Saturday, March 31, 2018

Palm Beach Puppy Day: Melania Trump Visits Hospital Instead

Are they actually trying to kill me for real? Surely this must be some kind of a sick joke. 

I assure you that ANYONE remotely affiliated with the Trump Crime Family Syndicate is the very LAST thing I want to see parading around my hospital room for a photo op. 

I'm sure Melania cares as much about American Healthcare as she does about immigration or CyberBullying. 

Stop pretending to care about the welfare of children, the sick, the wounded, the victims of murder and sexual violence. 

We see you. We ALL see you. And we know exactly who and what you are. You are not the Kennedy's for Christ's sake. You are a minor but only temporary inconvenience costing us millions each weekend and considerably more in public safety and community cohesiveness. 

Not to worry. You won't be around for long. He'll get rid of you like all the rest. 

No sympathy for Melania. She knew what she was signing up for. 

I've been trying to get the Palm Beach Sheriff or West Palm Police to bring me a therapy pet on National Puppy Day at the hospital. 

On the bright side, Melania didn't show up here pretending to give a fuck about people stuck in the hospital over the holidays for a photo op.

I can assure you that she doesn't want to hear anything I have to say after four months and one documentary later about the American Healthcare System or Trump's plan to privatize the VA. 

Elyssa D. Durant

Palm Beach, Florida 

Tech Request: Assistive Technology

Good morning!!

I've tried unsuccessfully too many times to turn a PDF file into a word document so I can edit and submit for academic publication.

Purchased apps but this has been taken offline because Yahoo purchased the rights from a third party and now I can no longer collect residuals or payment and other people are using my work and making profits from my intellectual property.

Due to pending litigation, the only way I can collect compensation or payment is by suing them.

They sold 67,000 copies and used my work in an insurance advert which just makes me insanely ragey.

I've tried countless apps and filed for DMCA protection but they wanted $199 to assist me.

We are talking quite a bit of content and it could be a decent amount of money that would really help me make ends meet as I recover from surgery and currently unable to work.

Can maybe someone just do it for me? Or suggest a specific app since the only way I know how to document that I am the original author is by making it into a PDF and sending the files to iBooks.

I know, I know. Sad!

I would be eternally grateful!!

Thank you,


Friday, March 30, 2018


STORMY SUNDAY: Trump Leaves First Lady and son behind in Palm Beach 🏖 Heads to Washington solo hours before Stormy Daniels Interview Airs – PALM BITCH
Such a shame he's already back. 

Protest: Friday March 29, 2018

Trump International Golf Club 
3305 Summit Boulevard 
West Palm Beach, Florida 

Call Mar-a-Lago 561-832-2600

They love that!! 

STORMY SUNDAY: Trump Leaves First Lady and son behind in Palm Beach Heads to Washington solo hours before Stormy Daniels Interview Airs

DailyDDoSe: Stormy Sunday

For Immediate Release, March 25, 2018

Trump has left Palm Beach for Washington managing to avoid massive protests and demonstrations in Washington, Florida, and took back roads home from Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach Saturday, March 24, 2018 to avoid protestors outside of Mar-A-Lago.

Trump stayed silent on Gun Violence, the NRA, School Shootings, avoided mass protests across the state, country and world to avoid protestors gathering worldwide standing in solidarity against gun violence.

Trump left Palm Beach International Airport for Washington moments ago leaving Melania and Barron behind in Palm Beach, Florida.

This leaves most of Palm Beach, Singer Island, A1A, Southern Bridge and Southern Boulevard and parts of West Palm Beach inaccessible and at high risk for terrorism including my home.

Palm Beach has requested additional funding from Homeland Security who works in coordination with Palm Beach Sheriff, Secret Service, Palm Beach Police, the United States Coast Guard, requesting be designated as a High Risk Critical Asset for Terrorism (including my own street) leaving much of Palm Beach and Singer Island streets, air traffic and local businesses inaccessible until further notice.

