Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Wisdom from Dad

Wisdom from Dad:

For those who don't know, I write for several platforms, and my work is available through Amazon, Yahoo, and the AP and several others. 

Gannett cancelled my column when they were bought and sold. It's some pretty complicated intellectual property law but when I woke up paralyzed, I made all of my writing available for free because I felt that it needed to be shared with people having healthcare issues who might otherwise miss the opportunity to hear from a former provider and health policy analyst turned patient in a very broken system. 

I've sat by (literally, because I cannot walk) and watched as Trump and the GOP dismantled all the protections we put in place under the previous admin and know when to stay in my lane. 

The only good thing about this pandemic is that it is highlights inequities and disparities in health care and that it does not discriminate black, white, green or purple. They can't blame this one on Sexual Orientation like they did with AIDS, although Pat Robertson tried and they can't blame it on Obama since he's not in office... 

What we are seeing is a tremendous media bias and I have NO PROBLEM speaking in spanish; sign language or writing for free to get the information out there to special populations who are disproportionately affected by the coronavirus. 

Some people call me a libtard, others call me "Enemy of the People" and I've even been called a commie dyke as if that would deter me from using my white privilege and proximity and access to Mar-a-Lago from protesting there. 

I get letters like this from people all over the world, but this one came from my dad a few minutes ago and brought tears to my eyes so I wanted to share it. 

Thanks, Dad. For believing in me always. 

"You have to play the hand you are dealt.  The results of your first surgery were great.  Everything was coming back all the way.  It was terrible hard work and unpleasant, but it had to be done.  

Same again this time.  You have very good reason, even more reason this time,  to expect the results will be great again.  It was very impressive how you coped with it the first time.  This time will be easier.  You did it once and you know you can do it.  Some people do what they have to.  Others always find an excuse for not rising to the occasion and persevering.  I don't underestimate what you have to endure, but I also don't have the slightest doubt you can handle it.
Elyssa Durant Research and Policy Analyst

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