Saturday, August 31, 2013
Unwritten: Good Fences
Friday, August 30, 2013
Unwritten: For my mentor in Deep Black October 10, 2011
I'm going to read this again ~ see if I can get a telepathic message to you. You said on the 24th that you weren't feeling 100% and now there has been no sign of Rahamiim for several weeks.
I'm sure glad we made up after our little scuffle because I would have hated for my last words to you to be words of anger.
You taught me SO much in such a short time~ and thanks to you I know where to go for information to arm myself for this war that most people are oblivious to.
I don't know if something happened to your physical body, but I send this particular link hoping that it can transcend time and space and my grieving (yet hopeful emotions) can be trance-ported into a format you can receive wherever you are.
It is important to me that you know how much I learned from you.
Brutal truths were revealed to me through our work together. I will continue to hope for your return until I hear otherwise.
When Marc (Parent) left, I knew he wouldn't be coming back. Fravia+ wrote one of the most beautiful Swan songs I was ever privy to read.
In keeping with both of their philosophies, I will continue seeking and I will add your website to the list of those that must be preserved for the greater good.
The 90/10 rule of open source intelligence to honor all the information you graciously shared since we first became acquainted.
The 10% will remain protected. It is not my place to share your secrets.
The rest is still Unwritten © 2011
Who Are Twice Exceptional Children?
Who are Twice-Exceptional Childen?
Twice-exceptional children are gifted children who also have learning disabilities. They represent a unique challenge in education and child-rearing, as many people are unaccustomed to the idea that a person can be gifted while also being disabled. One of the most common problems which faces twice-exceptional children is a failure to be recognized, meaning that their unique needs are not addressed. When this happens, a twice-exceptional child may fall through the cracks and fail to realize his or her full potential.
In fact, learning disabilities are not uncommon in people who are unusually gifted. For example, a child may be an extremely talented reader, but he or she may lack math and logic skills, or a child may be capable of composing a symphony, but be unable to write out his or her own name. Some disabilities are actually linked with gifted tendencies, as is the case with conditions like Asperger's Syndrome, dyslexia, and autism.
Twice-exceptional children can present in a variety of ways. In some cases, the child's gifts may compensate for the learning disability, essentially hiding the disability. In this situation, a twice-exceptional child may find schoolwork easy or even boring until he or she encounters a major obstacle, in which case the learning disability manifests. This can be seriously damaging for the child, as he or she may not get early support to address the learning disability, and the child may also struggle with difficulties, learning to abandon things which are too hard because everything else is too easy.
In other instances, people may become so focused on a learning disability that they miss a twice-exceptional child's gifts. This often happens to dyslexics, who struggle with reading and writing tasks as children. A dyslexic may be shunted to a different educational track which does not allow the student to develop other skills, with the dyslexia being viewed as a crucial impairment that needs to be addressed.
Many twice-exceptional children struggle with accomplishment and failure, and a child who fails to perform as expected may be struggling with a learning disability. If, for example, a child demonstrates remarkable reading and writing skills but poor oral comprehension, it could be a sign that the child has an auditory impairment, or that he or she is unable to focus on material which is presented orally. A twice-exceptional child may also become bored or restless by material which is too easy, which can result in a fall in performance.
Educators and parents are starting to recognize twice-exceptional children and their unique needs. Because these children often defy tests which are used to categorize children, it is important for parents of such children to support their children to ensure that they get the education they need. Discussing a child's situation with a teacher is a good way to start, and it can also help to use the services of doctors, psychologists, and other professionals who can address the learning disability while celebrating the child's natural gifts.
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Unwritten: Thanks For Giving 2008
From: Elyssa Durant
Date: October 21, 2008, 11:54:10 PM EDT
To: <redacted>
Subject: RE: The Powers That Beat : Chapter II: Older & Bolder
Wow- it definitely sounds as though you have your hands full.