This will cost our city MILLIONS for in unreimbursed Security costs and my neighbors and I get to pick up the cost.



Thousands rally for gun reform across from Mar-a-Lago

POTUS in town with family


Thousands in West Palm Beach took to the streets for a 'March For Our Lives' rally.

"I'm a grandma and I would hate to see that my grandchild is dropped off at school and I pick up a body at the end of the day. I think that we need to have sensible gun laws," said Amelia Rose, a grandmother of four.

"Everybody has their rights. There second amendment rights, but it's to the point, where you know we're scared to be at our schools. We're scared to go to church. We're scared to do so many things outside and it affects everybody, " said Keyanna Diaz, a sophomore at G-Star School of the Arts.

President Donald Trump may have not been in Washington, D.C., but he still felt the impacts in West Palm Beach.

Many demonstrators gathered at Dreher Park near I-95, afterwards picketed down Southern Boulevard chanting and wearing t-shirts until they reached the foot of the Flagler Bridge.

As a result, Trump's motorcade was forced to take another route home, when leaving Trump International Golf Club.

His supporters stood by at the rally held in opposition.

Deputies with the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office closed off the entrance to bridge, but stood by to keep the peace.

"I'm not against guns or gun ownership but we have to regulate it. Gun control to a lot of people, a lot of people misinterpret it thst were going to take away our guns. I just don't view it that way," said Steven Lee.

President Donald Trump is expected to depart Sunday evening without First Lady Melania, ABC News reports.

This news comes as 60-minutes on CBS is set to air an interview with Stormy Daniels, a porn star, who claims she had an affair with Trump while Melania was pregnant with their son Barron.

Elyssa D. Durant ©️ 2018

Research & Policy Analyst

Columbia University, New York



Ban Assault Rifles in Palm Beach 🏝 County; Vote Smart; Vote For Morel

My friend managed to hug me in my hospital bed even without our "Free Hug" shirts on and totally made my day!! We met through Trained Peacekeepers in Palm Beach Co deescalating violence from NRA Trump agitators. Already on the ballot and my top choice for @pbcgov #VoteBlue

In "The Resistance"

Policy Proposal for Palm Beach 🏖 Study: Armed security officers are on the rise in US schools Florida can't afford it. Trump costing us millions, but we have no money for education or healthcare. Pull security detail from Trump & Mar-a-Lago and spend the money on lives worth saving.

In "The Resistance"


Thursday, March 29, 2018


DailyDDoSe ©️March 29, 2018

I was admitted and discharged five times since I first woke up paralyzed early January trying to get a neurological consult.

Was told in no uncertain terms, there neurosurgeon and have been told "there's no neurologist or [137/81] neurosurgeon in this hospital. Then I'm told I have to see one outpatient and they discharge me to home without a wheelchair, walker, transportation, a diagnosis or any kind of treatment plan and tell me if I don't leave I'm responsible for the entire bill.

When I explain to them that I can't walk they offer no suggestions and tell me to take a taxi and go to another hospital because I'm too young for inpatient rehab and that my insurance won't pay for transportation because "you have bad insurance."

They TELL me they requested a walker or services or a medical surgical transfer but that it has been denied and that I have no rights to appeal.


I've worked in many capacities as a private and government contractor and have been studying, auditing, advising, writing and advocating for myself and others and have served twice as an expert witness on health care appeals.

I'm not going to post my curriculum vitae here and I shouldn't have to but I've NEVER heard such a ridiculous line of bullshit in my life and I'm too furious and weak to fight the system right now.

But you don't have to be a fùcking scientist to google my name and figure out that I might not be the best person to fuck with for too long while on steroids before I take this whole god damn hospital, insurance company (and YES, the corrupt piece of shit Governor too) down with me.

This isn't just a lawsuit waiting to happen, it's a god damned revolution.

