Grants to Help Autistic Children and Their Family
listmyfive.comThere are many available grants that help with the needs of a Autistic Child. Many Foundations that are founded to support autistic children and their families over a variety of types of grants for Autistic Children including crisis grants, technology grants, medical care grants, therapeutic grants, childcare grants and grants to help small non profit with projects geared to help autistic children.
Helping Hand Program
The Helping Hand Program sponsored by the National Autism Association. This program is designed to help parents and guardians of autistic children pay for treatments, such as needed biomedical treatments, supplements and therapy.
Families First Program
The Families First program is sponsored by the National Autistic Association. The program is to help families receive counseling they need to be a supportive, loving and functional family.
The Unitedhealthcare Children's Foundation
The United Health Care Children's foundation provides funding for families with children with medical needs, like many families with autistic children. The foundation offers grant assistance to help families pay for medical expenses their insurance provider does not fully cover.
Doug Flutie Grants For Autistic Children
The Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation help provide funding for group and organizations that help with children with autistic needs and services. This foundation does not give grants directly to autistic families but help small groups with projects to support and educate families with autistic children.
Autism Cares
Autism Cares Helps families with autistic children in time of financial distress or need. Grant help pay for necessities such as rent/mortgage payment, electric bill, car repair and daycare costs. Qualified families can get a one time grant of up to $100. Online grant applications are taken monthly.
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This will be the best post on this topic I have ever read. I'm truly quite impressed with it. Maintain blogging! Thanks to Grant. Hope you help more and more children. Long Live to you.
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