I'm Sorry things are not so great right now... it's funny because there are so many things I wish I could forget. I thought that was true of most people with PTSD. Maybe in your husbands case, the bad memories are displacing the less painful ones such as your birthday.
At least it sounds like work is good- or at least steady. I have a few new projects, none that pay very well (or even at all) but at least it makes me feel like I'm doing something positive with my life.
I have decided to look for a job outside of the non-profit sector, so maybe I can find something at T-Mobile or Verizon for the holidays. They pay more than the school district, but McDonald's probably does too!
Staystrong, and keep in touch. I'll be thinking about you bot, and happy birthday to you too!
Elyssa Durant, Ed.M.
Nashville, Tennessee
sent via:
From: Cat Bilnoski <redacted>
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:26 PM
To: Elyssa Durant <redacted>
Subject: Re: The Powers That Beat : Chapter II: Older & Bolder
Hey Elyssa,
I *think* everything is ok. We just got back from a VERY long day at the VA hospital in Denver. They finally decided to diagnose his TBI, and he got a "prosthetic memory device" (a PDA) so that I can stop being his walking calendar :) Now, all that's left is to get him in the habit of using it. Hopefully that will take some stress off of us.
Now I just have to worry about surviving the holidays. At least this year he is making an effort to remember my birthday. (he put it in his PDA) He forgot our anniversary for the last two years and my birthday last year. I know I shouldn't be that upset about it, but it hurts.
And Speaking of birthdays- Happy Birthday. Are you a Scorpio too?
Last year we began a total boycott of Christmas. Our celebration consisted of eating a roast beef with our shithead (former) roomate. Thanksgiving is another hard holiday for him, so this year (on the advice of my therapist) I'm making a plan. The idea is to set a plate for the dead. Maybe if we can acknowledge that they're a part of the holiday now, it will help him to put the guilt aside for the day and participate. Who knows? Either way I believe that there is power in the old rituals....
I've been thinking about you too, but I'm on some pretty tight deadlines right now.
--- On Mon, 10/20/08, Elyssa Durant wrote:From: Elyssa Durant
Subject: The Powers That Beat : Chapter II: Older & Bolder
To: Cat
Date: Monday, October 20, 2008, 11:44 AMElyssa Durant has sent you a link to a blog:
hi cat-- it has been a while since i've heard from you, but as you can see you have been on my mind. let me know how you are doing-- i do hope everything is okay... elyssa
Blog: The Powers That Beat
Post: Chapter II: Older & Bolder
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UNWRITTEN: Harry and Louise: Adding Insult to Injury?
My first spring back in New York, we used to joke about J-School: Were they trying to tweak our skills turning us into experts in public journalism or public relations.
I took my first graduate level class in public journalism on the 4th floor at the infamous J-School located inside the cool steel gates separating surrounding Morningside Heights. 116th street from the homeless and the winos’ asking everyone all the passer by's for money just before we walked through the iron gates leading to the Ivory Tower.
The blocks surrounding 116th-120th where only the young and the talented get ready to take their place in society.
We would pass the men living on the streets each day, enter through the solid stone doors that were 12 ft tall, and write about them. With such eloquence you would hardly know they were homeless at all. We exploited them.
Just like Tuskegee exploited the Blacks, and the Army exploits the young and the rudderless, we exploited the sick irony of paying more per credit than they earned in one year on Veterans benefits or disability.
We disgust me.
But Karma is a bitch, because less than 2 years later there I was, sleeping in the law school stacks; showering in the indoor pool... gym because I “looked good enough to pass through the gates.” I had that Ivy League pedigree. The would-have-been Harvard Law student—maybe even have had it paid in full had I been a boy or born to a different mother.
What the fuck did they know? That cute little Jewish Girl from Long Island, the one from a "good" family... the Harvard Legacy with the beautiful mother always dripping in jewels and fur from her latest boyfriend or husband—that little girl was me.
