Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The State of Women’s Healthcare in Trump’s America

A very humbling and sad situation that gives me pause. You would think women's health would be more advanced in 2018 in America. Sadly we are not. 

They never came back for the MRI but a different nurse came in who was the one who admitted me and put slippers on my feet. 

She changed the bed linens for me cuz there is blood everywhere and helped me change my gown which was also full of blood. 

It feels like I'm in imdia where women and school girls can't go to school or leave home because they don't have maxi pads available. 

Here's a great story about a man in India who developed an innovative way to make maxi pads available affordable to women in India worth reading. I'm going to call my pharmacy tomorrow and see if they can deliver a box of tampons to me at the hospital since they have my credit card on file and know me very well and are more reliable in a crisis than my own family. 

This is one of those situations where most girls could easily call their own mother who lives nearby to bring a box of tampons and some clean panties for her daughter who's been in the hospital for a week but as you know I'm not dealing with a normal loving mother and feel incredibly sad and isolated that this is and has been my reality since I was 11 and got my first period at summer camp and my grandmother bought me my first box of maxi pads at sleep away camp in the Catskills. 

She doesn't know I'm here and doesn't drive anymore and as a general rule I don't like to worry anyone and they most certainly seem to worry about me but I'm going to call her tomorrow just to talk and say hello. 

It's a very humbling, humiliating and traumatic experience to be so incapacitated and unable to care for own hygiene needs and to be placed in incapable hands at my age and I fear for the future for myself and all women in this new era under TrumpCare. 

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