I've done it before and I'll do again. I'm not in this alone, and neither are the millions of Americans who are forced into medical bankruptcy, permanent disability or unable to navigate or access appropriate, affordable, accessible, medically necessary lifesaving medical care in the richest country on earth.

Call congress, call me, call your reps!! Now is not the time to sit back and be complacent.

I'm going to need some time to heal. This experience has broken me in ways I did not see coming but I promise you, I will not stop fighting and I beg you to keep doing the same.

Thank you for all of the love, support, patience and kindness. Having kind, caring people reach out to me across the world has made all the difference. More than you could possibly know.

I refuse to sit back and watch all the work I've done and the work of so many others go unnoticed.

Peter Morley
Natalie Weaver
Alyssa Milano
Scott Dworkin
Craig Anne Heflinger
Virginia Betts
Lori Smith
Tony Garr
Emmanuel Morel
Telene Thomas
Kirsten Olson
Roanna Carleton
Wayne Oldfield

To name just a few...

To be continued!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Lawyers Explain Why It Might Be Smart Not To Have Donald Trump As A Client

Lawyers Explain Why It Might Be Smart Not To Have Donald Trump As A Client | HuffPost
DailyDDoSe ©️ March 28, 2018

My dad told me when I was in college that his decision to take a case or defend a client is not based on whether the defendant is innocent or guilty. 

He explained that as a criminal defense attorney, his job is to provide the best legal defense possible, not to determine their guilt or innocence (technically, a trial doesn't result in an innocent verdict. If a client is acquitted, they are found not guilty.)

What my father does demand of his clients (and his children) is complete honesty. How can he provide the best possible defense unless he has all of the necessary facts and relevant information.

Knowing this about my dad, and knowing that Donald Trump lies so often that I'm not entirely certain that he knows he's doing it, I asked my dad several months ago if there was ANY amount of money Trump could offer him to get my dad on his defense team. 

My dad didn't even need to think about it. He wouldn't defend Trump for all the money in the world! 

Lawyers Explain Why It Might Be Smart Not To Have Donald Trump As A Client

"It is difficult for one to maintain one's appearance of being an ethical lawyer while trying to represent Donald Trump," a legal expert said.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump seems to be having difficulty finding lawyers to represent him in the widening probe of Russia's meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Last week, Trump's lead attorney for the special counsel investigation, John Dowd, tendered his resignation, prompting a White House search that has yet to yield a suitable replacement. At least six lawyers in the last week have turned down an offer to represent the president.

Lawyers and legal experts say it's not hard to see why: Lawyers could place themselves at great risk by working for a client with a reputation for impulsiveness and an inability to heed advice, who tends to undercut legal strategy with haphazard public statements and an itchy Twitter finger and who, as a result, may not be worth the publicity and likely future business associated with representing a president of the United States.

"One of the things you always wonder about when you're asked to replace another lawyer is 'Why?'" said George Clark, a Washington, D.C.-based attorney specializing in legal ethics.

Clark noted that many lawyers endure guilty or ethically challenged clients ― the right to legal counsel being something attorneys strive to uphold ― but erratic clients are a whole different can of worms. Refusing to take advice from counsel, for example, is a common reason why lawyers drop clients.

Trump's difficulties with staffing his legal team come as special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation is said to be entering a critical phase. While the president has publicly embraced the prospect of sitting down for an interview with the special counsel's team, Trump's lawyers have been divided on the subject. Dowd reportedly opposed it, and his departure clears a path to begin preparations for an interview.

Trump has, in recent days, also escalated his attacks against the Russia probe, leading many to speculate that Mueller's job itself could be in peril. Last week, the president ignored cautioning from his counsel and lashed out at Mueller by name for the first time.

Further complicating the search for lawyers is that representing Trump could present a conflict of interest, since the existing clients of high-profile and seasoned litigators may already be connected to individuals under investigation. Attorneys Joe diGenova and his wife Victoria Toensing, for example, were ultimately unable to represent the president as was previously announced, due to conflicts of interest with the case.