I should have been the perfect example of how a power player in the making the benefits from good breeding. No one ever needed to know that beneath it all I worked my ass off to get into College and ultimately get a scholarship into the top ranked program in Sociology and Social Policy to effect change. The fact that I dropped out of high school at 16 could remain my dirty little secret.
And to this day, no one has ever come forward to expose that little truth. Probably because so few people know—Maybe three or four So would I reveal such an embarrassing little detail of my life and risk my reputation on something I should have left behind me over twenty years ago?
Because it matters.
No one needed to know. I can get by well enough on my looks, I speak quite eloquently, and usually appear normal to most, but it is an important little factoid because people constantly judge ME based upon who they think I am – either the girl with the wealthy parents, or a lazy too stupid too get off welfare.
It matters because what appears to be and what is are often two very different things. I am in fact, an Ivy League Alumnus. I did in fact get a full scholarship into the PhD program in Public Policy at a leading University.
I am in fact unable to find employment and live on a ridiculous monthly allowance from Social Security (Supplemental Security Income) the lowest of the low. I am so far beneath the poverty level (already ridiculous) that I often wonder how I manage to live at all.
So that "legacy," the access I once had to the Ivory tower on the 4th floor we wrote is now gone. Not because they didn't like my work-- they loved it! Solid A in Public Journalism.
Well if I were in New York today, I would most likely be one of the people o the streets. Actually, I would probably be sitting across the street at the Bookstore just so I could stay close to the vast amounts of wisdom and philosophy within the hollowed halls as classes break for the summer. I would be watching people go in and out and be envious that they had the one thing that I don't: access.
So I made it through the very Same J-School where Pat Buchanan refused to speak to his Alma-mater because he once punched someone in the face on the 5th floor. I made it through despite the fact that I often times slept in my car in the middle of winter because I could not afford gas for the commute and eventually lost my apartment. I made it through having no electricity and frozen water pipes.
The question is: can I make it through this? I paid my dues. I deserve a chance. Dammit, I deserve a do-over. I deserve a job. I deserve a little credit.
Will our policy decision be based upon our need for reform or the ability to perform?
We used to joke about all the sell-out Journalist who give up on reporting the news to become speech writers for politicians. How people like Pat Buchanan (a J-School alum) became so skilled at using their words to sell ideas in such a way that people actually believed the propaganda they were sinning.
I have given much thought to this... the only people who are more arrogant and self serving than politicians and academics are reporters!
I think they become addicted to the their own power to manipulate people and they are willing to trade a little tarnished idealism for power and inflated self-esteem.
I am not one of those people. I care enough about the issues to take the time to examine them from all angles-- and I fell that the massive amount of money being spent by agencies that I hold in deep respect launching a counter-attack on the insurance companies and their ad execs will have serve to damage their reputation. I chose to volunteer with these agencies because I believe they are well informed and do a great job to involve the everyday average Americans like myself in the political process.
By spending $750,000 on advertising, these groups now seem to be on the same level as the Insurance Industry and others who exploit the poor and infirm at the mercy of the healthcare marketplace.
So I take issue with this campaign. Let Rick Scott be heard. Using such tactics will make the good guys no better than the Insurance Companies that exploit us all.
Are these ads showing us: how to reform or how to perform?
The large amount of funds being thrown (public or private) being spent on media fluff, and emotional being spent on media propaganda and 'skittles' on both sides of the healthcare debate.
I am offended by the huge amounts of money being spent on propaganda and skittles by both sides of the healthcare debate. Excessive, exorbitant monies being spent to manipulate the public through misleading ads, expert analyses, media alerts~ this is insulting at best.
Real dollars being used to manipulate the public about real issues: the sick; the poor; the ignorant... We are selling bad data and information to those who need it the most.
Talk about adding insult to injury? I do hope HCAN, HealthJustice and others will reconsider this campaign. I am one foot soldier who is unwilling to participate in this one.
Bottom line is this: we need to stop manipulating images and perceptions about the reality of healthcare, education, and social welfare in the United States. All is not well in America. Not well at all. And I am here to prove it!
