Friday, August 6, 2021

Pain Log ~ Journal 📓 DailyDDose August 6, 2021

Very good!



Good morning!

I just wanted to give you a quick update things have been a little bit hairy around here it was a very big Karen incident yesterday I don't wanna dwell on that and I do want to let you know that I'm getting test back every 15 minutes so I'm logging in every hour and putting in what I'm doing what I'm eating what I'm feeling and so forth… 

i'm actually dictating this because I'm having trouble or typing but I have some good news yesterday I walked 1.5 miles. 

A met with the Director of the center for diabetes Metabolism and endocrinology I do not have diabetes however I do have something really bizarre go out with my endocrine system my face is very round Flushed puffy and my chest also so I'm keeping track of those symptoms and I'll be able to give you more information about that later. 

I just wanted to show you that you know the progress that I'm making because it is very slow and I've had a lot of deterioration but these graphs that I'm keeping in the snow so I'm keeping in my phone show you the progression from January it starts as when I got this phone and then you can see a salary goes down so I'm done for now I am I am able now all of a sudden I cannot lift my legs put them on to a store and I can put my shoes on I don't have shoes that fit but I can lift my leg and I can I can put my shoes on because it really big deal!! 

I also am working really hard with Rose to get my place clean and organized and we're doing quite well considering what we have to work with and I have completely completely changed my diet I can see I was eating all of the wrong foods. 

So for breakfast I have I have tea which has all sorts of stuff and benefits I have Greek yogurt walnuts and honey I have one small honey nut muffin and 6 ounces of orange juice. 

Elyssa Durant
Research and Policy Analyst

Elyssa Durant Research and Policy Analyst

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