Monday, September 28, 2020

Elyssa’s Mission~ Suicide Prevention


"Asked once why he wanted to be a writer, he responded: "I knew that I wanted to be a writer because I wanted to do something that had the potential to outlast my own death." -Ned Vizzini 1981-2013
Around 9 pm I received a flood of comments (62) on a small site I rarely
use or visit.

It struck me as odd until a dear friend called me just before midnight to tell me that my dear friend, Ned Vizzini  had taken his own life at age 32 leaving behind a small child from his parent's Park Slope home yesterday.

I encourage you to read these comments.  Very interesting and some disturbing. They were from a forum that has not always been kind to me. I publish the bad with the good so you see how cruel and ignorant people can be.

It was an article about someone who committed suicide due to financial stress.

I can relate to that. I am worth more dead than I am alive to many people and will cross post this late post on Barbara's site where I can speak more freely and expect criticism for being a burden on society.

I know what it is like to want to die. To feel that the pain of another 40-50 years is too much to bear.  
I am not suicidal but I have been told my life is worthless and I should do the "honorable thing" and end my own life. 
It ain't gonna happen. 

I may not be perfect, but I have fought too hard for too long to give up on myself.
I'm not easy, but I am not cruel. 

I am just finding my way after living through a horrific event that changed my life forever.
I'm not always nice or cheery or lovable but I am honest and probably the most loyal person you will ever meet.

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