Elyssa D. Durant, Ed.M.
United States of America

UNWRITTEN: No Child Left Behind

UNWRITTEN: No Child Left Behind

Thursday, August 29, 2013
UNWRITTEN: Post Traumatic Press Release 2008
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
News Phone Phreaking
01/27/2013 - BOOK ABOUT PHREAKING | |
Phil Lapsey published long awaited book about history of phreaking in USA. Before smartphones and iPads, before the Internet or the personal computer, a misfit group of technophiles, blind teenagers, hippies, and outlaws figured out how to hack the world's largest machine: the telephone system. Exploding The Phone is their story. Author Phil Lapsley traces the birth of the telephone, the rise of AT&T's monopoly, the discovery of Ma Bell's Achilles heel, and follows the kids and outlaws who used it for fun and profit. Along the way you'll meet an oddball cast of characters ranging from FBI agents to whistling blind kids, from informants to entrepreneurs. More than five years in the making, Exploding The Phone is based on original interviews and declassified documents and includes a Foreword by former phone phreak and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. In the words of one reviewer, "At turns a technological love story, a counter cultural history and a generation-spanning epic, Exploding the Phone is obsessively researched and told with wit and clarity. It captures a moment in time that might otherwise have been lost forever." official sitebuy on Amazon review at Cryptome | |
01/03/2011 - GSM pwned with $15 phone | |
Check out this article on Wired with some details about talk from 27C3. It's very interesting and scary however there is one problem. All this sniffing and recording applies to A5/1 encryption which is not as much popular as you might think. Same applies to SIM card encryption which resulted in sim cloning back in a days but nowadays is not likely easy to do. | |
07/31/2010 - You are doing it wrong !!! | |
Some fraudsters pwned several PABX systems in NZ to create small phone botnet however the scary part is how the victim, telco and media responded. I won't waste your time with explanations, there is too much crap and they are all doing it wrong. Watch this video and you will realize how the prevention and counter reaction (including tips from tv) should not look like. BTW: From what I see they were using some kind of VoIP PBX and ATAs which makes this even more lame if there is no well qualified admin and you rely on 3rd party support ! | |
03/17/2010 - Mississippi Makes Caller ID Spoofing Illegal | |
Public Service Commission Chairman Brandon Presley has praised the signing of a new law the prevents telemarketers from disguising their numbers, called "spoofing." Gov. Haley Barbour signed the bill Monday. Presley says the bill, which takes effect July 1, outlaws a technique used to show a different number and/or name on caller ID than that of the actual caller. Source | |
01/07/2010 - Havoc | |
It looks like 2010 is off to a good start ! Why ? because there is a new sheriff in town. Coming to you from Poland. I'm Havoc and surely I'd wreak havoc on this site as changes are coming soon. Let's hope for the best and recreate this site to be leading source for phreaking. I count on anyone who wants to contribute. | |
12/24/2007 - Natas | |
Dual, Sgnome and Zapperlink have put together an awesome new scan of 4 airport exchanges across the US, which includes the Los Angeles, Dallas/Fort Worth, Phoenix and San Francisco international airports. The file's been dubbed Airport Discovery. The best part is that they plan on doing more scans and updating the file every 500 numbers! So be on the lookout for more soon. An Old Skool Phreak exclusive! Happy Holidays everyone! | |
10/14/2007 - Natas | |
A lot of people said they liked the SpoofCard iPhone App for free sample calls, and it's gotten a lot of use, so I decided to do a downloadable SpoofCard Widget for Mac users. The Widget functions just like the iPhone app, but it sports a slick SpoofCard themed design. Shouts to sgnome for designing the Widget! | |
10/7/2007 - Natas | |