Robert Rizzi, a partner at Steptoe & Johnson who also teaches government ethics at Harvard Law School, declined to be interviewed for this story. But he too said there was a "good chance" he had represented or worked with many of the involved parties. Rizzi was one of a number of lawyers at prominent firms with large political practices who declined to comment to HuffPost for that reason.

One of the things you always wonder about when you're asked to replace another lawyer is 'Why?' George Clark, a Washington-based attorney specializing in legal ethics

Potential candidates for Trump's legal team are likely dissuaded by other factors, too ― such as the seemingly unending upheaval in the White House and among the Cabinet agencies.

"I think everybody would agree this is turmoil, chaos, confusion. It's not good for anything," Ted Olson, who served as solicitor general in President George W. Bush's administration and who recently declined White House entreaties to join Trump's legal team, said Monday during an interview on MSNBC. "We always believe that there should be an orderly process, and of course government is not clean or orderly ever, but this seems to be beyond normal."

Jed Shugerman, a law professor at Fordham University, said that representing Trump in the Mueller probe could also threaten one's professional reputation and may even put one in legal jeopardy.

Shugerman pointed to a recent episode involving Dowd and the circumstances surrounding the firing of then-national security adviser Michael Flynn. In December, Dowd claimed he drafted a tweet for the president's Twitter account that said: "I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI." The tweet seemed to indicate that Trump was aware that Flynn had lied to the FBI before firing him, an admission that could bolster a possible obstruction of justice case against the president.

Dowd's explanation for why he ― and not the president ― had authored the tweet may have exposed him to questions from the special counsel, as well.

"It is difficult for one to maintain one's appearance of being an ethical lawyer while trying to represent Donald Trump," Shugerman said. "Any lawyer who has observed those episodes is going to see that joining this team at this stage runs a risk to their professional lives."

Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost? Here's how.


Sunday, March 25, 2018

Chapter 16: What You Need to Know About Disability Rights Advocates: And how can I get one?

What You Need to Know About Disability Rights Advocates
Chapter 16: There's Something About Karen; Part I

I'm going to need a disability advocate to help me access grants and resources so I am never again left alone without any way to access emergency services or dial 911 when my neighbors can't hear me screaming for over 22 hours. 

It is 2018. We live in a world of smart homes, video and voice activated Smart Homes and devices, Siri and big brother. 

It is beyond my comprehension that my neighbor who complains my footsteps and ceiling fan are too loud didn't hear me screaming for help inches from her front door didn't bother or care enough to respond for over 22 hours while I was left crying out for help while on the cold tile floor for 22 hours before two girls TWO floors above me came down to check on me and called the paramedics. 

I am sickened by the fact my mother complained about the cost and inconvenience of driving a few miles down the road and the cost of hiring a locksmith when the building manager asked her to bring him a copy of my key when she changed MY locks without giving either of us a copy as required by law and the bylaws of the Condo Board so she could sneak in and out undetected for nefarious reasons. 

We are talking about someone who is so profoundly disturbed that I have questioned on more than one occasion if my mother is the result of post World War II Nazi experiments after reading her brother's extensive neuropsychological evaluation describing the depths of his darkness. 

He has an IQ of 185 but was raised in an institution for boys after the war that was designed to turn vulnerable youth into hardened killers and sociopathic military assets for the future. 

I've read the report. I've seen it with my own two eyes. I became so curious about the source of my mother's cruelty and psychosis that I took the time to thoroughly investigate the methods and experiments that were conducted in America after the war desperate to know if it was safe for me to have children of my own or if I was genetically flawed and destined to become the same monster who told me that my life and existence was so trivial, meaningless and burdensome on her lifestyle, finances and society that I owed to her and the world around me to remove myself from it. 

This chapter is far from over, but for my own peace of mind I'm going to stop here and go have some fun. 

