Friday, April 30, 2021

DailyDDose (c) April 30, 2021 COVID

April 30, 2021 

My dad told me to clean my room. 

It's not like I have a backdrop of loaded guns on zoom like Don Jr. cuz THAT would be weird. 

I'm still looking at desks and table to do work on. 

I've been trying really hard to get organized but it's very hard for me. 

When Rose is here tomorrow or Sunday I'm going to lift the glass on my night table and clean the wood cuz it's very yucky. 

I moved a little bin next to my bed because I cannot reach or see the night stand due to my neck and back surgeries. 

I don't expect that to change according to Dr. Urakov. So rather than me adapting to the furniture, I have by I adapt the furniture to me. 

That's NOT so difficult to grasp. That's why we have the ADA and accessibility mandates. 

I want to get a rug / mat for the living room. My feet are terribly blistered and bruised from going out in my broken shoes on Tuesday. 

I have an appointment with the Podiatrist on Tuesday, May 4 and that's where I bought the shoes last year so I will get another pair. 

Cleo sleeps with me but I've placed her litter box on the balcony and then brought it in when it rained. 

I ordered her a new one with a cover that will be here today. 

I've completely rewired the TVs and internet.  Dr. Pottash asked me about this because he was pretty impressed and he told me how his wife was in the hospital for a month when she gave birth and the cable went out so he called the head of the hospital. 

I told him how the TV went out when I was in the hospital and when I spoke to Gram and said, "the whole neurology floor has no Comcast" she said, "ooh.. good. Just like home!" and made me laugh. 

Anyway, it's taking some time. But I'm getting there slowly. 

I'm sending Karen the invoice from Miami of all the modifications they made that she threw out in her haste and she will have to replace them. It's that simple. 

My meds are stabilized now for the most part. My pain is pretty severe and my hands have lots of pins and needles and numbness. 

That is all very normal after neurosurgery. And I still have considerable spasticity and "jerky" hand and arm movements. 

I am doing Thai Chi so that my movements are more natural and fluid. 

The doctors are trying to get my pain under control but my insurance company keeps denying any interventions so it looks like I just have to do the best I can until I switch Insurance Companies during open enrollment next October. 

I've switched psychologists / psychotherapists and I think my new one is a much better fit. 

She doesn't take my insurance but the only one that does has a two year waiting list and I got tired of waiting. 

I'll send more pics as I get more settled. 

I got COVID a little over a week ago. I am coughing and have a very sore throat but I got both vaccines and as promised, I got sick but I did not have to go to the hospital and die!! 

Isn't science amazing?? 

Love you all, 


Elyssa Durant
Research and Policy Analyst

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