A few nights ago I whipped up a SpoofCard iPhone App to make use of their new "free sample call" form on their website. The iPhone App functions just like the free calls page on their site, but itsports the native iPhone-styled design with an AJAX interface. I know that not a lot of phreaks are rocking the iPhone, but if you do have one, I think this is a good way to take advantage of some free Caller ID spoofing. | |
9/17/07 - Natas | |
Were you an angry iPhone owner when they knocked $200 off the price of your phone you just paid $600 for? Apple was nice enough to offer a $100 store credit to those early iPhone owners, but after reading the fine print you probably discovered that only iPhones activated through AT&T are eligible for the rebate. Or so they say! Kase2 sent in an awesome text file on how you can still Get Your $100 Apple Credit Without Activating Your iPhone. | |
7/15/07 - Natas | |
I-Ball sent me some scans of some internal Verizon emails found while trashing, which reveal a few juicy internal numbers. Clickhere and here for the photos. Thanks I-Ball! Sorry it took me so long to put these up. Keep the submissions coming guys! | |
7/7/07 - Natas | |
After more than a year since our first and only episode, Lucky225 and I decided to do another episode of NSAT&T Radio for 7/7/7. You can download NSAT&T Radio Episode #2 here. Big thanks to NotTheory for hosting the file at Bellsmind. You can find the show notes here at the BinRev Forums. Hope you like it! | |
7/6/07 - Natas | |
Got some big news today! Project Wal-Mart Freedom received a major update and now has it's own dedicated site The site was put together by Dual and P(?)NYB(?)Y and was a long time in the making, but it's finally here so check it out because it's awesome! | |
6/21/07 - Natas | |
If for some reason you're wondering what I've been up to lately, you should check out my new site dedicated to everything aboutCaller ID spoofing. I've been working on that a lot. Also keep an eye out for some new Project Wal-Mart Freedom updates we might be dropping soon! And don't be afraid to send in anything hacking/phreaking related this summer. Especially if you get an iPhone. | |
5/5/07 - Natas | |
Royal sent in his famous red boxing article Red Boxing Revealed For The New Age from the Winter 2006-2007 issue of 2600! This version includes some new info, so even if you've read the copy in 2600, your still gonna want to check this one out. The artice is super comprehensive, just the way we like it! | |
1/16/07 - Natas | |
Thought Jenny was dead? Well you were wrong! The "Jenny" craze is still alive in 2007! Booter, ic0n and others completed theJenny Scan which is a complete scan of all the NPA-867-5309's in North America. | |
1/1/07 - Natas | |
What better way to ring in the new year than with an update to of one of our most popular files - Project Wal-Mart Freedom! Thanks P(?)NYB(?)Y! If you've got information you'd like to contribute to Project Wal-Mart Freedom send an email to ProjectWalmartFreedom [at] gmail [dot] com. | |
12/29/06 - Natas | |
I began to think a lot about where I see telephony going in 2007. So I decided to end the year with My Telecom Predictions For 2007. Have a happy New Year everyone! Keep it phreaky for 2007! | |
11/08/06 - Natas | |
Dual's back! He sent me a copy of the presentation that he gave at the last Phoenix 2600 meeting. It's titled Chatter Bug: VoIP Solution With A Problem and Dual quickly details how he completely owned Chatter Bug! Awesome job Dual! | |
11/04/06 - Natas | |
I just finished my first article on OpenSER! Most people I've talked to don't even know what OpenSER is, or how common it really is, so I thought I'd start off with sometime basic. A Beginners Guide to OpenSER is the result. Also, I have an article in the new Fall 2600 entitled Ownage by Adsense! Pick up a copy, check it out, and let me know what you think. Oh, and please keep sending submissions to natas [at] oldskoolphreak [dot] com! | |
10/22/06 - Natas | | has been updated with three new videos tonight! If you've never heard of Justin Petersen AKA Agent Steal then you need to get over to PhreakVids right now and check out the CNN video about him. Two new videos featuring Kevin Mitnick were also included in the site update. Enjoy! | |
