Do you know how badly I wish I could participate in this unfortunately my devices were all infected while I was in the hospital and on since I used to work with the CDC collecting data concerns me that there's a virus about the virus
I am absolutely unable to get a secure connection to my physician or even to 911 Eno red zone
I have complains about this multiple times I don't have filed official reports with Aaron and start however my medical devices on my iPhone and from now on about eight of them carry my medical data with that I will no longer reading the data so it does not record my biometrics and Fred's bed it to my physician or to the emergency as staff and I wake up and I am just dumbfounded at how this went and reported and I've noticed when I've been fighting about it and other people then Friday about it for years
I was a member of the Obama transition team and we built the database as we knew it was going to bring me neither was this risk I never dreamed in 1 million years that I would be the one at the end of the day he sitting here still waiting for emergency surgery I hear a year after they took me to the emergency room and they still can't get me in and they can't get my labs because there was a mixup and they lost them
Every single check my tire I wake up and I don't know where I'm going to bed because I wear device that transmits information to my physician and then I go to sleep and something else tells you not to short in the wire and actually you know I wake up to a two weeks three weeks and it's terrifying to me that as much as it is I have documented not only in myself but in my clients as well that I would still be sitting here and I'm down I planned surgery they may have on each end of June it is now and December and I have not seen a physician other than just one
Every single check my tire I wake up and I don't know where I'm going to bed because I wear device that transmits information to my physician and then I go to sleep and something else tells you not to short in the wire and actually you know I wake up to a two weeks three weeks and it's terrifying to me that as much as it is I have documented not only in myself but in my clients as well that I would still be sitting here and I'm down I planned surgery they may have on each end of June it is now and December and I Still cannot get my labs from quest diagnostics because they had a mixup at the lab which is the day the bridge now I've been telling people about this for for five years and people laugh at me it's in the newspaper there doing the Covid test and they have a contract contract with the health department said if you're wondering why Florida ?? is so bad I have 1,000,001 reasons to tell you because it's now Friday afternoon I have no medication I have no way to get to get medication or and I haven't had medication since I left the hospital and then the hospital gave me the wrong medication
We are nowhere near the end of the crisis I was studying the stuff for 25 years OK where is this could happen I didn't think I didn't know about that you'll be a deadly virus but we need to be a problem but you have to understand we also anticipating that this would be a problem with genetic testing and eugenics and so forth so of course there's a problem because quest diagnostics wants to make sure that the babies up here and don't have the splitter that blood so maybe it's a good thing it was a mixup but needless to say right now I am extremely extremely sick and I keep going to the emergency room when all I need is three steady and not to be in a literally in a locked zone with no fresh air and your freshwater I mean everything is as bad as it could
But there are a few people who have been really really good today and he worked really hard to make me laugh so it takes me about 3 to 5 days that they have to cleanse my blood but I can't get out of my building to do it and when they take them out of the year it away in the ambulance by the time they get here I'm already unconscious and by then they just did Feres leave me there instead of long-term care facility on lockdown had no telephone no call but I had no medication no water I was going to two people who walked out of there alive
XBut there are a few people who have been really really good today and he worked really hard to make me laugh so it takes me about 3 to 5 days that they have to cleanse my blood but I can't get out of my building to do it and when they take them out of the year it away in the ambulance by the time they get here I'm already unconscious and by then they just did Feres leave me there instead of long-term care facility on lockdown had no telephone no call but I had no medication no water I was going to two people who walked out of there alive there aliveNow I'm using voice activation right now but I've been hacked so bad that my voice activation doesn't have no TV F address and I've had no connection for him from before the surgery since I did actually since I did a documentary about what it's like to live next to Donald Trump has to be surrounded by Russian 70s and Chinese spies I did a documentary and I look up 10 days later paralyze and they fixed it was that I walked fixed it twice but I still I still haven't received any treatment or medication since I left for that by my everything and my doctor is an a fabulous so how can you guys let this go so long without saying he does something is there something broke it in the system
i've always always had an interest in coding adding a new technology because I knew we needed to find a way to transmit information to people who speak different languages or maybe just have different abilities such as autism so I learn to speak sign language balance of her and learn to speak gently and I learn to scream
And even though people are tired of hearing me say the same thing over and over again I am tired of saying the same thing over and over again and what's worse is every time I documented by email he has hacked and I can't respond so I can't get in touch with my sellers I can't get in touch with my doctor I literally can't get out of my building because they are unlocked I said no and they won't ever take the limes don't let me through that is so serious and it's so serious it's even more serious now but yeah I'm sorry to talk to speak up about it I've always just been a quiet observer knowing that you know what was going on and Mom doing for other people but I'm the one who stuck
