Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Time is Now: Impeach Trump

DailyDDoSe by ElyssaD © October 26, 2017

Before the United States and other Allies went to Germany to fight Nazis and Hitler years passed and countless Jews were executed as the world watched from afar.

It has become abundantly clear that "President" Donald J. Trump has embraced the support from White Supremacists and  Nazis who carry their flags at his rallies.  When confronted with the facts, Trump unscripted said they were "very fine people".

Trump receives letters of thanks and support from David Duke and allowed Mike Cernovich to visit the White House  Richard Spencer, Nigel Farage, Paul Joseph Watson; all known mouthpieces for the Alt-Right White Supremacist movement and the only time denounces these affiliations is when he is reading a script off a teleprompter. 

Does he know we can tell the difference?

Trump has only been in office for nine months and will be known for being the most divisive President in American history. He attacks minorities on a regular basis referring to Mexicans as rapists and Blacks as Sons of Bitches.

His hateful rhetoric only gets worse by the day and I have to ask, how long are we going to sit by and let this happen to our homeland?

Enough is enough. It/s time to impeach and indict Trump.  NOW!
Millions were killed before America deployed the military for World War II. 

I have to wonder what took us so long. 
There is renewed outrage once again demanding that Trump be relieved of his duties.

We saw similar demands and outrage after KKK rallies when A women was killed at peaceful protest.

For people who suddenly saw Trump for the White Supremacist has always been after  Charlotte, I have to ask,  WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?

As the grow shorter with a new season upon us, I am shocked that Trump hasn’t been removed yet.

I don’t care if they drag him let kn handcuffs or a straight jacket but Donald J. Trump is  by far the most dangerous man to the American people.

Elyssa D. Durant
New York, New York

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