Until next time, 

Chillieh Willieh on Troll You Patrol

And if anyone wants to know what I want for my birthday? I would really like an Apple Watch so I don't have to wear a stupid necklace around my neck that says, "I've fallen and can't get up!" 

Chillieh 🐧 over and out

What You Need to Know About Disability Rights Advocates

Disability rights advocates

Imagine this scenario: You're a wheelchair user who starts a new job, and you join your coworkers at a restaurant across the street. While Fred and Dana are busy raving about how good the food is, you discover the restaurant has stairs and no wheelchair-accessible entry. You speak with the manager about the situation, and she tells you that accessibility issues have to go through the building owner and she can't help.

What can you do?

You have a lot of choices, actually. One of the most effective options is finding a disability advocate.

What is a disability advocate?

A disability advocate can mean several different things, depending on what type of advocacy you're referring to. There are two main types of disability advocacy: legal and social. Legal disability advocates are lawyers, or other trained professionals, who litigate for disability rights on behalf of a client, government or organization. Social advocates are people who work toward furthering disability rights through social change and public policy.

Within these two categories, you'll likely encounter specific types of advocacy and advocates.

Citizen advocacy – This is the most common advocacy that you've likely encountered before. Citizen advocates are community volunteers who advocate for a disability-related cause; this often involves a specific person with a disability or particular disability itself. The common goals include community awareness, fundraising and long-term care of an individual who can't support themselves.

Group advocacy – Group advocacy is typically composed of various different types of advocates and involves advocating for a group of people with the same disability or disability rights goal.

Individual advocacy – An individual-advocate is somebody who advocates for a person with disabilities through a one-on-one approach. Typically, individual advocates are there to prevent or address any unfair treatment or abuse a person with disabilities may face. Social security advocates also fall under this category.

Legal advocacy – Legal advocacy is what it sounds like; a lawyer provides legal representation on behalf of their client and gives advice to people with disabilities about discrimination and human rights issues. The lawyer may also be involved with legislative litigation, where they pursue positive changes to the judicial system.

Self-advocacy – This happens when someone with a disability represents themselves to achieve legal, social or public policy goals.  If you're interested in self-advocacy, then visit this resource page at the Arizona Center for Disability Law. The Center offers dozens of free self-advocacy guides and presentations that cover disability-related legal topics.

Systemic advocacy – The disability rights movement falls under systemic advocacy. Systemic advocacy involves working toward long-term social changes that validate the collective rights and interests of people with disabilities. The common targets for this advocacy are legislation, policies and practices.

What circumstances call for a disability advocate?

Disability advocacy is required in a variety of circumstances— education, employment, healthcare, housing, faith, technology, transportation, and more.

"A big part of advocacy work is combatting discrimination and working towards equal rights," Zach Baldwin, the director of outreach at the American Association of People with Disabilities, said in an email. "But it is also about working collaboratively — with governments, businesses, various aspects of the disability community, and other identity groups — to brainstorm new ideas and create innovative solutions that allow people with disabilities to live and work independently and pursue the American Dream alongside our peers without disabilities."

On the legal side of things, a disability rights lawyer is needed when other options, such as self-advocacy, have been exhausted, or a disability rights infringement can cause an immediate medical threat, says J.J. Rico, the executive director for the Arizona Center for Disability Law.

Let's just back to our restaurant example from earlier. We went through the first step, which is speaking with the manager or person in charge to see if the stairs are avoidable or there is an alternate offer to extend their services and accommodate us. There wasn't. The next potential step is filing an administrative complaint, which means a complaint with the Department of Justice or the Attorney General's Office, or we go to the last step, which is a lawsuit.

"A lawsuit is always the last step to us because they take money, they take time," Rico says. "Administrative charges is one of the agencies that takes a lot of time; it doesn't really cost money, but it does take some time because the person in charge is probably going to want the agency to investigate, which means to go out and ask questions of the restaurant or business owner."

