Monday, August 24, 2020

Update 2020

I've found that I can connect to anyone using music. 

That's why I made a special station in rehab. I know the sound / pitch of my voice makes your ears hurt, so I tried to find soothing music to listen to that we could both appreciate and that's when I got the Beatles One album. 

It would have been nice if I told you that story on Father's Day but i was busy having a nervous breakdown. 

I'm listening to Tupac and Eminem. You've probably never thought of playing that mix. But they are singing the song "Mockingbird" and I remember how you used to sing that song to me when I was just a little baby. 

I have a near photographic memory. It's helpful at times, but it can also be the source of much anxiety and invasive thoughts. 

I try not to get stuck on them. I'm having bad anxiety today. So I made some peppermint tea. I took out some cucumber and I'm bombarding my senses with mindfulness to try to reset my mindset. 

Ooh. That rhymes. 

This is now a blog post. 

I'm trying to pen my descent into madness so when I totally lose my mind, I can find my way back home. 

I got Grandma a very special birthday gift. I got her a compass so all of her children can always find their true North and find their way home through the darkness. 

Tell her I love her. 

Elyssa Durant Research and Policy Analyst

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