iPad App Review: AlphaTots
by Ultimate Autism Guide, ultimateautismguide.comApril 10th 2012
Is it challenging to help your child with autism learn the letters and sounds of the alphabet? Then take a look at AlphaTots for the iPad! AlphaTots is a creative and beautifully designed app to help children learn the alphabet in a fun and interactive way. Each letter is reinforced by an entertaining activity. AlphaTots is a great way to teach children the alphabet!
Name of iPad App:
AlphaTots by Spinlight Studios
Overview of AlphaTots iPad App:
AlphaTots helps children learn the letters and sounds of the alphabet through fun activities. The app starts with a menu listing all the letters of the alphabet. The menu also has options to select the alphabet song, toggle back and forth between uppercase and lowercase letters, or enter an alphabet practice page.
Each letter is taught through a unique activity. After the letter is selected the child is prompted to participate in the activity that utilizes a verb beginning with the chosen letter. Once the task is completed the user has the option to advance to the next letter in the alphabet or return to the previous letter. The child can also switch to any letter at any time by simply choosing the desired letter from menus located above and below the activity area. In order to prevent the child from accidentally selecting these letters the child must hold the letter for a couple of seconds.
AlphaTots also offers an option that sings the alphabet song. This helps to reinforce the letter activities found within the app. The iPad user can also choose an alphabet practice area from the main menu. This activity allows the child to select the letters of the alphabet in order. When the correct letter is selected the action is reinforced by hearing the name of the letter.
Video Demo of AlphaTots iPad App:
- Toggle between uppercase and lowercase letters
Activity Associated with Each Letter:
- A: Add candles to a cake
- B: Build a robot
- C: Cut strings
- D: Dig for treasure
- E: Erase the star
- F: Fix a bike
- G: Grow tomatoes
- H: Hammer nails
- I: Iron a shirt
- J: Join railroad tracks
- K: Kick a goal
- L: Launch a rocket
- M: Mix colored liquids
- N: Nibble a cookie
- O: Open a door
- P: Play band instruments
- Q: Quiet some frogs
- R: Recycle objects
- S: Stack colored rings
- T: Turn gears
- U: Unlock a box
- V: Vacuum some peanuts
- W: Whack a clown
- X: X-ray some presents
- Y: Yank a chord
- Z: Zap some spaceships
iPad App Designed to Help Children Learn:
- Letters of the alphabet
- Sounds associated with each letter
- Words that start with each letter
May Help Children with Autism:
- Follow verbal prompts/commands
- Learn the letters of the alphabet
- Learn the alphabet song
- Improve fine motor skills
- Generalize verbs/nouns
Awards and Recognitions:
- 2012 Parent’s Choice Award
- #2 on Apple Education Top 10
- Apple Education What’s Hot
- 2011 Top 50 Apps by Babble.com
- Apple Staff Favorite
- Apple New and Noteworthy
- AppTude’s Best iPhone and iPad App for Kids of 2011
- Mile High Mama Best Alphabet Apps
*Note: AlphaTots iPad app screenshots are copyrighted and are used with the permission of their owner.
Additional Resources for Tally Tots iPad App:
Original Page: http://pocket.co/sGASL
Shared from Pocket
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