10/03/06 - Natas | |
After my last text file reviewing Trixbox, I decided that I should try out Digium's new Linux Distribution, Pound Key. Overall, I thought that it was essentially the complete opposite of Trixbox, because it was so minimal. For my complete review check the text file! | |
9/22/06 - Natas | |
Ever wonder what all the hype behind Trixbox is all about? I did. So I took it for a spin and wrote up this review entitled Asterisk Vs. Trixbox. Be on the lookout for a new Project Wal-Mart Freedom update sometime soon! If you've got any dirt on Wal-Mart be sure to email ProjectWalmartFreedom [at] gmail [dot] com. | |
9/21/06 - Natas | |
Just wanted to let everyone know that the Bellsmind PBX is back up again at 712-432-9020! Does this mean that Phreak Phactor will be back soon? Guess we'll have to wait and see. I also have setup an Old Skool Phreak PBX at 712-432-7923 which features lots of different radio shows including Default Radio, RFA, Binary Revolution Radio, BellCore Radio, NSAT&T Radio, PLA Radio and Hackermind. | |
8/28/06 - Natas | |
Kurced's SkypeOut text file has now been expanded upon to work with Asterisk! I knew it was only a matter of time. Here's the new Asterisk compatible version. | |
7/18/06 - Natas | |
I didn't think it was possible but I was proven wrong! Kurced figured out how to get SkypeOut to work with a regular SIP ATA and a little ingenuity. The next step should be getting this working with Asterisk. How To Dial Out Using an ATA and SkypeOut See you at the Sixth HOPE this weekend in NYC! | |
7/09/06 - Natas | |
Dual brings us this scan of 800-NXX-NOOB otherwise known asNoobscan 800. There's some cool stuff in this scan so make sure you check this out and play around with some of the numbers! | |
6/06/06 - Natas | |
I started a new phreaking radio show with Lucky225 called NSAT&T Radio. Episode #1 was released today. You can find the show notes on Daily Phreak. Give it a listen and send feedback to natas [at] oldskoolphreak [dot] com. | |
5/16/06 - Natas | |
When the domain registration was up for, it was snatched up by an automated domain registration bot, and held for ransom. So the site has been relaunched, as well as redesigned, Oh, and there's a bunch of new videos now too! It's still one of the only places on the net that you'll find the episode of Unsolved Mysteries featuring the legendary phreak, Kevin Poulsen! | |
5/09/06 - Natas | |
P(?)NYB(?)Y brings us another update to Project Wal-Mart Freedom today. If you've got something you would like to contribute send an email to ProjectWalmartFreedom [at] gmail [dot] com. | |
4/29/06 - Natas | |
Dual sent me another new text file he wrote up titled A Brief Introduction to Albuquerque's Telephone System. If your in or around Albuquerque, NM then this text should be of even greater interest to you. | |
4/24/06 - Natas | |
Old Skool Phreak now has it's very own site search engine, thanks to Nick84 over at Now it's much easier to find whatever it is you may be looking for. The search page can be found towards the top of every page, just to the right of the mirrors link. Thanks to m2mike for the initial suggestion. | |
4/12/06 - Natas | |
Dual is back again with another new article. Port Knocking Simplified is his latest release and you should definately check this one out! Dual always comes correct! "Hacking is not about buying the latest gadget. Nor is it using code you can't see, learning curtailed at the end of the clicks. It is the do-it-yourself attitude that is the ultimate pay-off to the hacker." -Dual | |
4/07/06 - Natas | |
P(?)NYB(?)Y has another update to Project Wal-Mart Freedomtoday. The project is alive and in full effect again! Got some dirt on Wal-Mart? Email ProjectWalmartFreedom [at] gmail [dot] com. | |
3/30/06 - Natas | |
P(?)NYB(?)Y has written an awesome hacking text file... Simple and Effective Physical Security Case Mods I like the idea of needing a key to start my computer! Thanks P(?)NYB(?)Y! | |
3/21/06 - Natas | |
