Vaccine-Autism Debate Confuses Parents | Jul 15th 2012This page doesn't appear to be an article and therefore may not display well in the Article View. You may want to switch to the Full Web Page view.
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Sunday, 15 July 2012
Vaccine-Autism Debate Confuses Parents
Parents of infants must be really confused these days about vaccinations. They hear plenty of loud voices in the media, and from their doctors, telling them that they risk awful diseases if they don’t vaccine their tiny children. And maybe they hear the other side too from parents of children with autism who suspect the shots brought on the autism. Mostly they’ve been taught to trust their doctors, so in many cases they go along with the shots.
But in actual fact, many, many of these parents switch sides when their children start behaving differently after shots, usually after at least 12 months of age. Since one in 88 eight-year-olds now has autism, many of them with anecdotal evidence regarding shots, I’m talking about a large number of people. Don’t know anyone like that personally? Cruise around the Internet a bit and you’ll see tons of testimony, including before-and-after videos. In fact a recent poll shows that 1 in 4 parents thinks vaccinations can cause autism.
The media and doctors who are on the Big Pharma bandwagon are bludgeoning parents with the risks they see: risks concerning diseases. And what about the risks of vaccination? They never mention those. Vaccine risks are accepted by health professionals, and not talked about. They know some people will be adversely affected. But they deem the “herd immunity” to be worth sacrificing some individuals. It’s always been that way.
Meanwhile, most of the media are misstating the research on the vaccine-autism question, currently contested and inconclusive, and funded of course by those who have the most to lose or gain: the pharmaceutical companies.
If you are a parent wondering what to do, take a look at what a respected physician and medical school professor at the University of Washington has written out for you.
And if you just want some facts, comparing the vaccine schedules of today with those of 1983 and telling you the ingredients in each vaccine, go here:
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About the Author
- From: curingautism
- About Me: I am Phyllis Wheeler, mother of two kids with Asperger's: "Mike" and "Shannon."
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