
2018-08-24 13:16:44:123 TracksService sendQueuedEvents completed. Sent 1 events.
2018-08-24 13:16:44:180 Pushing Notification Details for: [3515443106]
2018-08-24 13:16:44:195 🔵 Tracked: notifications_notification_details_opened, properties: {
"notification_type" = "new_post";
2018-08-24 13:16:44:565 🔵 Tracked: reader_article_opened, properties: {
"blog_id" = 53424024;
"is_jetpack" = 0;
"offline_view" = no;
"post_detail_type" = normal;
"post_id" = 34894;
2018-08-24 13:16:52:252 🔵 Tracked: me_tab_accessed
2018-08-24 13:16:57:128 🔵 Tracked: support_opened
2018-08-24 13:16:57:141 Zendesk - read profile from U
Elyssa D. Durant
Policy & Research Analyst
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