I was overwhelmed when I found out how many websites VoIP pioneer, Jeff Pulver, has for himself and all of his companies. So I got bored while I was sick today and put together this file called "Pulver Sites" which you'll find on the text files page under the VoIP/Asterisk section. Some of the web pages go as far back as 1996 and are still online. | |
3/05/06 - Natas | |
Project Wal-Mart Freedom has been updated and P(?)NYB(?)Y from Bellcore Radio is now taking over the project. Hopefully this means that there will be more frequent updates to the file now. So if you have anything to contribute, please email ProjectWalmartFreedom [at] gmail [dot] com. | |
3/04/06 - Natas | |
I completely forgot I had this text file waiting for me in my email!Qwest Key Contacts. Shouts to sub_zenith for putting this together and then reminding me about it. Keep sending in your 31337 text files to natas [at] oldskoolphreak [dot] com. Also, don't forget about the Radio FreeK America reruns on DDP HackRadio every Wednesday night at 11PM EST. Oh, and we also have the RFA Podcast following the progress of the show every week. | |
2/15/06 - Natas | |
Sorry for not having any updates in a while! I've been really busy with Daily Phreak. I've got some new things coming out soon, but today I just wanted to let everyone know that I updated myInstalling app_cepstral with Asterisk HOWTO because I was having problems getting it to work on my Gentoo system with the latest Asterisk SVN code. | |
1/13/06 - Natas | |
Stonersavant took my Asterisk .Annoy release and made a bunch of improvements to it and now we have Asterisk .Annoy v1.5. I really like what he did with it. He added seven different annoying sounds to choose from, the option to set your Caller ID, the number of calls to place, and the time between calls. He also added a really cool looking Asterisk Underground interface to the whole thing! Be on the lookout for another Asterisk .Annoy spinoff in the near future! | |
12/25/05 - Natas | |
The audio files page has been updated with a special audio text file that Greyarea put together for everyone entitled Spoofing Charge Number. It's some pretty crazy stuff, so make sure you check it out! Merry Christmas! | |
12/21/05 - Natas | |
One night after receiving a few prank calls on my cell phone from someone who wasn’t smart enough to block their Caller ID, I decided that I needed a way to get revenge if this ever happened again. I went home and Asterisk .Annoy was born. It’s very simple to use: go to the web page, enter the 10 digit number to annoy and your done. Use this with caution! Also, I have a new telecom blog at with daily telecom, Asterisk and phreaking related updates. | |
12/11/05 - Natas | |
Today an anonymous reader gives us a New York City 212-777-XXXX Wardial. There's some really interesting systems in this scan! I love wardials, so keep sending them in to natas [at] oldskoolphreak [dot] com. | |
11/30/05 - Natas | |
Thingking about switching cell phone carriers but fearing the early termination fees? Well Lucky225 can show you how to avoid having to pay them! How To Get Out Of Your Contract Without Early Termination Fees | |
11/13/05 - Natas | |
Beave over at Telephreak has released an open source *nix based war dialer named Iwar. It includes the source written in C and is released under the GPL. It has a lot of awesome features and looks very promising. You can check it out at Thanks Beave!!! | |
10/23/05 - Natas | |
StankDawg and Mickey Mouse? The Dawg took a trip to Disney World and put together a wardriving/warbussing text file.Wardriving with Mickey. Keep sending in article submissions to natas [at] oldskoolphreak [dot] com! | |
10/06/05 - Natas | |
Vox put unlimited VoIP to good use and did a Boston 617-956-XXXX Wardial. His formatting is uuber leet as he even included notes and the CNAM entries. Shouts to Vox for keeping it old school with the wardials! | |
9/27/05 - Natas | |
Don't forget about the Radio FreeK America reruns on DDP HackRadio every Wednesday night at 11PM EST. Also, the RFA Podcast is updated every Wednesday following the progress of this CLASSIC show! If you missed it the first time around, this is your chance to tune in! | |
