Monday, December 14, 2020

Judgment Day

Dad. I tried to call earlier but the phone wouldn't work. 

Spoke with Urakov's nurse and they are fully aware of the situation. 

They placed another emergency order for in home evaluation for physical therapy and nursing to monitor my medication, my feet, seizures and labs. 

Scheduled tomorrow is lovely rose who comes at 7 PM. I physically can't leave because all the exits are locked they are not accessible for wheelchair or walker. 

So it's imperative that my Internet and my Wi-Fi is working so I have a clean confidential zoom virtual meeting with Hematology and with Urakov and Neurology they need to see physically how I'm doing and physically the status of my feet which unfortunately I am in fact it again 

Sorry this is why the next few words can't keep it to a few words. 


What I need you to do for me please tomorrow need to go in and either change my password figure out what my password is so that I can access my medical records and communicate with both Urakov, Cleveland Clinic, Vanderbilt and Columbia Who all have critical pieces of information regarding my condition

No I don't remember how I wound up in the locked out for Covid unit with no  Memory or way to communicate with no phone no radio no TV no one monitoring my labs by diet my feet my lungs I progression this is really important

  If I suffered brain damage we need to know so I am desperately trying to find that phone because either someone of extreme intelligence with Cvs products took it intentionally but whatever happened someone in too many people were in and out of my apartment and somebody needs to be held accountable for that 

 I don't care about pink Pepto-Bismol in the hallway I care about getting locked in the basement for 10 hours and the way to quality One for help and where to get out this place is literally literally a ticking time bomb 

And I say that with every single fiber of my being

They are in a fight of eminent domain and is very much a war zone. 

 I am the one person in this building that is connected to all of the other way that works now they're upgrading the network with 5G and I have been silent too long. 

I was absolutely delighted to wake up and see Joe Biden and Snowden back in the news. 

I have tried to take myself out of the equation to protect those love and each time I wake up from surgery I come home to find out the people who helped me along the way are sick or dying or forbidden to speak with me. 

Or they are just afraid. 

Well I'm scared to because I watch this unfold in front of my eyes for decades now since I was a tiny little baby and move from state to state the car and nasty custody and jurisdictional Darryll and now I find myself in the middle of a war between Trump and his stupid skinny white guy who's fucking blocking my entrance to the elevators because he didn't tell me 

I don't care what they say they are trying to do if they was really trying to help me they wouldn't Be playing dumb all this time so the fact of what Legal Aid went down and the fact that the Deb building management watch me every single time he left it into an ambulance and then lift it into special transportation 

The fact that since I've been home since I have this latest surgery not a single single time I had the proper wound care evaluate as Urakov order I have not had the full in-home assessment for and yet I have not had medication I have not had proper attention to my feet I have not had a chance to get the mail I have not had a chance to renew my passport I cannot leave I cannot stay

 But I can do the best with what I have. Ella some people think that my papers and I booked our trash or they didn't turn to the right page and they don't say that I've always been there taking notes taking photographs I think they have a great value to most normal families

We are not family that is part of my history unfortunately a lot of us are not normal families they're just too afraid to admit it

So I realize that it may seem as though I am pression privacy a bridge is confidential Aliti and what they don't realize that I don't have a choice that I was physically removed from the picture and digitally removed unable to make a call I was on I was locked out of the cupboard and there was no doctor there was no exit there was no way to get help at all that is single time they monitor I can use my feet my  hands in ability to speak properly and any competent professional but realize that I'm slurring my words and if I can't enunciate and I can't type something is wrong neurologically and something is wrong with the situation that all this weight time has gone by yet I'm still waiting for an emergency evaluation and I now have the CDC is out and they should be because I was there at the hospital and Melania was there I want to people came down here and no one believe me because I think I'm fucking crazy

They gave me a skin graphs remember they wouldn't approve the MRI for my legs but we know there's something wrong with my feet and my hands and that is due in large part to medical  negligence and now the brand  new skin they gave me is all  infected again because no one has checked then and  Karen and Seth are  physically blocking access to emergency life-saving treatment preventative care by leaving me in the apartment locking the gates and not letting in notify me

when my healthcare providers arrive. 

I don't care who I have to go to United South to get the date

 you want me to call Jill Biden do you want me to call the FBI do you want me to call the US Coast Guard dad they're already here. 

 They've been here all along because I am in a lockdown Secret Service come in today due to Trump and all the various actors that come by here  Recording all of the frequencies   

I'm losing my faith and say I have intercepted by voice thing intercepted I'll be at Taylor's watch Citizenfour OK I'm not doing anything and I we're all doing something illegal to template what all else I'm praying and hoping that that I am under surveillance and that the reason my phone is missing it's just being taken into custody it's proper care however I do trust there are deaf people that now I wear severity of the situation that they will not disturb my family my peace my recovery or any of the people I love because we are all   our own battles


 the changes that they're using in order to do only God does why by TV on my phone speak Russian North Korean t I'm Chinese I've been here all along 

  I refuse absolutely refuse  to let this virus harm the people 


Elyssa Durant Research and Policy Analyst

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