Sent from Knowtilus App on 2015-11-27 16:24:38 +0000
Sent from Knowtilus App on 2015-11-27 16:24:38 +0000
SE Ops » DaveN || WORLDWIDE! Go Team #BLACK.
In a galaxy far far away ….. dum dum dum dee dee dum well something like that anyway lol
People have said a lot of things in the past few weeks about a certain competition V7N , So I jumped in with both feet, why people will ask, to be honest because I was bored. Remember I had a go at Jason Calcanis, and Blog Herald jumped all over me .. lol not Jason hmm
Well I had a go at John Scott recently mainly because I felt that he was having a pop at Mike Grehan, well I think those two have kissed and made up now so I'm not going into the details..
So why am I posting this .. dead easy, FlameWars can and do get you links. Ok the Flamewars rules :
a) Pick your fighting ground
Example Threadwatch, Notice Seobook is just pointing out a writeup on SeoBuzzBox, Ok Threadwatch is one of playing grounds like V7N, so if you're going to pick a fight pick a ground you feel comfortable with.
b) Get in quick and straight to the point !
OK I knew that telling John to suck my dick would make him rise to the bait … well it had to really, lol. Also notice the "officially NOT on the fence so you better pick a side" to seobook .. chances are Aaron wall won't bite back at me ..(phew He didn't) but someone would have to back him up, hopefully John Scott's Troll 
c) The response
John Scott returns his volley, it's a very good return, and I would have been done and walked away. I knew that people would post the calm down or stop being childish etc threads, but John made a schoolboy error he posted a controversial image of a disabled child ! ( now in his playing ground that might have been acceptable but not here .. oops )
d) Sit back
The community should now attack or walk away, top tip… you do the same lol (notice half way down John Scott post
BINGO the target .. yes a Flamewar should always target someone who is defending someone else. Mike Dammann steps up .. thank you lord a fool
looking at people like DaveN and Mike Grehan and their lack of class and manners. So should everyone in this industry be.
Class and manners… ok, Mike Grehan has these, so he may feel offended but not me
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