Sunday, January 14, 2018

What healthcare is currently like in the Shithole Country of the United States of America from the Patient Perspective

‪January 14, 2018

They've got me on Prednisone 20 mg. BID I think. That makes you fat and moody. ‬

‪I'm already moody. Is that a high dose? Only temporary‬. 

Got my period and they don't have any tampons or maxi pads. They gave afterbirth diapers or some kind of insanity. 

I'm live tweeting @chilliepenguin the nurse tried to give another patients meds.  

That's how people die. My PT (same one from outpatient made the PRN request so witnessed the whole thing.

 I didn't want to file  a formal complaint cuz it's it's holiday so no admin or ombuds, Government or oversight body to contact until Tuesday anyway. 

 I've never been litigious and nothing is worse than an ambulance chaser but it probably happens all the time. 

I told my personal doctor who's been here to see me everyday (she's been treating me for six years so she knows me well) and told her, I'm not interested in filing a formal complaint but these errors seem to keep happening. Daily: the switch from Ativan 1mg to Xanax .25mg; they randomly switched me to Diabetic menu yesterday afternoon and an argument ensued as to my self report and their orders which they refused to investigate until I got testy. 

I forgot to mention that to my doctor but now I've got it in writing so I won't forget. 

After hearing about the latest issue wirn the medication errors, my doctor said, I can't NOT say anything. You're my patient. I fell asleep for a few hours and as soon as I woke up POOF Hello Ms. Durant, I'm Tonya and I'm going to taking over your case. 

She wasn't much better and there quite a few incidents where she didn't respond to my emergency calls with blood pressure problem but nothing too major but definitely notable. One thing that is abundantly clear and known to me a problem with physicians as well is that these nurses know absolutely nothing about pharmaceuticals and how deadly this can be if I was some random person without a doctorate in Health Policy, former therapist, case manager, medical records auditor, policy advisor to the governor, on Medicare Part D task force, Safety Net and Transition Team and contractor; expert witness; etc since 1995. 

You get the idea. I know the system and all of COMBINED experience allows me to know how serious such errors are that get swept under the rug because no one bothers some random death at a hospital. 

In every single incident that I've had to be assertive and demand or refuse the meds or diet or treatment I was absolutely correct and my doctor knows it. 

They treat you like shit, infantalize, patronize and insist YOU as the patient are the problem I've been observing the various ways they try to cover their ass when they get overruled by my doctor. 

From a sociological perspective it's fascinating and worthy of further study and gives me something to do with my mind mind and my time until I can walk again. 

I do not speak unless I have to since as you know can get very loud and angry when dealing with incompetence and stupidity that effects me personally. 

I needed shift change cuz they all know I got someone fired which wasn't my intent but probably saved a few lives today including my own. 

But I've the same nurse who admitted me and tried to give me Adderall at 10pm and kept yelling at me because the heart monitor kept coming off. 

I'm well aware it's a holding weekend and these are probably the worst nurses filling in until Tuesday and I can just write and stay out trouble as long as they don't make any more life threatening errors. 

Something else worth noting is that no matter how many times I ask for a patient profile (printout of the meds prescribed, given and ordered) they tell me they don't have it and have been told
It takes 24 hours to post or they can't give it to me until I leave which is a complete and total violation of the law and my patient rights. I'm not going to complain because I feel it will cause more problems but noting since this is something that needs to be addressed by the State the Feds and the Insurance Department but I'm not going to be the one to do it because I don't work for them anymore. 

I'm exhausted and will try to this up quickly but I've been in this field and I am too vulnerable myself to fight them. But I can put  this out there for my former colleagues to address and work on as Trump trashes healthcare and cuts Medicaid. 

This is a huge story and I know that since I've done quite a few of these for various agencies and the press including the government but I don't want to say too much to expose my name and Info while I'm here since that could only lead to my insurance company and the nursing staff treat me unfairly if they see it in the news. 

With that said, 

And keep my mouth shut and eyes open until I'm no longer in their oh so incompetent hands.  I will however push this issue when my favorite staff memtber returns from the holiday. 

They can not refuse and LIE to grant me   access to my own records. These are the same laws that require insurance companies to give a copy of your benefits which is also a well known problem with government and private  heathcare in both my personal and professional experience. 

If I push it I could easily lose my shit since I cannot tolerate abuse of the system, disregard for the law and exploitation of my vulnerability while
I am unwell. If I start quoting the law
to already defensive and incompetent nurses they might get suspicious. 

But if they bring me someone else's meds again and violate HIPPA showing mesomeone else's medical records I become suspicious they are altering mine to cover their asses. 

The blond blue eyes nurse I  complained of said she changed my patient history  which is illegal and dangerous.  

That happens all the time and even my own supervisor altered my client records when we were audited and had the nerve to sign my name. I'm sure you remember it well because I took the client records with me and turned them over to the mental health Court to protect my patients when they altered medication history to avoid a lawsuit when my patient wound up in the hospital and they didn't even have consent. 

If they are doing with my records right now which I suspect they are I'm going to push for a cybersecurity audit to see if they can  find  modification data in Gr file. I'm pretty sure that can be done but Ives  never heard of anyone requesting such a thing before. 

Healthcare records are notoriously induced and hospitals get hacked all the time. I'll try fo control my impulses to log in do it  myself.   I noticed a few computers out there but I'm not a hacker just a writer. 

Signing off as 

Chillieh Penguin until further notice 

Elyssa Durant, Ed.M.
Nashville, Tennessee

"You may not care how much I know, but you don't know how much I care."


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