I don't want to worry anyone I said this had I was I don't want to cause that they make a mess and I had to clean it up but I watch it I've been I've been screaming about that this is it that it was a crisis in January I literally need surgery immediately it's now you know in my forte the first appointment they had to see me is December 29 to test my blood to see if FIY my legs are so swollen and why am dehydrated and why there's a problem with my kidneys and what an awesome way to start at the first appointment is at December 29 and you know what it is it's a zoom conference and my zoom account was hacked and I have already gone through for iPhones for a android and another one that is in my family it is it it was back to work they were kind ofcI don't want to worry anyone I said this had I was I don't want to cause that they make a mess and I had to clean it up but I watch it I've been I've been screaming about that this is it that it was a crisis in January I literally need surgery immediately it's now you know in my forte the first appointment they had to see me is December 29 to test my blood to see if FIY my legs are so swollen and why am dehydrated and why there's a problem with my kidneys and what an awesome way to start at the first appointment is at December 29 and you know what it is it's a zoom conference and my zoom account was hacked and I have already gone through for iPhones for a android and another one that is in my family it is Not only concerned but they're furious because people are worrying unnecessarily and I can't communicate with them in a way that they understand because I kick it it's late but the doctors don't know how to code either so they don't know how to read that so I'm trying to find a common language that we can all speak it and I think this is a critical critical aspect of her talking about a worldwide pandemic
We have to be able to measure I do the contact tracing and affectively precisely because when they say oh it's a little low it's a little house not that big of a deal well if that's the deal when I'm in the hospital I've attached Luis but when I'm home and now it's happening over and over and over again I mean eight and I know because I've gone through it myself so I've been documenting it and fill him in writing and they're quite a few people who follow and it this point I'm literally I have I don't know what else to do because I've already short circuited three devices Safe4 I have a new Sim card for second I touch a second I can find my DNA is the same thing it's in the DNA I have had the Killswitch have a virus
We have to be able to measure I do the contact tracing and affectively precisely because when they say oh it's a little low it's a little house not that big of a deal well if that's the deal when I'm in the hospital I've attached Luis but when I'm home and now it's happening over and over and over again I mean eight and I know because I've gone through it myself so I've been documenting it and fill him in writing and they're quite a few people who follow and it this point I'm literally I have I don't know what else to do because I've already short circuited three devices Safe4 I have a new Sim card for second I touch a second I can find my DNA is the same thing it's in the DNA I have had the Killswitch have a virus how are we going to fix this?
Just to give you a perfect example of why am freaking out again it's just a Friday afternoon time is 2 PM had a fire in my first physical therapy evaluation was done supposed to be done yesterday that's like 23 bucks form it's too late I've already fallen multiple times I've already broken Editor asking if you times why are you spying bleeding and there's nothing I can do that because no one didn't want in my building seems to care about anything other than you don't keep in the building looking good for her to that they can impress the Trump people when they come down to YardSale and rented this app the
Just to give you a perfect example of why am freaking out again it's just a Friday afternoon time is 2 PM had a fire in my first physical therapy evaluation was done supposed to be done yesterday that's like 23 bucks form it's too late I've already fallen multiple times I've already broken Editor asking if you times why are you spying bleeding and there's nothing I can do that because no one didn't want in my building seems to care about anything other than you don't keep in the building looking good for her to that they can impress the Trump people when they come down to YardSale and rented this appSo I was able to vote because I anticipated that I might not be able to get to the election is in the hospital on election day is my birthday and it was the best birthday of my life so everyone's upset that they can't be with the family but you know what I'm just trying to let you know that a lot of us are going through the same thing as some of us want to get stronger and some of us why don't you just being one of the outline of the bullies to add their two week trust me I know the difference I know who's there for me I know who's not and if he's contacted me just to pretend like there is such an asshole
So I was able to vote because I anticipated that I might not be able to get to the election is in the hospital on election day is my birthday and it was the best birthday of my life so everyone's upset that they can't be with the family but you know what I'm just trying to let you know that a lot of us are going through the same thing as some of us want to get stronger and some of us why don't you just being one of the outline of the bullies to add their two week trust me I know the difference I know who's there for me I know who's not and if he's contacted me just to pretend like there is such an assholet
Please help me so that I can help others because I went through this for nothing and no one hears about the kids and the clients that I had who actually called me it was the first that I saw when I woke up I didn't know where I was when I was contemplating taking my own life
The bottom line is that Everett, was talking to Robbie but I couldn't speak and write out I couldn't write a house that didn't work and they were talking around me and they were separated was asking for certain things they said that they just said it was crazy I said I need water I need certain things and they try to give me medicine it was the wrong medicine and they kept doing it and I don't know I didn't even pay your medical ID badge and they didn't even scan it into the into the machine so I said I'm sitting here they discharge me OK here's the badger a shit and I'm sending this far in life because it's another Friday and I don't care what I have to do but I need people to know that this is what went wrong in 2020 and why so many people are dying
The bottom line is that Everett, was talking to Robbie but I couldn't speak and write out I couldn't write a house that didn't work and they were talking around me and they were separated was asking for certain things they said that they just said it was crazy I said I need water I need certain things and they try to give me medicine it was the wrong medicine and they kept doing it and I don't know I didn't even pay your medical ID badge and they didn't even scan it into the into the machine so I said I'm sitting here they discharge me OK here's the badger a shit and I'm sending this far in life because it's another Friday and I don't care what I have to do but I need people to know that this is what went wrong in 2020 and why so many people are dyingI've been to the game live in flying Tiger lI fear the game aligned long time and it said Ava stuff since I was like 19 or 2022 as well I officially start now I come home to a house apartment where they throw my bike documents and my diploma and all of my original research because I have all of that stuff and all the data and all the desks from the CDC because we wrote it and I don't have to brag about that be someone special I just want to give the information forward to the people who need it so that because this is not gonna end up well for Ray either way I'm here and I'm broken and I can maybe I'll write again maybe I'll break it out alive but if I don't I'm OK with that too.