How can you find a disability advocate?

If you're looking for a disability advocate, then consider checking out centers for independent living, which are organizations run by people with disabilities that support people with disabilities to live freely and independently in the communities of their choice, Baldwin says.

Every state has at least one center for independent living. Here is a directory. If you're looking for a disability rights lawyer, then here is a directory of disability protection and advocacy agencies.

What do people often misunderstand about disability advocates?

Disability advocates are an incredibly diverse group, and the way these people advocate is equally diverse.

"I think there is an assumption that a disability advocate is someone who has meetings with their (state or federal) Member of Congress, or someone who chains themselves to something as part of a protest," Baldwin says. Lobbying Congress members is an important part of disability advocacy, but it's not the only ways people can advocate. "Helping to reframe conversations about disability to move away from the model of disability as something to pity or be inspired by is a critical piece of disability advocacy and something that everyone can engage in — even it if is just with friends and family," he says.

Legal advocacy has room for a few more misconceptions; the biggest of which is time.

"I think the number one misconception is time; I think they believe things can be resolved very quickly, and when attorneys get involved it usually slows things down," Rico says. "The reason is, once I identify myself as representing you to the other side, nine out of 10 times they are going to either utilize their attorney to speak for them, or they're going to go out and hire an attorney to speak with me. All of that takes time."

That's why Rico recommends you exhaust any self-advocacy options first, because if you're unrepresented then you can speak directly to the people in charge and try to resolve the issue. But once an attorney gets involved, the lawyer must communicate through legal counsel, instead of just calling up the manager.

If a lawsuit does happen, time becomes a crucial factor for everybody involved. The average timeframe for a lawsuit to be heard by a judge or jury after being filed is two years.


For Immediate Release: Trump Leaves Palm Beach without Melania hours before Stormy Daniels Interview Airs, March 26, 2018

For Immediate Release, March 25, 2018 

Trump has left Palm Beach for Washington managing to avoid massive protests and demonstrations in Washington, Florida, and took back roads home from Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach Saturday, March 24, 2018 to avoid protestors outside of Mar-A-Lago. 

Trump stayed silent on Gun Violence, the NRA, School Shootings, avoided mass protests across the state, country and world to avoid protestors gathering worldwide standing in solidarity against gun violence. 

Trump left Palm Beach International Airport for Washington moments ago leaving Melania and Barron behind in Palm Beach, Florida. 

This leaves most of Palm Beach, Singer Island, A1A, Southern Bridge and Southern Boulevard and parts of West Palm Beach inaccessible and at high risk for terrorism including my home. 

Palm Beach has requested additional funding from Homeland Security who works in coordination with  Palm Beach Sheriff, Secret Service, Palm Beach Police, the United States Coast Guard, requesting be designated as a High Risk Critical Asset for Terrorism (including my own street) leaving much of Palm Beach and Singer Island streets, air traffic and local businesses inaccessible until further notice. 

This will cost our city MILLIONS for in unreimbursed Security costs and my neighbors and I get to pick up the cost. 



Thousands rally for gun reform across from Mar-a-Lago

POTUS in town with family

Thousands in West Palm Beach took to the streets for a 'March For Our Lives' rally.

"I'm a grandma and I would hate to see that my grandchild is dropped off at school and I pick up a body at the end of the day. I think that we need to have sensible gun laws," said Amelia Rose, a grandmother of four. 

"Everybody has their rights. There second amendment rights, but it's to the point, where you know we're scared to be at our schools. We're scared to go to church. We're scared to do so many things outside and it affects everybody, " said Keyanna Diaz, a sophomore at G-Star School of the Arts. 

President Donald Trump may have not been in Washington, D.C., but he still felt the impacts in West Palm Beach. 

Many demonstrators gathered at Dreher Park near I-95, afterwards picketed down Southern Boulevard chanting and wearing t-shirts until they reached the foot of the Flagler Bridge. 

