Saturday, September 22, 2012

Neurofeedback Brain Training and Autism, Aspergers, and ASD | Center For Brain Training

New Hope for Autism and Aspergers

Alternative Autism Treatment

Imagine how sweet life could be if your child with Autism Spectrum Disorder got better.

Whether your child has just been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or you have lived with it for a while, whether you’ve “tried everything” or are only now seeking the best course of action to help your child, you probably feel desperate, scared, frustrated, and alone.

Neurofeedback helps children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) become more of who they were meant to be, without medications or supplements. This includes Autism, Aspergers, and PDD.

What is neurofeedback and how can it help my child?

Neurofeedback is biofeedback for the brain.

Just like biofeedback, which uses electronic monitoring equipment to train people to control bodily functions which are normally automatic (for example, their blood pressure, heart rate, or muscle tension), neurofeedback uses the computer to retrain the brain.

In Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the brain is dysregulated. A study of ASD and Neurofeedback by Robert Coben Ph.D and Ilean Padolsky Ph.D showed that individuals with ASD have excessive connectivity in some areas of the brain and deficient connectivity in other areas.

Neurofeedback uses computer technology to promote the development of new and healthy brain patterns which naturally lead to more functional behavior.

By facilitating improvement in areas of abnormal connectivity and improving the functioning of the brain, symptoms are reduced and positive clinical outcomes result.

Autism Video (10 minutes): Excellent interviews with clinicians and parents about autism and neurofeedback

Play VideoFour families discuss dealing with the challenges of raising an autistic child, and their children (and their lives) have benefitted as they’ve trained – and changed their brain. It includes clear improvements in social awareness. You’ll also hear from Susan and Siegfried Othmer – pioneers in the neurofeedback field, along with two other clinicians discussing their experience with treating kids in the autistic spectrum.

What changes will you notice in your child’s behavior?

The first thing most parents notice is the calming effect of neurofeedback training. They consistently tell us that their children are able to manage their emotions better and do not get overwhelmed as easily.

Other changes parents observe include:

  1. Initiation of touch and contact
  2. Reduced emotional outbursts
  3. Slower, clearer speech patterns
  4. Better responses to parental and teacher instructions
  5. Less ritualistic and more imaginative thought
  6. Increased tolerance to change
  7. Decreased hyperactivity and impulsivity
  8. Heightened levels of focus and attention
  9. Diminished anxiety
  10. Better social skills and enhanced relationships
  11. More stable and calm
  12. Increased awareness of feelings and emotions.

We are passionate about neurofeedback training — because every day we see lives radically transformed. It can help families find more peace again. It becomes easier to enjoy normal activities – from spontaneous hugs, to increased connections, to clearer speech, to less hyperactivity and impulsivity.

One mother shares her son’s progress after beginning neurofeedback: “Once he started doing neurofeedback, it seemed like he woke up…Neurofeedback was tapping into something that got the wires in Joey’s brain to connect again. Joey began sleeping from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., and his speech dramatically improved. G.B. Palm Beach County, FL.

Read the entire case example: Autistic Youngster Becomes Himself.

Neurofeedback changes the brain without medication

Neurofeeback is very effective at stabilizing and regulating brain function. Improvements resulting from neurofeedback extend beyond the training period, yielding sustainable outcomes.

Once the new brain pattern has been learned, the patient tends not to forget (we don’t usually forget how to ride a bike once that skill has been well learned).

With medication and even supplements, the benefits usually disappear when the treatment is stopped. Plus, unlike medication, neurofeedback does not have any long-term side effects. As an alternative to medications, neurofeedback can often help people reduce or eliminate drugs for autism and ASD as their brains become more stable.

There are numerous (over 1,000) studies on neurofeedback in general, but currently only a small number of studies specifically with the ASD population. If you would like to review some of the research on the ASD population and neurofeedback, you can visit:

Read through our other Autism and Asperger Case Examples to get a better understanding of  neurofeedback and the impact it can have on your child and your family.

Getting started with Neurofeedback training in South Florida

There is hope for a better life for you, your child and your family. At the Center for Brain Training, we see the positive effects of neurofeedback training and its impact on the lives of the children and families we help every day.

Neurofeedback may be a new concept for you. If it is, we’re here to help you get all the education and information you need to determine if neurofeedback is the right choice for you and your child.

6 year old Autistic boy using Neurofeedback.

Play VideoInterview with Darlene, his mom who was referred for neurofeedback by his Occupational Therapist. She reports “the benefits outweighed any other therapies we’ve done.” She reported that he’s become more relaxed, more verbal. He’s more social, interacting with others in ways she never thought he could do. And more conversational. Created by EEGinfo.

Get Educated:

Sign up for our mailing list, and we’ll alert you to the latest findings in ASD and neurofeedback, as well as give you a complete calendar of our seminars and other FREE educational events we hold in Jupiter and Boca Raton, Florida. Learn about FREE neurofeedback demonstrations and behind-the-scenes looks at neurofeedback training.

To sign up for our mailing list, please complete the contact form and check the “Mailing List” box.

Get Answers:

If you have specific questions about how neurofeedback can help your child, schedule a FREE 15-minute phone consultation. We’ll answer any questions you might have, discuss your situation, and help you determine if neurofeedback is the right choice for your child. It’s completely free, and there is no obligation.

To schedule a FREE consultation complete the contact form and check the “FREE Consultation” box, or give us a call at 561-744-7616 (Jupiter) or 561-206-2706 (Boca Raton) to schedule your consultation.

Get Started:

If you are ready to begin neurofeedback training for your child, please give us a call at 561-744-7616 (Jupiter) or 561-206-2706 (Boca Raton) to schedule an appointment, or complete the contact form and check the “Schedule Appointment” box, and we will contact you for an appointment.

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