Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Me Too.

Remembering a night I wish I could forget. 

Chi Omega Sorority
University Park, PA

Trump is every bit as bad as Weinstein and DeVos may just be the worst of them all. 


Sexual predators, LOCK THEM UP!!

*Names available upon request. 

Me Too.

When I was a sophomore in college, I was invited to a formal by a "nice boy." The kind you could bring home to your parents. I said yes.

We had a pleasant evening. I certainly wasn't swept off my feet but we went to high school together so there was (or should have been)....

A certain modicum of respect and familiarity. As I said, no fireworks, so I was happy to go home and accepted his polite offer to walk me home.

When we got to my apartment it was just the two of us. He used the bathroom, forced me down on the bed and forced himself on top of me.

I don't know if I screamed, I don't know if I cried; but I know I objected in every way possible until he started throwing up all over me. 

Good god that was disgusting but given the alternative which was clearly rape, vomit was a lot easier to clean up. He left. So l thought.

I didn't call the police. I didn't call anyone. I waited to hear the keys rustle in my door telling me my best friend was home & I was safe.

It wasn't my best friend. It was him. He came back to finish the job.

Never been so relieved to learn that whiskey dick was actually a real thing but as we all know, rape is about power, not sex. More abuse.

The next day, he sent me a dozen long stem red roses. Like none of it ever happened. 
Still, I kept my mouth shut UNTIL he asked my "friend" out. 

The friend didn't believe and made some off the cuff comment managing to slut shame me by saying he wouldn't do THAT to a virgin.

I didn't like the girl before I told her and most certainly didn't like her after that encounter but out of misplaced sense of decency, I went to a mutual friend (her roommate, my pledge sister) and told her. 

And despite my warning and awkward disclosure, she went with him anyway. I heard my assailant got rough with her too. 

So no. It wasn't me. It wasn't just hoes, sluts, gays, bi or lesbian women he targeted. 

I won't even pretend to care. 


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