As a result, Trump's motorcade was forced to take another route home, when leaving Trump International Golf Club. 

His supporters stood by at the rally held in opposition. 

Deputies with the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office closed off the entrance to bridge, but stood by to keep the peace.   

"I'm not against guns or gun ownership but we have to regulate it. Gun control to a lot of people, a lot of people misinterpret it thst were going to take away our guns. I just don't view it that way," said Steven Lee. 

President Donald Trump is expected to depart Sunday evening without First Lady Melania, ABC News reports. 

This news comes as 60-minutes on CBS is set to air an interview with Stormy Daniels, a porn star, who claims she had an affair with Trump while Melania was pregnant with their son Barron.

Elyssa D. Durant ©️ 2018
Research & Policy Analyst 
Columbia University, New York

BREAKING: For Immediate Release Thousands rally across from Mar-a-Lago; Trump leaves Palm Beach without Melania and Baron Leaving Palm Beach on Lockdown at High Risk for Terrorism

Thousands rally for gun reform across from Mar-a-Lago
For Immediate Release, March 25, 2018 

Trump has left Palm Beach for Washington managing to avoid massive protests and demonstrations in Washington, Florida, and took back roads home from Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach Saturday, March 24, 2018 to avoid protestors outside of Mar-A-Lago. 

Trump stayed silent on Gun Violence, the NRA, School Shootings, avoided mass protests across the state, country and world to avoid protestors gathering worldwide standing in solidarity against gun violence. 

Trump left Palm Beach International Airport for Washington moments ago leaving Melania and Barron behind in Palm Beach, Florida. 

This leaves most of Palm Beach, Singer Island, A1A, Southern Bridge and Southern Boulevard and parts of West Palm Beach inaccessible and at high risk for terrorism including my home. 

Palm Beach has requested additional funding from Homeland Security who works in coordination with  Palm Beach Sheriff, Secret Service, Palm Beach Police, the United States Coast Guard, requesting be designated as a High Risk Critical Asset for Terrorism (including my own street) leaving much of Palm Beach and Singer Island streets, air traffic and local businesses inaccessible until further notice. 

This will cost our city MILLIONS for in unreimbursed Security costs and my neighbors and I get to pick up the cost. 



Thousands rally for gun reform across from Mar-a-Lago

POTUS in town with family

Thousands in West Palm Beach took to the streets for a 'March For Our Lives' rally.

"I'm a grandma and I would hate to see that my grandchild is dropped off at school and I pick up a body at the end of the day. I think that we need to have sensible gun laws," said Amelia Rose, a grandmother of four.

"Everybody has their rights. There second amendment rights, but it's to the point, where you know we're scared to be at our schools. We're scared to go to church. We're scared to do so many things outside and it affects everybody, " said Keyanna Diaz, a sophomore at G-Star School of the Arts.

President Donald Trump may have not been in Washington, D.C., but he still felt the impacts in West Palm Beach.

Many demonstrators gathered at Dreher Park near I-95, afterwards picketed down Southern Boulevard chanting and wearing t-shirts until they reached the foot of the Flagler Bridge.

As a result, Trump's motorcade was forced to take another route home, when leaving Trump International Golf Club.

His supporters stood by at the rally held in opposition.

Deputies with the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office closed off the entrance to bridge, but stood by to keep the peace.

"I'm not against guns or gun ownership but we have to regulate it. Gun control to a lot of people, a lot of people misinterpret it thst were going to take away our guns. I just don't view it that way," said Steven Lee.

President Donald Trump is expected to depart Sunday evening without First Lady Melania, ABC News reports.

This news comes as 60-minutes on CBS is set to air an interview with Stormy Daniels, a porn star, who claims she had an affair with Trump while Melania was pregnant with their son Barron.