I live in an area where they literally nicked the building next-door to me and they are now building 29 story Tower I come home I am right in the middle of it and all of the bagging at the electric customer apartment I can't get a radius is too much interference and I can't my body can't handle it and people keep coming in my neighbors don't want ice cream for three days three days and I passed out I woke up 10 days later to different hospitals I didn't know where I was at Goshi no ID no medical records they did not even tell me what my diagnosis was until after I got released from a lock down the nursing home in a Covid unit at That was over a month ago so basically every time they discharge me I'm supposed to immediate care and immediate follow up but no one gets here don't worry it's not an emergency well everyone say it's not an emergency it's not an emergency but if it's a Friday fit in it becomes an emergency because now and I have to wait till Monday or Tuesday so now I'm trying to make peace in my head that we're doing this again and I'll do it the hard way and it's gonna hurt but I'll sit there in my bag feet were bleeding and they're infected and I caught a staff and I go to every couple of weeks that they every time there's a holiday or a weekend and I had to be end and this is been going on for years for a couple years now the system is overwhelmed And so am I because as hard as I am trying to get people the information that they need to know what went wrong with the original test or that we knew what happened or how it spread this is the place to science it applies to both Tauruses play some medicine reply :-) it's all the same thing so the fact that I come home I get no signal so Aivri via justice I had to order a pad to order parts from China but he has a problem I can't feel my hands so I have moments where I'm very sturdy and the next thing you know I'm on the phone so I have a seizure and I I don't even have a phone here I don't have a phone I don't have a TV and it comes with the building so now that I am in so I can't make enough noise because I don't have anybody left I've been paying everything out of pocket
And so am I because as hard as I am trying to get people the information that they need to know what went wrong with the original test or that we knew what happened or how it spread this is the place to science it applies to both Tauruses play some medicine reply :-) it's all the same thing so the fact that I come home I get no signal so Aivri via justice I had to order a pad to order parts from China but he has a problem I can't feel my hands so I have moments where I'm very sturdy and the next thing you know I'm on the phone so I have a seizure and I I don't even have a phone here I don't have a phone I don't have a TV and it comes with the building so now that I am in so I can't make enough noise because I don't have anybody left I've been paying everything out of pocket pocket
I've been denied Medicaid and Medicare because I was a government employee without with a passion and if you were charging your family administration not eligible for any covet relief so basically one way or another I'm stuck here so I'm going to make the most of it and if I'm taking too much of your time guess what I've been sitting here walking in circles I walked 3 miles out of bed and what else nothing but time so put this into a time capsule because I'm sure I'll get in trouble for it anyway someone could help me everyone yells me shut up you're crazy I don't care nothing but time
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhoneOn Wednesday, October 21, 2020, 2:14 PM, U.S. Department of Homeland Security <> wrote:
CDC Foundation Data Collection Opportunity CDC Foundation Data Collection Opportunity On behalf of the CDC Foundation and supported by Deloitte Consulting, in consultation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we would like to welcome school administrators to be a part of a modern and ground-breaking data collection opportunity. We are seeking real-time insights from you to identify practical solutions and strategies that can help schools during this COVID-19 pandemic. As part of this effort, we are inviting administrators to join a community of your peers for up to 3 surveys, all 15-20 minutes in length. For community participation, you will be asked to complete 3 surveys over the course of a few months. For your time and 100% completion, you will receive a $20 gift card for completing each of the (3) surveys, for a total of $60.00. Results will be used to both improve and inform technical assistance as is relates to school mitigation strategies, and thus, improve our future products to serve you better. For any questions, please reach out to Kate Brouse, School administrators, click here: | | U.S. Department of Homeland Security · · 202-282-8000 |

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