9/25/05 - Natas | |
ArchAngel brings us Urban Exploration for the Social Engineer - A tongue-in-cheek primer to getting in. | |
9/18/05 - Natas | |
I wrote an AGI to integrate into your dialplan that generate a random Caller ID for every outgoing call based on the NPA and NXX dialed. Never call from the same number again! Asterisk Random Caller ID Generator. | |
9/15/05 - Natas | |
Just when you thought something couldn't get any better it does. Dual updated again and also has two new perl files! Dual's is a podcast aggregator and generates an /etc/hosts file for a box on a DHCP network. | |
9/08/05 - Natas | |
Ro0t2 sent in a modified version of Super Caller ID for Australia. Very cool! | |
9/04/05 - Natas | |
The phreak photo gallery has been updated again with more Defcon 13 photos from Rax, Droops and StankDawg of People and Presentations. I'll try to keep adding more! Asterisk Super Caller IDand have both been updated to work with some minorBellsMind URL changes. The old versions do not work anymore, so please grab these updated versions! | |
9/04/05 - Natas | |
The phreak photo gallery has been updated with a couple Defcon 13 photos. I'll add more as I go through more photos, but for now check out the OldSkoolPhreak COCOT and the OldSkoolPhreak Coke Machine. Classic! | |
8/29/05 - Natas | |
The Asterisk AGI programs BlackRatchet wrote for his Defcon 13 presentation with Strom Carlson are now available! Sorry about the lack of updates, but I've been super busy lately! A lot of new stuff will be up soon though, so keep checking back! | |
7/30/05 - Natas | |
Just in time for the weekend at Defcon, here's an Alexis Park Scan & Backspoof. | |
7/26/05 - Natas | |
Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been sick. Here's a HOWTO I wrote up for the text to speech program Cepstral. Installing app_cepstral with Asterisk HOWTO. See you at Defcon! | |
7/19/05 - Natas | |
I got my stickers in the mail today! Find me at Defcon if you want a few! Also, I wanted to remind everyone thatRadio FreeK America reruns are on DDP HackRadio every Wednesday night at 11PM EST. The RFA Podcast is also updated every Wednesday following the progress of the show! | |
7/14/05 - Natas | |
Today I have something a little bit different, but I think people will still find it interesting. After playing around with ettercap and etterfilter, I realized how just how easy it would be to block all VoIP traffic across someone else's network or your own. So I wrote up an ettercap filter. Blockvoip.filter. | |
7/09/05 - Natas | |
An anonymous reader sent in an article with detailed information on checking answering machines remotely! He has also put together an audio file so you can hear the various answering machine greetings for yourself! Checking Answering Machines Remotely. Mp3 available here! | |
7/06/05 - Natas | |
The VoIP/Asterisk section is growing like crazy! Vox submitted his very cool Asterisk backspoofing program written in Free Pascal for everyone to check out! Get it while it's hot! Backspoofer v0.1b. | |
7/03/05 - Natas | |
Three updates in under a week! I'm on a roll! Keep sending submissions to natas [at] oldskoolphreak [dot] com! Today Invision620 brings us some necessary information on Owning the Best Buy Demo App & Router. | |
6/29/05 - Natas | |
Back again with another addition to the VoIP/Asterisk section! My latest project is an update to the standard telco ANAC. I call it the ANNAC! | |
6/27/05 - Natas | |
Sorry about the lack of updates. There will definitely be lots of great updates this summer though! To start it all off, nwbell drops his file on DIY phone books entitled Making A Digital Copy Of The Fone Book For Fun Or Pleasure. | |
5/27/05 - Natas | |
NotTheory was able to generate a list of telcos for me based on how many exchanges a company serves. The list details the area codes and exchanges served. Smaller telcos are always good for interesting scans! Check it out and get your phreak on! | |
5/16/05 - Natas | |
The VoIP/Asterisk section of the text files page continues to grow! Asterisk Super Caller ID by Natas. Screenshot available here! |