Elyssa D. Durant ©️ 2018
Research & Policy Analyst 
Columbia University, New York

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Social and Mobile Tech Vulnerable in 2010 as Cyber-Attacks Skyrocket

Social and Mobile Tech Vulnerable in 2010 as Cyber-Attacks Skyrocket

Social and Mobile Tech Vulnerable in 2010 as Cyber-Attacks Skyrocket

Symantec report provides data on cyber-threat activity that occurred in 2010.

/ April 8, 2011

A report from Symantec this week provided data on cyber-threat activity that occurred between January and December 2010. The report also offered some predictions regarding Internet dangers in 2011 and beyond. An accompanying press release highlighted what some of its researchers deem "government-focused megatrends" and sobering statistics on recent malicious activity.

According to Marc Fossi, executive editor and the manager of development for Security Technology and Response at Symantec, many cyber-attacks come from one of two sources — bad guys with specific targets or bad guys targeting anyone just for the money.

"That's really what you're seeing, that division between these low-level guys who are just after everybody. They want the quick buck. The high-level guys, they're going after your government organizations," he said. There are rumors about governments sponsoring "high-level" attackers to get into foreign networks, but that's not something Symantec can confirm.

But whether they're backed by big government or not, such malefactors are certainly dangerous. "They are sophisticated enough, and they're working in teams," Fossi said.

Data from the Internet Security Threat Report includes these sobering figures from 2010: a 93 percent increase in Web-based attacks from 2009; more than 286 million unique threats; a 42 percent increase in mobile vulnerabilities; and more than 260,000 identities exposed per average data breach. Symantec researched malicious cyber-activity targeting both consumers and organizations from the public and private sectors.

"We don't do this as a wake-up call or anything like that," Fossi said. "We're just reporting on what we've seen and sort of trying to put that together in a clear picture."

The report also highlights major trends from last year that set off alarm bells, all of which could be perceived as threats to government: highly targeted attacks aimed at and launched by nation-states, which werer exemplified by the Stuxnet and Hydraq malware exploits; exposures caused by government adoption of social networking and mobile applications; and Web-based attacks aimed at government systems.

The targeted attacks are the work of the high-level attackers Fossi mentions: men and women who want to disrupt government or corporate networks or discern private information. "Hydraq was a targeted attack where a bunch of really big multinational companies had all been infiltrated," Fossi said. Hydraq was used to steal information from computers and send it back to criminals, a zero-day exploit, or one that takes advantage of a security hole that no one has developed a patch for.

Web-based attacks, however, are less discriminating it seems. These threats hijack applications or websites to compromise all users, not just those specific to certain companies or departments. Such infiltration is made easier today because people can access software that allows them to perform hacks that would have previously required advanced programming abilities. "They offer people who don't know enough to construct their own attacks an easy way of launching pretty sophisticated attacks," Fossi said.

Social networking is also an emergent avenue on the threat landscape for government organizations. And interestingly enough, attackers can use the technology to glean information about people without doing any hacking at all. "You can do so much reconnaissance work online through what people post to their social networking accounting," Fossi said. For example, he said, if someone posts that he is attending the Symantec government symposium on a social networking site, an attacker could use that information by sending a fake e-mail to the person about the event. The e-mail would look like it came from a Symantec address and say something like, "Here's an itinerary for the government symposium you're attending."

"If the victim fell for this and opened the e-mail, he or she just walked into a breach," Fossi said.

This opens up a whole new can of worms when it comes to mobile technology where people access both corporate networks and private social networking accounts from personal mobile devices. The Symantec report cited mobile vulnerabilities but stopped short of claiming that malicious cyber-activity was running rampant on the devices. Fossi warns, however, that the world could be on the threshold of a mobile malware nightmare.

"What I think is going to be the tipping point for those types of threats is going to be people using their mobile devices for more financial transactions," Fossi said. Once people use their phones to handle money, the temptation will be too great to resist. But as of now, laptops and desktops are the main avenues because they're the paths of least resistance. "It's still easier for them to compromise people through their computers."  


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